My sources in LA tell me that when actor Christopher Walken heard that a certain George Clooney look-a-like was doing cooking videos online, he became enraged and demanded his personal assistant film him making his “famous” roast chicken and pears. And to think, all this time I thought Mr. Walken was a great actor. After seeing this surreal and somewhat disturbing cooking clip, I realized that he hasn’t been acting at all. He really is the creepy, monotone-voiced character we’ve seen him play all these years. What’s even worse than this guy blatantly stealing my act, is the fact he cuts off the video just as a cat jumps up on the counter and heads for the chicken. What happened next? Is there going to be a sequel? By the way, on the very rare chance Mr. Walken sees this (or his people see it and call my people), I’d like to say I’m just kidding and please don’t hurt me.
ok, that was odd. did he make it for the cat?
be careful, that's one dude I wouldnt want mad at me!!
Aaaaahhhhhh!!! He's contaminating the salt!!! Did he even wash his hands after? He is a very creepy man I think the did an SNL skit on his creepyness. He's just a wannabee! Is that really his place?, or is it supposed to resemble yours? He should just let the cooking be left to the pros!
Very strange guy.... What happened to the cat....
Eccentric at it's fullest!
I like the idea of putting foil down on fruit that it won't stick.
I hope that chicken doesn't go the way of the gold watch from Pulp Fiction. . . .
your supposted to leave the top of the metal roaster open for it to cook right.
I would not eat his cooking. He's not sanitary enough for me.
Christopher is hysterical.
You guys don't get his humor.
And he's a good cook.
Who else but Chef John would post this.
How is a chicken unsanitary if it's
cooked at 350 for over an hour? No won-
der you call yourself Anonymous. Sheesh!
Love Christopher!
Not only is he a great actor, but he can cook?!
And loves cats!
I'll eat his cooking anytime:)
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