Thursday, September 22, 2016

How to Make Perfect Instant Mashed Potatoes for Fun and Profit

I almost never do sponsored videos, and that has nothing to do with not wanting to sell out. I’d love to sell out. Who wouldn’t? No, it’s more the fact that very rarely does everything line up to make one of these possible, as it did with this video for Idahoan Signature™ Russets Mashed Potatoes.

Rarely do I get offered a chance to feature a product that I actually like, and use, so when they offered to sponsor a video, I jumped at the chance to show off one of my favorite guilty pleasures. Although, these are a far cry from the gummy, horribly artificial tasting stuff I ate as a kid. Made properly, they are remarkably close to freshly made.

And by properly made, I mean follow the directions on the package, which for an old chef is not easy. As you know I’m not big on measuring, but for this, that’s really the key. If you don’t believe me, go out and buy a package, and taste for yourself, as I think you’ll be impressed. I really do hope you give these a try soon. Enjoy!

Obligatory Sponsored Post Disclaimer: This post and video were sponsored by Idahoan Signature™ Russets Mashed Potatoes, and I was compensated for my efforts.


Unknown said...

Sell out! :)

Unknown said...

Bad idea man. You are overestimating our loyalty. Do it again, and you will have lost me -- for just one -- for good.

Lisa from Indiana said...

I want you to do more of these! I know I can trust what you endorse. I do, on occasion, need to take meal prep short cuts. So please sell out more! Help me make good choices.

Chicau said...

I still prefer your Chef John's perfect mashed potatoes, but.... After a long day, I find these to pretty darn good. Thanks for making me feel a whole lot less guilty!

letmebefrank said...

i love these ! and now I wont feel guilty about using them , since a great cook like yourself endorses them !

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

I don't see anything wrong with sharing a product that you like. The fact that you are getting paid is really beside the point IMO.

Unknown said...

Honestly, I don't even blame you for this at all. I just moved to the bay area myself and prices here are so high...

Hopefully a little moolah from your benevolent potato overlords helps!

Derfen Allmarsh said...

Now do a sandwich video with plain white bread, baloney and that weird presliced "cheese" stuff.

Chef John said...

Chris, You are overestimating how much I would care. Do what you gotta do!

Unknown said...

I hope they paid you well for the little bit of respect I lost for you, Chef John. I expect you to live like a monk and survive on air and good wishes. You've been seduced by the Man. The Mashed Potato Man.

mom of chef said...

Have to say these Idaho Instant Potatoes really are the very best and so no-mess and not time consuming. One of three things I go to Safeway for; the others being Aluminum Foil, Parchment Paper and Idaho Instant Potatoes.

beemo said...

I'm also on your side on this one Chef John. Besides, you use instant mashed potatoes in one or two of your own special recipes don't you? Can't put my finger on it atm -- onion rings?

Even George Carlin did a few ads in his time... I think it was a question of feeding the tax vultures or going to jail

weeza said...

I watched the video a second time to make sure I hadn't missed it, but no, you didn't add salt or pepper! How can you make mashed potatoes without salt and pepper?

Points2Ponder said...

Chef John you have shown me so many new/great ways to cook like a pro ymmmy like ways. you have to make A little money for your time plus i do go for them sometimes, Chris has parents with money so what ever chris...groUpson....
PS: Slow the voice down on the vids .... sounds like you took speed or something :)

rodentraiser said...

I just want to know at what point do I add the bacon, cheese, sour cream, garlic, and onion.

Unknown said...

Chef John, keep up the awesome work! I appreciate everything you've done to help me get excited to cook again and whatever keeps your series going and your house happy I'm all for. Thanks for being up front and direct about this being a sponsored post. My opinion may not carry a lot of weight but I hope it helps to drown out some of the butt-hurt idiots :)

Unknown said...

Chef John, keep up the awesome work! I appreciate everything you've done to help me get excited to cook again and whatever keeps your series going and your house happy I'm all for. Thanks for being up front and direct about this being a sponsored post. My opinion may not carry a lot of weight but I hope it helps to drown out some of the butt-hurt idiots :)

Billy MacKenzie said...

Like the great Fred Durst once said: "Yeah I sell out, Sell out arenas"

I got your back Chef John. You deserve nice stuff, or whatever you want.

Billy MacKenzie said...

Word up. just placed an online order for these at my local store and they just happen to be on sale. So I'm gonna load up and get my spud on.

Dantwan said...

As long as you actually do believe in the product, what's the big deal? Everyone has bills to pay, and I like how honest and up-front you were about it.

Also - not going to lie... Instant mash is pretty damn tasty sometimes.

Roberto said...

Ignore the hate mail. Everyone should know how to cook from scratch, but most of us don't have the time for three "from-scratch" meals every day. Last night I made burgers. Did I make the buns....... Hell no. Did I grind my own hamburger?....... Hell no; however, I have done both in the past and can do it again anytime I want. But if I HAD to make buns and hamburger from scratch last night after a very busy day, I would have eaten something else.

These days there are a lot of high quality labor saving foods. I don't use instant mashed potatoes, but I'm particularly fond of Alessi Brand dry soups. I prefer from-scratch soup, but if I can have a really good and rather complicated soup in a bowl 15 minutes from making the decision to have soup for lunch, especially when the alternative is potted meat food product, I'm all in.

Unknown said...

To all the elitist people who criticized this post: I applaud you, Chef John, for showing that time saving measures, especially using a product as reliable as Idahoan mashed potatoes is still an acceptable thing to do these days. Those who have complained have never been a working mother trying to put food on the table after 12-14 hours of work (I'm a retired nurse) in an attempt at keeping the family dinner tradition. These potatoes are a go-to step when I make your Irish Shepherd's Pie (which is absolutely marvelous, I must say). So thanks for the post.

ET said...

Lighten up, Francis!

Chase Saunders said...

Great response to Chris, Chef. I'm guessing he lives in his mom's basement.

I, for one, totally trust you to avoid taking this sort of thing to an extreme. And I plan on cooking this recipe.

Hothairyholehunter said...

That was five minutes of my life that I can never get back! My guilty pleasure is stovetop stuffing - there, I said it!

John said...

I don't get the righteous indignation from folks like Dave and Chris. I really don't. For one, people have to make money to live and eat and enjoy, you know, existing, and we should not begrudge anybody for profiting from what they're good at. Chef John has worked extremely hard to be in a position where companies might actually take notice. Second, people who get morally incensed by this should sit down and have a long think about how often Chef John posts videos like this, and maybe, just maybe, get a little perspective.

swcook said...

I love your videos and have learned many new recipes that are now in heavy rotation in my cooking. I also love that you've found an entertaining way to increase monetization of your videos thus insuring you can afford to provide us with more videos in the future.

Oh, wait this is the internets and I have to be profoundly offended by this.

May Harambe have mercy on your soul.

Unknown said...

I come here to learn how to make things I don't know... I'm competent enough to make instant mashed potatoes without instruction... moving on.

Anonymous said...

Sara MUST be grinning from ear to ear

Iffrit said...

Why on earth would you not accept to do a video featuring a product you like just because you get paid for it?
I mean this is not selling your soul, especially as you point out that it is sponsored in the most explicit way one could think of apart from using red blinking exclamation marks...

The Dago by the Lake said...

Are you "Singin for spuds?"

Unknown said...

Chef John, you go guy! I love these instant potatoes but haven't had them in several years--today, while grocery shopping, guess what I bought :-). I have no objection to you making money for recommending things you also like. Ask the people who object how much they're paying you for all the outstanding videos and recipes you provide.

Singleot said...

Lol, anyone who thinks you'd actually sell out, should remember you could have been a food network star if your concept of the recipe instead of the chef videos hadn't been contrary to the norm. All you had to do was agree to put the focus on yourself. At least that's my understanding after trying to figure out who this genius food blogger was. Keep it up.

Unknown said...

mad props

its kinda funny cause you got me into cooking and i have pretty much bought mimicking all the utensils you use

even down to the freakishly little wooden spoon

I remember my wife going what the hell is a ramekin? to which I replied its those lil bowls Chef John uses. To which she replied who the hell is Chef John.

Thanks for the vids

Unknown said...

I'm not upset with you for doing the video but it is also not what I come here for.

I would really like to see you more active in the comments section again, Chef John. =)

Chris K. said...

Wow! Controversy! On a food blog! This is awesome!!!

It's a popular misconception that chefs eat fancy foodie fare at home. While I'm sure there are exceptions, for most chefs nothing could be further from the truth. If you ask most professional cooks what they enjoy eating at home their choices tend to be quick, simple, and cheap.

My brother-in-law works as a sous chef for a well-regarded restaurant franchise in North Carolina. But he's not a home cook. All he knows how to cook is restaurant food. Consequently he doesn't do a lot of cooking at home, except maybe around the holidays, and only when he has time, which is rarely. When he does, he cooks... restaurant food.

Maynard James Keenan of the rock band Tool once wrote a lyric which I cannot quote here, so instead I'll paraphrase: "All you know about me is what I've sold you / I sold out long before you ever heard my name." Which pretty much applies to anybody who has, y'know, a paying job. And especially applies to everybody trying to make money doing something they enjoy on their own.

My point? I dunno if I have one. Except if you think instant mashed potatoes - or any other dish - doesn't deserve to be someone's Food Wish someplace, you probably ought to go elsewhere than here.

I used to be hung up on "authenticity" and what I grew to understand is that there are way more important things to be hung up about.

Steve Kennedy said...

I'm definitely going to try these and hope for the best. All the kids moved out and now it's just my wife and I. We eat potatoes maybe once a month, and I cant use up 5 lb of potatoes before they go bad. Since you said they are good, I am going to buy a big box and have a year long supply of mashed taters. You don't happen to have a link to some good fried potatoes do you:) We eat more potatoes bravas around here than we do mashed. I keep a jar of that Aoli on hand, its good on everything.

Apetalk1971 said...

I found Chef John's videos about three weeks ago and in those 21 days or so I have cooked something from him nearly each day. Granted, there have been some repeats (rocket beans, I'm talking 'bout you) but the point is that Food Wishes has sparked a fire in me to cook. I have been trying to learn to cook for a couple of years now and have only been disheartened and defeated. John's clear and easy instruction, as well as his humility to share when things go wrong, have inspired me believe that I too can prepare delicious dishes for myself and my girlfriend. I may soon even develop the courage to cook for my mom (who would give John a run for his money)!I even went to a local grocery store today (Rainbow Groceries SF) just to RESEARCH some of the things John talks about in his videos. That is how inspiring he has become to me.

If he has sponsors than more power to him. I haven't sent a dime his way. Have you? I didn't think so. I trust him to make sponsorship videos for products that he believes in. And in this case, I am willing to gamble the three or four bucks a box of instant mash potatoes will cost me. If you don't have that kind of cash to throw around, perhaps you have bigger worries than if Chef John is doing sponsorship videos.

And if John sees this, he is welcome to send along my message to the Idahoan brand that if it is good enough for Chef John then it is good enough for me.

Mike Wolf

Anonymous said...

I use instant potato mix from time to time, too. I looked at this product and there is just too much non-potato stuff in it for me. Thanks anyway, Chef.

mom of chef said...

I have learned so much from you. I was such a terrible cook my kid had to take off to Culinary school. BUT now when my husband will ask me, "Why does it matter whether you do that or not?" or "do you really need me to get that at the store?" I just say, "That's what Chef John says to do." That stops any further questions or objections from him! LOL.

Unknown said...

I anticipated a Chef John sell-out. He was too big to no sell out. He was too important to not be controlled. But who was going to get him? My money was on "Big Cayenne" but at the end od the day it was "Big Potato." You win Idaho.

mvpetri said...

People are crazy! Saying that chef john is a sell out. But what is the alternative, then? Being unemployed? OMG!

And another thing: Everyone who disliked this video never did college right xD! When I lived in the dorms I had to make food to survive. One day I bought instant mashed potatoes and guess what? I ruined it. It ended up a potato smoothie. So before complaining, try to see that: 1) this is important for the show to continue and chef john never ceasing to entertain us and 2) there actually are people who will benefit even from advertises.

Jessica said...

I love instant mashed potatoes! It all started 50 years ago with those little wells of potatoes in TV dinners. Rare and special. Thank you, Chef John!

Anonymous said...

I've never made instant spuds in my life and I'm not going to start now.

Knitty said...

Thank you for sharing your approval of this product.

Some blogs and message boards are quick to condemn anyone who uses a short cut. Often it is not the author but those who comment that can make someone feel inferior. I should back that up and say that no one makes a person feel inferior without their permission, but most will know what I'm trying to say. Cooking is not everyone's first love but that doesn't mean we don't plan to cook for our families or that we can afford to dine out all the time. Heaven knows on critical forums, we should never slow down near a fast food place much less actually enter their lots!

I will never claim to be a great cook. I do view food blogs and cookbooks for inspiration and select recipes that I think I can successfully and easily create that my family will enjoy. We are fed and happy, and that is plus in my book.

cloetta said...

I dont get the upset comments?

If you dont fancy a recipie... go to the next?

its not THAT hard to skip a post if it doesent intrest you?

So what if chef J is making some money?.. do you all work for free?

sound like you all need a safe space to exhale in :)

John: Great job!

Unknown said...


I'd pay you to make a seafood lasagna. Where do I send the check?

As always, love what you do....

Toni Baloney said...

Greetings and good wishes from Boise. The folks here in Idaho salute you, and thank you for reminding the majority of Americans that

1) we're not IOWA, and that
2) we're not famous for our CORN.

beemo said...

I left my last comment (in favor of your decision to endorse) before I'd actually seen the instant-mashed-potatoes vid. Now that I've seen it, I wish to exponentially endorse, approve, high-five, and give shout-outs to what you're up to.

You were a line cook for many years -- I'd say that fact alone means you've paid your dues, now that I have some understanding of what the life of a line cook is like.

Having paid your dues, it's time to COLLECT.

Finally I will say that after having studied a large proportion of your many-years-long archive which I could dig up ANYWHERE on the Internet, I am convinced that you are The Real Thing. By which I mean: Suppose Julia Child (or Paul Bocuse or whoever) had endorsed a few products; would that invalidate their entire career? Nonsense!

So carry on and build up a nice retirement by any means necessary. You've greatly enhanced the quality of life of an amateur cook like me, and that means there must be thousands of others. So for god's sake get yourself paid!!

Unknown said...

I have nothing against making money... of COURSE its an integral part of all of this. I will say though, I found it less intrusive when the ad was at the beginning of the video like the ones for "The shoes that serve..." (I used to say it in time in the videos).

rodentraiser said...

People are making too big a deal over this. If you don't want to buy the potatoes, don't. Who's holding a gun to your head and forcing you to put them in your shopping cart? Don't like the potatoes? Don't make them. I think we'd have to be pretty juvenile to think Chef John is going to post videos of things we ALL like ALL the time.

As for being a sellout, I made cookies last night from a recipe I got out of a magazine that has ads in it. How many of you watched Breaking Bad from start to finish in spite of all the commercials? How many of you work for a company that you can say is truly ethical? How many of you would quit your jobs if you found out they weren't? How many of you drive a foreign car? Did you choose to go to Target or Walmart to get school supplies this year, including clothing made overseas? If you did any of these things, I could just as easily say you sold out, too.

Some of you people need to understand a little bit about how the mud sticks to you when you try throw it at someone else.

Unknown said...

Don't listen to 'em, John. Nobody can work raw 'taters into perfect pablum like the scientists.

Unknown said...

I have to agree with the criticism.
I watch your videos to learn how to cook fresh(!) dishes, and even with you not presenting your face in the videos and focusing on the dish entirely, you present your personality in this exact way. A funny guy with a no-bs policy when it comes to cooking. Compared to other cooking channels also jumping on the sponsoring train of shame (and even do it in an insanely ridiculous way) you got even more bonus points.
If you want sponsors for the money, let us, the people, be your sponsors and set up a patreon. Don't do this for the food processing companies, but for us! And keep doing it for us!
What we as viewers need and want, and specifically go to you for, is objective guidance. Not an elongated arm of some company telling us what to buy. This is why even something mild such as this creates that much controversy. It's not what you stood for all these years.

Unknown said...

I've been telling people for YEARS that instant is just as good as and sometimes better than homemade mashed potatoes (and I've always followed box instructions) and to have this confirmed by Chef John...well...I have nothing else to say...I drop the spatula!

Pyrofish said...

Dang it, now my wife is going to use this video to justify not making the real thing... Oh well. As someone who used to send you money for recipes I used, and bought your Christmas DVD, and the SFBBQ with freakishly small spoon, I hope you find more sponsors! I don't mind sponsored content, it keeps the content free for the rest of us. Spud on Spud Man!

Unknown said...

I'd like to add something to my previous comment.
That is, the misunderstanding of the word "criticism". It is not a negative word, criticizing something is also not a form of insult.
It simply, and only means, to address a topic or a work in a serious manner. It can be positive (pointing out specific things that are "good") or negative (pointing out specific things that are "bad", could need specific improvement). Well-done criticism also points out why things are "good" or "bad" and raises the right questions and proposes solutions. Done right, it is also a form of respect. A form of showing honesty and time-devotion to something and someone.
Criticism is NOT a form of bashing or insulting.
I wanted to say this specifically to those people who are unrightfully declaring statements of others as bashing, insulting or simply outright proceed to attack these people themselves (oh the irony). Shame on you guys. The internet is not a safe-space (aka the new term for oppressive censorship). Chef John deserves more than the loyalty of the benefit of the doubt. He deserves the honesty of openly doubting his actions. He deserves constructive confrontation. He won't improve by people only kissing his behind. We owe him that much.
If you can't handle someone negatively criticizing someone else, because it affects your emotional well-being for some odd reason, take your own advice: Skip it. Pretend it's not there. Don't do this to yourselves in real-life however. It's quite an unhealthy habit.
And no, people are not making an elephant out of this for no reason. Chef John lives off of these videos. Each decision, but specifically a sponsorship of any kind, as it questions neutrality, is crucial to his financial stability. So if even hinting at not being so neutral anymore causes this kind of backlash, it is obviously serious and a topic worth exploring.

Chef John said...

To the people that "get it," thank you! However, I think some other folks are a little confused. This channel exists for two reasons. For me to have fun, and make money (not necessarily in that order).

Having said that,nothing brings me more joy than to know people are learning and being entertained. That's the unofficial mission of FW. If a sponsored post every thousand videos or so is too many for someone, then I don't want/need their support.

I have no idea where people got this idea that they need to be okay with, or enjoy, everything I post. That's not how it works. RE: "He deserves the honesty of openly doubting his actions." No I don't. You can doubt all you want, but who are you to judge me. I didn't do anything wrong. Just because you don't like something, doesn't make it wrong. Something kids these days don't seem to understand.

By the way, we added roughly 4,000 new subs since the video was posted, so there was zero negative effect on the channel.

Now, if you'll excuse me, I have to light this cigar with a hundred dollar bill to celebrate.

Rivermute said...

Personally I would take internet indignation as a badge of honor! I happen to secretly enjoy instant potatoes as well as those little pouches of sodium bliss that are Lipton's side dishes... I also love Food Wishes. I will click on every sponsored post if only to say thanks for the years of awesomeness this site has provided.

Unknown said...

ROTFL good for you man!

and it must have worked cuz I went out and got a box of those freeze dried spuds to make a quick cottage pie with :p

J&L said...

Dear Chef John,

My husband and I absolutely love your blog! We check it daily and have made so many of your recipes and have learned so much about cooking and life in general from your videos. We have learned that it's ok to substitute but when we follow your recipes exactly, they are delicious and a huge hit. We are planning to have a Food Wishes Thanksgiving this year and I can hardly wait. Whenever we take our leftovers to work, or to a family event, everyone asks where we got the recipe and we always tell them "from Chef John"! We want to know when you are going to be selling the Chef John, freakishly small wooden spoon? We would definitely buy one, or two! Keep on doing what you are doing and more power to you.

J and L Russell

Unknown said...

Hello Chef, It's very helpful to learn about products you like and trust.

Mpa said...

I tried them today, thank you for recommending! The signature version is delicious (non-signature version not so much)

S/V Blondie-Dog said...

Greetings Chef! I'll has ya' done knows 'dat I already done mades' deez' delicious mashed potatoes often enough! Even my finicky ladyfriend ain'ts complaining after putting in a twelve hour shift in the E.R. In facts I done served deez' fine taters'along with some pork loin jest' da' other day dat' I done strung up wit' some string and seasoned wit' some minced garlic, oil and rosemary. But no matter whats'... I still ain't gonna' tie dat' feller up wit' no surgical knots no matter how often my finicky ladyfriend mights' complain cuz' dat's what scissors be for. Thanks! Your da' best!

Howard said...

Haters are going to hate! You just do what you do because you have made my and my family's life better! I know Its a money thing but you can see your passion shining
though. Thanks

J3nny said...

Hello Chef!
Why Don't you have a crock-Pot section on your web?

Your fan!!

Unknown said...

Reaed Cooked by Michale Pollan, you will never think about eating potatoes ever again. Unless you grow them.

Unknown said...

I know you've used instant mashed potatoes in some recipes in order to make coatings more crispy. Are there more suggestions about how these flakes can improve the textures of your recipes?

Unknown said...

Can internationals buy the potatoes? Cause if I need to use instant mash in something I'd really like to use a decent brand, and since you pretty taught me and my whole family how to cook, I trust the brands you endorse.

Unknown said...

That cigar thing just made me crack up... :-))) Thanks for making me feel much less bad than usually when I skip the peeling, boiling, mashing up chores with my favourite shortcut of instant mash. I'd say more nice things but since this video triggered maybe 5% hate mail and the rest in overwhelming support of your occasional infomercial - 'nuff said.

PhillyBear said...

Keep up the good work, Chef. No threats from the people who love you!

Estoy_Listo said...

In a way, this was a techiques video: "How to get a side dish quickly." Thanks for the tip--I'm buying some today.

Shawn Donovan said...

I'm a very scratch home cook who loves good food. As an Irish-American, potatoes are the same as my best friend's pasta (he's Italian). Nevertheless, I confess to occasionally taking a short cut: I make these same mashed potatoes (they are delicious) and I'm a big fan of Stouffer's spinach souffle.

I feel no guilt pains at all. Regards, Shawn

Anonymous said...

E.L.M.O.!! I Call E.L.M.O.!!

Enough, Let's Move ON!!

P.S. To us REAL Food Wishers.... You could never disappoint us. Not even on your worst day, CJ!

So, what's next;)

beemo said...

BTW CJ I have a FoodWish:

Do you like kimchi even a little bit? If you -- like many Westerners -- find eating kimchi to be "a near death experience," as one Aussie visitor to Korea said many years ago, read no further. (I completely understand that; I lived in Korea for some years and it took months before I was even somewhat used to kimchi; but I ended up a lifelong fan, as do many visitors who live there long enough. Everywhere I go I think of it, and now I make it myself from time to time.)

Purely personal opinion - I find kimchi goes really well with some things and not at all with others. Apart from the classic Korean accompaniments, I like it with such various things as bread, potatoes, mayonnaise, and yellow split pea soup -- see the pattern? -- but not at all with any kind of tomato sauce. Kimchi plus Italian -- I can't imagine it working at all....

So my food wish is, kimchi with something or something with kimchi!

rancholyn said...

Say what you may....this post has generated more comments then ever...

Chef John...You Rock!

Tony L said...

Hi John, I'm in the food industry myself. I have left a couple of comments myself the last couple of years (all good). I have worked every position, including being in charge of kitchens. I want to thank you for everything you do. I get it. I have worked mainly in pub style places. Today I own a franchise coffee shop and for the past 9 years! Somethings we made from scratch and somethings not! You have taught me how to be a much better cook and do things I have never done before. Thank you! I invite people over for dinner and quite often they are your recipes! My friends and family (my 4 year old daughter) think I'm a genius in the kitchen. Thank you once again! From someone in the industry I really appreciate your valuable lessons and how easy & down to earth they are! I also really appreciate how this is free to me! You deserve to be paid well for your services and I never complain about the adds on u tube for that reason. Being in the industry I realize you can't do everything from scratch! There isn't time and the cost would be too high. Having recommendations for great products to make life real is appreciated! I hope your videos are around for years to come!

puttermuch said...

Keep up the GREAT work Chef.....!
I consider myself a very good cook . I have used instant potatoes in the past and feel okay about having them on hand. I suppose someone who makes their own tomato paste and grinds their own flour might object but hey.....they have the right to their opinion.

Unknown said...

Would you be allowed to add something personal to the recipe ? In this case, you would still cook and show the instant mashed potatoes but then you would add meat and gravy for example ?

rodentraiser said...

The same people who won't make ketchup from scratch won't buy a box of instant potatoes. Go figure.

Unknown said...

I absolutely use these when taking shortcuts as they are delicious and my famoly likes them. In our home, we are so thankful for Chef John's recipes! And, we are also so thankful for Chef John showing short cuts even when he is paid to do so. Thank you, Chef!!!

Unknown said...

What percentage of the people that are criticizing Chef John donate to the blog? I would bet close to zero. Most probably skip the ad at the beginning of the videos further cutting into money he could have received if you had sat through the 20 second commercial. Don't complain if you don't contribute.

Unknown said...

Get Paid, Chef John! That way we know you can keep bringing us the awesome recipes and techniques.

Bill Morash. said...

I don't understand why there was no 'Close Encounter' reference.

Unknown said...

I was making a shepherds pie and realized I didn't have enough potatoes. So I remembered about this post and ran to the store and bought these potatoes. I didn't have time to cook regular potatoes. Anyway, I made them and top my shepherds pie with them and it was a hit. Nobody at my table noticed any difference. They were quite tasty.

Robin said...

I'm glad I found this web site.I just found this blog and have high hopes for it to continue.Funny videos 2016

Unknown said...

Yay Idaho! It made my day that you talked about that awesome part of Idaho with the volcanic soil where I grew up. In our early marriage, my husband wore the white lab coat at a potato processing plant. So, ya, you got by points from me. The two times instant potatoes are indispensable are the "what in the world can I fix fast for dinner" nights. Shepherds pie and.... Wiener boats! Hot dogs stuffed with instant potatoes topped with cheese and sprinkled with paprika for the '60's gourmet touch. ; ) Of course fresh Idaho Russets are the best but once in a while, what the heck!

Lunatic Chef said...

No one should be complaining about this. I've tried many different instant mashed products and the ONLY one that comes close to the real thing is Idahoan. And not only are they very good tasting, they are probably the lowest costing on the market. There is always a box of them in my cupboard and I would not eat any other instant mashed product. Sure, it is not really any more difficult to make from scratch but sometimes I have no raw potatoes left and need something to eat with my steak or chicken breast.

As for Chef John endorsing them, I with he would endorse more readily available products so that we would know what is actually worth purchasing. So many times I stop to grab something fast to make from the grocery store only to get home and discover that it is worst than dog food. Most people do use 'convenience' food products on occasion and to get an opinion from someone we respect is really nice.

Unknown said...

I am a Hungry Jack man. In a pinch, you can't go wrong with pre-prepared Bob Evans potatoes. As for the potato snobs out there, most of them have never peeled and/or cooked a potato. Also, the people who are appalled that Chef John would become a shill for a food product manufacturer are hypocritic idiots. How many of them happily drive the highways daily in a car with the dealer's logo decal on the back of their cars and are too stupid to know that their car is an unpaid, rolling billboard every time they hit the road?