Since that’s not going to happen anytime soon (hey, you’re
busy, and they can’t afford your rates anyway), why not do the next best thing,
and make them learn themselves? With any luck, they’ll practice their
“homework” on you. Plus, think of all the time you’ll save wrapping a present.
In case you’re wondering, while I completely
stand behind this offering, I'm not personally involved in the course
instruction, nor do I directly profit from subscriptions to the school. For
more info, head over to Enjoy!
Christmas Cookie Decorating Ideas
I’m not much of a cookie guy, and even less of a decorating
cookie guy; so, since I’m no help, I thought I’d pass along this great
post by Karen Gaudette, called “21 Fun And Creative Cookie Decorating Ideas. Because Christmas.”
Ironically, the ultimate goal with this kind of thing is to
make a cookie so amazing, so intricate, and so visually arresting, that no one
would dare bite into it. “How were the cookies? No idea, they were too nice to
eat.” Just imagine. Enjoy!

I hereby declare that all "decorating cookie guys" should have their manhood card irrevocably revoked. Thanks anyways and Happy Holidays!
the hedgehog cookies are adorable.
it wouldn't save them though ]:)
You may want to mention to your friends at that women aren't the only gender that cooks. Viewing the video introducing their cooking instruction program, all on-screen interviews, comments, and voices are women, with the exception of a 2 second shot of a man looking confused as a woman does something with food. C'mon - at least acknowledge that guys cook. Market to us too.
I tried the first video in the All Recipes cooking school, and I thought it was terrible, useless. The topic was cooking eggs. Seems suited to 9 year olds. The real AllRecipes cooking school should be a link to this site in my opinion.
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