This is what happens when you have two food wishes in your
head at the same time. I’ve wanted to do a schnitzel video für immer, but
thanks to another recent food wish, I was also craving biscuits with cream
gravy. So, I sort of did both, and it worked out well. Very well.
The crispy pork cutlet part of the presentation is very
simple and straightforward, but it did afford the opportunity to share my new breading system. With all the time you’ll save, you can hit
the gym to burn off this less than light, but extremely satisfying meal.
I’ve never been a big fan of the 3-pan breading system. Once you dredge meat in the prescribed dish of seasoned flour, you have
to toss the rest. The whole idea is to simply coat the meat with flour, so why
not just sprinkle on already seasoned meat? We use much less flour that way,
and with zero waste.
From there, we’re not dipping these in a bowl of beaten
eggs. Why do that, when we can just dump one egg on to the same plate and toss
to coat. Faster, easier, and one egg is plenty for four cutlets.
As far as the cream gravy goes, the jalapenos and green
onion probably seem logical, but some may raise an eyebrow over
the diced dill pickle. I’m not sure exactly why I added them, but I
just had one of those feelings. Pickles and pork, dill and cream sauce, it felt
right, and it tasted even righter.
By the way, you can substitute veal, beef, turkey or chicken for
the pork without missing a beat. Anyway, I hope you give this easy pork cutlet, delicious cream gravy, and/or new breading system a try soon. Enjoy!
Ingredients for 8 Cutlets (makes four entrée size portions
of 2 cutlets each):
2 fully trimmed pork tenderloins, cut into 8 pieces, pounded
salt and pepper to taste
flour as needed
2 eggs
about 3 cups panko breadcrumbs
For the gravy:
2 tbsp melted butter
1/3 cup diced dill pickles
1 or 2 jalapeños, small dice
1 bunch green onions, chopped
salt and cayenne to taste
1 1/2 tablespoon flour

So the silverskin thing, I knew; the hot roux / cold milk thing, yeah; cayenne, obvs. If only you had a tappa tappa or the FSS... the point? CJ does it all the way every day, thanks for the education. That is all.
Im sure youve done the dusting method before. I know Ive used it and wouldnt know where else I got it from. P.S.: If you are using Panko, you may not call it a Schnitzel (also too thick).
Gravy?! GRAVY?! You made Schnitzel into Chicken Fried Cutlet. Boo. :(
We top ours with a lemon slice and a caper filled anchovy filet - there is no other way. :)
I'm pretty sure there are many ways. ;)
Nice method, so simple but i never thought about it ...
What was the sidedish ?
Also looks yummy
Thanks for the method, i also hated to have 3 dishes ...
So simple but i never thought about that.
What was the sidedish ?
Also looks yummy
Cold lumps, hot milk, the perfect gravy. 8|
I really don't like dill pickles, but I still watched this and thought, "Oh my god, adding that pickle is genius!" Great recipe, Chef.
What is that side? It looks really good. plantains?
This looks great Chef! Thank you!
Also, how awesome would it be if you did a 420 and\or techniques special?
Pretty awesome i'd say.
Best Wishes!
What were you hiding from us underneath the cutlets in the oven? Nice looking sweet potatoes?
Chef John, this looks great! I will be making it sometime soon. Also, I just wanted to thank you for Food Wishes. My fiance and I have been fans of your blog for a long time. You taught us, mostly me (he was already pretty good), how to cook. Mealtime at our house has become something we look forward to, we can't thank you enough!
I loved your comment, "I've never trusted seasoned flour." Neither have I! Too much waste and the seasoning is too lost in all that flour.
Definitely looks like fried plaintains... I will be using this probably with a chicken cutlet substitute at my next get together. Thanks Chef John for always making sure I've got the best dish!
Those are roasted sweet potatoes! :)
Nice! I like the breading technique - will definitely try it the next time I need to fry something.
Ever heard of salamoia? It's an Italian salt seasoning made with fresh thyme, sage, and garlic. For the past couple of months I've been putting on EVERYTHING.
Did your hands BURN after handling the jalapenos?????
Hi chef John,
I really do love your recipes and this one is sure very tasty, but fried pork during the summer? Could you please do something healthier from time to time? Thanx!
Chef John,
Thanks for all you do for my cooking!
Love your blog! FYI...Alton Brown says that it is technically not a gravy if there are no meat drippings. In this case, it would be a sauce.
Love your blog!!! FYI, Alton Brown says that it is technically not a gravy if there are no meat drippings. In this case, it would be a sauce.
Tried this and loved it! Added a dash of cream to finish
the gravy (just because I had it in the fridge).
Another Chef John classic.
Went well with the roasted sweet potatoes too.
Happy Birthday Chef John. The 4th Annual TASTE AWARDS is now open. I hope you will be entering this year. By the way chef, would a porkloin work in this dish? Or will it be dry. Please advise.
WOW. you actually made the is somewhat jaded, highly skeptical, food nut say WOW. Kudos Chef! This is a fantastic spin on some of my very favorite dishes. Just love it!
I will be following you frmo now on.
No Christy, he made it into a PORK cutlet. Weren't you paying attention? My tastebuds don't care. It was awesome that way..... Thanks Chef John ;o)
No, Christy, he made it into a PORK cutlet, weren't you paying attention? LOL I just made it and it tasted awesome. Thanks Chef John :O)
Is it just coincidence that I read about your revolution on Bastille Day? Vive la Revolution!
I made this tonight and it was amazing. And I have to show it off....
I made this a couple of nights ago and it was great. Thanks chef John for the great tips for coating and making the sauce. You are the best!
Made this today, and it was a hit. Just recently found your blog thanks to 1 daughter and have tried quite a few recipes. The other daughter wants me to stop making such delicious food! :)Thanks for sharing. Your passion for fun and good cooking is really contagious
amazing again...and a belated happy birthday to my all-time favorite chef...
can you substitute the dill pickles and jalapenos with anything else chef?
can you substitute the dill pickles and jalapenos with anything else of similar flavor and texture chef? Its hard to get such good ingredients in my country. well at least in my part
You make me laugh! I will also make this :)
why can i not print your receipes
Great recipe! thumbs up.
btw is it possible to use thickened cream instead of flour and milk?
Chef John, what was the salad made of with the apples?
Salad? There is no salad here.
Chef, I made this for my family.
They didn't leave me any!
Thanks so much.
This was an awesome recipe...I ran out of Panko so added regular bread crumbs and also shredded and grated parmesan (gave it such a nice flavor)...followed everything else exactly as presented (used 4 tablespoons butter, 2 tablspooons flour and 2 cups cold milk so not exactly everything) and this was another delicious meal I prepared from Chef John! I'm a major fan! Find myself saying "ENNNNJOOOYY" at the most random times! :^)
chef john! tried it and my mom loved it so much.. thank you! :)
Found your site while looking for pork cutlet recipes. Tried this and loved it. Wife and I had not had these for years. Now, we will make them frequently. Will use your method of breading on a lot of other recipes as well.
I just tried the recipe, outstanding dinner tonight... and thank goodness, I read the comments and made the roasted sweet potatoes to go with it. As a fellow 3 dish breading station hater... I love the dusting method. I am hooked plus I finally have a use for that oversized blue plate in my cupboard. Thanks Chef!
We made this recipe again for New Years Day with those slow-cooked green beans and everything was as bodacious as can be. While cleaning up this morning I took a taste of the leftover gravy and it called out to me, saying it wanted to be made into chicken enchiladas. More later.
Hey chef, thank you for all these videos. They have really increased my coming skills and they are much appreciated. So I was not aware of the differences and bought pork loin instead of tenderloin. Will loin work as a substitute in this recipe?
Yes pork loin will work fine!
Thank you Chef John! It was perfect as everything that I do using your videos. You are genuis! I enjoy everything - listening, watching, cooking and eating - and all the parts are my favorites
I made your mini porchetta, but there were 2 tenderloins in the pack, so I am just frying off the other one according to this recipe. For the sacue I ran out of green onions and substituted shallots; it was a bit bland, so I got a potato masher and mashed up the veg a bit in the roux and added a touch of fish sauce. Awesome!
I was nervous about those pickles but heck, you were totally right. So so sooooo good. Thanks for the great recipe!
In german .. there is nothing with jalapenos :D ... But nice schnitzel. ... 6/10 :)
The original recipie is not with pork by the way... you use meat of a calf...
Hey Chef .. greetings from India!!
I think what you created here is great, because it is so simple. Never mind if it is at a slight variance with something more authentic/traditional, coz unless you are breaking a law, everything goes!
I might let you know that I am due to start a Food truck using some of your recipes, which should be operational by October 15th.
India offers an endless variety of food, but that also means, we are able to appreciate all the stuff that the world offers (excluding some that the Chinese can manage, of course!). Carry on your good work.
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