And if you’re thinking I took the easy
way out here, just sitting around, talking to the camera, think again. These
things are like a hundred times harder than a regular recipe video, so you’ll
have to pardon all the questionable editing techniques. Despite the challenges,
I really did enjoy finally getting to solve some of these mysteries for you.
By the way, if I didn’t happen to get
to your question in this video, I will be doing the same thing for video 2,000,
so hold that thought. A heartfelt thank
you for all the support you gave during the first 1,000, and we’re on to the
next one. Enjoy!

Helping you double dip, one post at a time.
Watching (and rewatching) you cook and jotting down my own notes is exactly what I do, and I've learned a lot from you this way. So a heartfelt thank you for all the videos! And congratulations on the milestone. :)
I've never really thought about it until now, but your videos have definitely made me a better cook. I don't exactly take notes (I think my feelings on writing\keeping notes are similar to your feelings on typing), but I definitely tend to take your recipes and adapt them to my own tastes. I'm also way more confident now compared to when I first started cooking for myself, and am much more likely to just go to the store and throw a bunch of stuff together that I'm pretty sure will work.
So in short, thanks for all the videos so far. It's been awesome, and I look forwards to the next thousand!
I appreciate that you make the food the star of your videos. Thank you. I have enjoyed.
Congratulations to Chef John on the most down-to-earth Food Blog ever! You have served as an inspiration to me, and certainly thousands of other 'wishers' out here. I hope you can blog as long as you cayenne.
Another 7 years until you'll spill the secret of the hole in the wooden spoon!!
Chef John, thank you for getting me back into cooking. I remember how I came across your tutorial on how to make the twice baked potato and instantly fell in love with your channel/blog. Since then I've added a few more pounds and better cooking skills. I've learned to make these recipes as my own and even started to make my own cookbook. I find comfort in cooking and eating great food and I owe it all to you. Thank you!
Congratulations on 1000, I'm up for 1000 more. I've learned much from you, thank you. Every recipe I've tried of yours turns out fantastic. We love your inspiration and teaching. By we I mean my husband and I, after all, he reaps the benefits big time.
Congratulations on your 1000th video and a sincere thank you for the work that you've done. It is because of your blog that I have rediscovered my passion for cooking that I had at a young age. I've lost count of the number of recipes that I've made solely due to your videos.
Chef John,
I'll be brief.
You ignited my passion for cooking, and thanks to you, I am a better cook.
Thank you so much. Please don't ever stop.
Love your videos, keep up the awesome work.
Shell Knob, MO
You rock! Thank you soo much for your videos! :)
Came here just to double-dip
The next goal: video 2,000 in 3.5 years!
I think he can do it!
I think that may be the wrong video!
I feel the love Chef John. I can't thank you enough for how much you've tonight me over the years. Ironically I was doing a Julia Child's search and came across you're chicken for Julia post and I have been watching ever since. Best of luck in the future! Please keep posting, best food blog on the web!
Wonderful video Chef John!
Thanks for posting. How about you show up in the 1500th video, rather than 2000th? Just a little bargain :D
The funny thing about this video, as soon as we finished watching, my mom immediately asked, "Any new recipee videos?" LOL
I loved watching that, thank you so much!
This was awesome! Please never change.
I just wanted to know, if I start a foodblog where I basically copy all your recipes to my native language, would you sue me (no worries I wont actually do this)? How do you go about recipe-copyright and intellectual property? Really hope to hear that question answered in the 2,000th video :)
Great video for your 1,000th video and congrats to your success. Looking forward to the next 1,000 videos. Although I still have to go back and see several 100 to see all of them.
Just popped over here from the YouTube site so that you would get your double dipping ad revenue!
No explanation of the freakishly small wooden spoon? Chef John I can't live with this kind of anxiety.
Chef John:
Thanks for all your fantastic videos....I've really enjoyed watching them and have learned a lot!
Congratulations on making it to 1000!
Loved this video Chef John. Loved, loved seeing your kitchen. Feels good to put a face to the voice in the videos. The format you film all your videos in may have come from necessity because of lack of equipment, but it turned into a wonderful way to teach people to cook. Watching the food up close is probably the best teacher there is. I look forward to your next 1000 videos.
Being on camera is not about beauty standards, it's about personality and you have plenty of it. And you're so funny... Congrats for your 1000 videos!!! you did an amazing job. Wait to see 1000 more
That was a great video. Cant wait for the next 1000 I've made at lease 200 of your recipes they all turned out great friends and family think I'm a great chef but I always tell them were I found this and were to go. They use your blog now as much as I do a big Thx for all you do.
I discovered your blog late (around video 980) but I've had a blast watching the older videos and improving my cooking ability with each one.
So far, my fav vids are the beef stroganoff and the garlic ginger wings videos.
Thanks for everything you do. You make cooking simple and fun.
You're a great cook to learn from and the results are always bang on. My favourite is the Banana Bread, it always comes out exactly like I want it to.
You kinda look like Richie LaBamba Rosenberg.
That was awesome! See you at 2000!
No, Chef John....Thank YOU.
My hubby and I have learned more from you than any cookbook I have ever owned. I can always expect to hear him start a sentence with, "Chef John says....." When we are in the kitchen.
You are a joy and make learning interactive,
Congrats on your 1000th video Chef John! & thank you!
Woohoo! Happy 1000!!
AH-mazing! SO up for 1000 more!
And while we love your style of filming, you certainly have a face that belongs in front of the camera...very handsome! Thank you so much for all the wonderful techniques and recipes!
Hi there, I'm very new to your blog - great video! Very entertaining!
Thank-you and congratulations on a great first 1000 videos. I can't wait for the next 1000, I have many questions I can't wait to hear the answer to, hehe.
Seriously, thank-you for teaching me to cook much better in the past few years and inspiring me to try new things in the kitchen I wouldn't have, like anything not frozen.
Also, as a sidenote, I always knew you were smiling when you signed off with your catch phrase.
Loved your 1000th video, Chef. And you're right. While the "watch me stir" blogs can be entertaining and informative, Food Wishes alone has made me a better cook. Thank you very much, and here's to the next 1,000!
Great 1000th video Chef John, that pretty much shows the essence of who you are. Keep up the great work!
Michael from NY
Congratulations, Chef John, on your 1,000th video. I have learned so much about cooking from watching your videos, and can't wait to see the next 1,000.
Favorite video yet. You're a gorgeous man, Chef John!!
Great work Chef John! That video pretty much shows the essence of who you are. Keep up the great work!
Thanks for all the informative and humorous videos!
Loved how you experiment with your recipes - don't let anyone give you heat about using cayenne (no pun intended).
Love the Sopa de Ajo recipe, though I did not have your ninja slicing skills with the mandolin slicer, but I think my guests enjoyed the extra skin from my finger in the soup.
Chef, I did notice that you do not blink very often (a little disturbing, but hey, it doesn't matter with your skills and sense of humor).
All kidding aside, I really do enjoy your site and I'll be Food Wishing you an additional 5000 videos!
Congratulations on the 1000! Love your recipes. You and Jamie Oliver are my 2 inspirations to cook. Btw the Panzanella Salad is really amazing =)
Congrats on video 1,000, Chef John! Whenever I'm looking for a recipe, Foodwishes is always my first stop. I've made enough of your recipes that my cooking mantra has become "Chef John never steers you wrong." Thanks for the inspiration, for keeping things simple and down to earth, and for making me laugh. Here's to video 2,000 in a few years!
I found your site a few years ago and look forward to viewing your videos every week. I was a fair / decent cook before, but I've learned a whole lot more watching you. I love that you make the video's about the food and techniques rather than about you (Not that there's anything wrong with that)The bits of humor injected make them fun to watch as well. Anyway, thanks for all you do and I look forward to gaining more experience through your videos.
Chef John,
My wife and I have been utilizing your video blog since we started dating back in 2007. At the time I was pretty new in my career in the military. Since then we have lived all over the world, visited more countries than I can count on my fingers and toes. Our first recipe of yours that we made was the Black Pepper Crusted Pork Tenderloin with Black Cherry Reduction. Since then we always seem to find our way back to your page when we want something new to try, or to do something again, as in todays instance I am here to make a Carrot cake. Our friends think that both my wife and I are great natural cooks, I just tell them that we have a great teacher. So I want to tell you, from the both of us no matter where we are in the world, Thank you! Keep doing what your doing!
- Warren
Chef John,
Thank you a thousand thousand times for all the great recipes!
I am forever grateful.
I think someone is plagiarising your website. I was searching for your carrot cake recipe when I came across this :
The posts are copied word for word. If this site isn't yours as well, please do check into it and give him/her hell from us!
- from someone who's been following your blog for a decade now! Cheers!
Thank you Chef John. I think we (your viewers) are the real winners here. Looking forward to the next thousand.
Great video Chef John and great idea for #1,000 - I've wondered about these questions myself but I need not wonder anymore. Keep up the great blog and we'll be watching...I love your recipes and style of cooking and talking through what you're doing. Here's to a few 1000 more videos to come....
Thank you so much Chef John, you are the best. I come here all the time just to help you with that double dipping.
Chef John,
Quite simply, I'm a better cook because of you. Thank you.
For the past two months I have made one of your recipes everyday. I have yet to try one that hasn't been absolutely delicious. You are a hero in my house. I have learned so much from you & you've made cooking fun. Thank you, thank you, thank you chef!!!!
Thanks for all the videos Chef John and congratulations on video 1000. The videos are easy to watch and have greatly expanded my kitchen skills starting with "almost but not quite blackened pork chops".
Best wishes for many more videos.
Thank YOU Chef for giving us the opportunity to learn to cook. And for sharing your amazing recipes with us. They have renewed my drive to cook, and to create in the kitchen. Here's to the next 1000! Off to help you double dip some more as I make Cassoulet! Wish me luck!
Loved your video. Laughed the whole video!
Dear Chef John, The comments above have expressed the many ingredients that all come together to make YOU our FAVORITE online CHEF! All I can add is my congratulations on this milestone and my heartfelt thanks! <3 ~Toshiko
I love your voice, your unassuming style, your recipes, and cayenne of course. I don't cook, but you're teaching me and I'm actually enjoying it. Congratulations on your 1,000th video and here's to another thousand more. You're the best.
You and Ina Garten are my favorites! (And early Cooking With a Dog videos--her veg prep is pretty impressive!)
Huzzah, congrats! Thanks for the nifty kitchen tour.
Chef John-I love you with the heat of a 1000 suns (or gas stove tops) hope that doesn't creep you out. Thank you so much for teaching me how to cook. I look forward to being inspired each week with your blog.
I am so glad you ended with that line! I enjoyed every moment of that video and have severe kitchen envy. Pretty sure I'll be buying a new curtain rod soon!
Greetings and congrats chef! Incidentally, not that my finicky lady-friend would ever admit to it, but me do thinks dat she be a fan of yours as well. Thanks! You're da' bestest!
I like that pig picture. I wish we'd seen it up close. And it's absolutely ethical for you to double dip on ads. You're not charging us anything for this instruction. People forget how amazing it is to be living in 2014 when we can take cooking classes from home and pay nothing but a couple of page clicks. I'm learning so much from you. Here's to a thousand more.
Congratulations on 1000 videos!! You're videos are not just instructional, they are highly entertaining! You helped me discover I have a true love for cooking. Not only that, but my oldest son got in the kitchen with me and learned to cook via your videos - Due to this, I felt confident he would not starve when he left for College. He now calls and asks if I have seen your latest video. So a sincere thank you!!
Do you still have the freakishly small wooden spoon? I haven't seen you use it in a while...
I have learned much from you, good sir. Congratulations on the first 1000 videos. You have made the kitchen an awesome place to experiment on stuff. You make me aspire to create better food than I thought I could. Thank you!
Really cool 1000 episode video :)
Chef John, I thank you for creating this blog and amazing food, which I always find delicious and spiced with some humor.
You are an amazing person, blogger and chef. I'm always driven to your site for what to cook next.
I learn how to cook great food because of you and your blog.
1000 more videos to come :)
Thank you for being such an inspiration
Cristina from Norway
I have not learnt from your absolute recipes, Chef John.
What I have learnt from is the ideal. The idea that cooking is an art, not a science.
I have learnt that eating is not about just putting food into your mouth. There are different layers of the food, different tastes.
Thank you.
After 30 plus years of marriage I want to thank you for getting my husband in the kitchen. I love to cook but do appreciate a night off ever now and then. After watching your video and laughing along the way, he now believes he can learn to cook. Thanks!
Watching your videos is a part of my daily routine. I love and appreciate the advice and ideas I get from your site. I've learned a lot. Great job Chef! Thanks!!
Thanks Chef! One of the most memorable things I've learned from you is that other TV chefs and cookbook authors have no idea how hot medium-high is and no idea how big 1/4" is. I noticed in some of your early videos (been watching for a while) the amount of flame on your burner when you would let the shot linger for a second after removing a pan. That helped me immensely to actually see how much heat you were using. So many chefs say medium-high and then you finally realize that the amount of heat they're using is 3/10. Thanks again. Here's to another 1,000 videos.
Dear Chef
Congratulations on your vid nr. 1000, wish you`ll never stop! Thanks a lot for all your inspiration through the years, you have helped me and my family enjoy so many delicious meals.
-Chris, your No.1 fan from Norway
Awesome video...Loved seeing your kitchen...Your videos are unique...that's why I have you on my home page...Thanks for being "YOU"!
You're beautiful Chef John.
Chef John focuses on the food, and all you see of him (in his cooking videos) are his hands. I like Chef John because (I think) we have a compatible philosophy to cooking… and by extension, Life. These are:
Top Ten Life Lessons I gleaned from or that were validated by Chef John (of Food Wishes).
10 Focus on the Essential. Other video food bloggers have a wide shot of the chef talking with brief cuts to the food, preparation area, frying pan occasionally. Chef John keeps the focus on the food and the preparation process. That’s why we love him. He’s not a egotistical narcissist (compared to say, Stephen Colbert).
9 Perfectionists have no place in the kitchen. Or Life. At least not in my life. Chef John has said it several times. If you are a perfectionist, you shouldn’t be in the kitchen. Like the kitchen, life is never perfect. Things never turn out EXACTLY like you planned. Deal.
8 Go with the flow. Adapt. Cooking is the art of making your mistakes taste GREAT. Or come up with a great new recipe. Which brings us to,
7 Recipes are just general guidelines, not rules. YOU decide how much cayenne to put into that casserole. Speaking of which,
6 You are the master of your kitchen/life. You decide what to put into it, and how much. (And you should always, ALWAYS put cayenne/chillis/spices. See lesson 4.)
5 THEN again, there are times when you need to follow rules. So sometimes, there is no “salt to taste” and you need to put in EXACTLY 1 teaspoon of salt (or whatever). The secret to life, the universe and everything (including the kitchen/kitchen sink) is knowing when you must follow the rules EXACTLY, and when you can bend them without causing a rift in the Space/Time continuum.
4 You should always put some cayenne in your food/life (except when you shouldn’t). What’s life without some heat, some passion?
3 Great cooks are INCAPABLE of following recipes exactly. Similarly, great people are unwilling to be bound by rules, by convention, by tradition. There is a difference between a cook and someone who can follow a recipe.
2 Everyone should knead dough at least once in their life. (No, not “need dough”, although that will happen too).
1 Always start with good ingredients.
2 things:
the microphone looks like a Nutribullet blender and
u should've had your wife on.
But thanks!
It looks like you're holding a marital aid.
I guess I'll hang onto my question for 6 more years.
Thank you to everyone for all the amazing comments! I'm overwhelmed. You're all too kind, but I appreciate all the inspiration.
Freakishly small wooden spoon? Gift from the above Average Betty a la Estonia.
Chef John I think you are AMAZING!!! Enjoyed your 1,000 video!
Chef John....I'm a newbie blogger and you have been my biggest inspiration.
Please keep up the tremendous work!
P.S....if I ever see you on the street I'll probably hug you......just roll with it....I promise it will only be semi creepy.
Your method worked for me.
I always sit down, watched your videos, taken notes, written "my own recipe" and then went and made it.
Surprisingly enough, following your method my recipes have come out looking closer to the promised outcome than any other recipe website out there. Through observation and repetition, my cooking skills have improved considerably in the last year or so I've been following your blog.
I rarely take the time to write, but I read your blog several times a week, and it's the best out there. Thank you very much, you've improved my life and tummy more than you can imagine. Keep up the good work.
I'm definitely up for 1000 more! I just started watching but I'm hooked.
You have definitely added many recipes to my recipe box! You're the best!!
Chef John, I really enjoyed this video. It has been a few years since I started watching your video recipes. And I have learned so much about cooking from you. Thank you very much for all the delicious recipes and all the good memories that came along with them.
chef john! muchísimas gracias por todo, he aprendido mucho viendo tus videos, y cada día aprendo mas. thank you!
(sorri about the spanish, Greetings from chile!)
Wow! 1000 videos already? Thank you so much for all your funny and insightful cooking videos. Foodwishes is where I learned how to cook and I'm ever thankful to you. Btw, thanks for the kitchen tour - I enjoyed that part of the video most of all! May I know the brand of stove you have (for future kitchen remodeling reference)?
Home run Chef John! Congrats and best wishes for many, many more Foodwishes!
a) el lobo is not
b) do not ever loose your loopy/quirky/fantasticaly interesting sense of humour
c) you missed the opportunity for a family hug especially with that ever-supportive partner
d)passion is really our mission and you obviously have yours and have inspired many of us to ours .... thank you, thank you
no whoa, first 46.7
Wow Michele Bachmann! I'm so sorry I'm living in MN! But I LOVE your videos for precisely the reason you mentioned, make my own. Yes, I do. I don't like pork, so I omit that on a regular basis. Now I need a recipe that uses lots of roma tomatoes. Have one?
I love your corny humor too, by the way.
Dear Chef,
Words cannot express how much you've changed my life. Your blog is by far the best food show/course in media. I have always hated the food network because it was always about the celebrity rather than the technique. I first started to really learn how to cook back in 2007. A chef friend of mine taught me basics and put me on the path. However, when I found your blog back in 2008 it was like a bolt lightening. You brought me to an entirely different level of confidence and skill. For years now, I've been cooking on an almost nightly basis, constantly trying new recipes and even creating my own. I even have been hosting 20+ person dinner parties with nothing but raves.
I owe my true love of cooking and new found popularity to you. Please don't ever stop!!!
By the way, the format is PERFECT for learning. Looking at some pompous ass on Food Network is pointless. Although I do like Giadia ;-)
Best food blogger. Ever. I've been watching for years and have learned countless techniques that have definitely made me a better cook. I always enjoy your videos and recipes, but most importantly, I hope you enjoy doing it as well.
To 1000 more!
I would say that you are cleverly handsome. It is nice to put a face to that voice.
On your last question I really agree with you and that is exactly what i do when I cook. I get all my ingredients turn on my iPad and get cooking. I made so many of your receipts. My kids love the carrot cake.
Congrats on 1000 videos. I'm a long time fan (mid-2007) and have learned a lot from you. Here's to the next 1000. Cheers!
Been watching you, - and when I say "you" I mean your food :-) - for 4 years now. Yes, I've learned a lot of techniques which have made me a more powerful and creative chef, and I've learned cool foodie things I never knew. Oh yeah, and I've made some awesome food that friends and family have enjoyed. Always appreciate the humor and candor in your videos, chef! And congrats for your success!
The original video that got me to your site was video #500 - carving an apple into a swan!
Congrats again from Pleasanton!
Its super unreal to see the man himself talking! (On camera, i mean)
Anyway, congrats on 1000! (This comment is late XD) i like how you're so open about the whole revenue thing ahahha. Figured out as much anyway XD
Congrats on your 1000th video Chef John!!
i really like your videos! greetings from Argentina
Chef John, love all your video!
Question: What kind/brand of Cyanne pepper do you use? or does it matter if you are using a higher quality vs lower quality?
It really doesn't matter, as long as it's pure cayenne pepper, it will work great! Thanks!
Hi. I am new to foodwishes and I enjoy it very much. I am glad you made that video because I thought you were a voice over not the actual chef. I am glad you put a face to the voice. I have tried the Irish soda bread and hope to try many more. I like the format of the videos because I get to actually see what you are doing instead of trying to understand the directions on my own. You are on my bookmark so I can quickly refer to your page. Thank you!
Hello, Love your blog and videos and totally understand the "make money" aspect. I'm surprised you don't take that one step further and include buying links for the items you are using in a video. Would love to know what kitchen utensils you have found to be of quality, that you utilize every day? Thanks again for a wonderful resource.
Seeing you actually say your tag line made me happy! Thank you Chef John.
What was your first "you are the ___ of your ___" phrase? I get a kick out of them. Some of them are funny; others are punny. After all, you are the Busta of Rhymes and the Attila the Hun of puns.
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