The only problem is, “chicken, sausage, peppers, and potatoes,” uses up a lot of characters on Twitter, so if you did have an idea for a shorter and/or catchier name, I’m all ears.
By the way, the two most important things here are not on
the ingredient list. That would include a large, heavy-duty roasting pan, as
well as a very hot oven. Hopefully, you have something similar to what I used,
but if not, you can divide everything up between several smaller casserole dishes; or even
use those large, disposable aluminum pans.
I went with hot Italian sausage here, since it so
highly-seasoned, but you can really tailor a dish like this to your personal
tastes, by switching up what you use, as well as the herbs, and seasonings. No matter what you include, just be sure to season generously, and leave it in the
oven long enough. We want everything beautifully caramelized, and our
chicken fork tender. I really hope
you give this a try soon. Enjoy!
Ingredients for 6 portions:
4 large Italian sausage links
1 tablespoon olive oil, plus more as needed
6 to 8 bone-in, skin-on chicken thighs
2 teaspoons kosher salt, plus more as needed
freshly ground black pepper to taste
2 large handfuls, seeded and cut sweet peppers
1 sliced small red onion
1/2 sliced yellow onion
4 large Yukon Gold potatoes, quartered
2 generous teaspoons dried Italian herbs (I actually used an
“Herb de Provence” herb blend, which included rosemary, thyme, oregano, marjoram,
basil, parsley, and lavender)
fresh Italian parsley to garnish, optional

Looks delicious and tender Chef John. Could you make some dessert next like macaron or some small tart shells using your fantastic dough, with some great filling and cream cheese with sugar to decorate.
Toss in a half pound of shrimp 10 min before it is done, and call it low country roast. Frisco is pretty darn close to sea level, that qualifies as low country.
Dishes like this beg to be cooked in a wood-fired, pizza oven. If you're lucky enough to have one, give it a try.
Chicken Sauspeppotato ..
Well...I know what's for dinner tonight!
Call it a Hot Pot. If you want to get fancy, Hot Pot John.
American Paella? You could even pronounce it to rhyme with "Ella," to give it that extra American authenticity.
I want to use linguisa instead of Italian sausage. Not a fennel fan. What herbs and/or spices would I use?
Name: Chickage Peptoes
sounds a little like the Spanish Chicken with Chorizo and Potatoes except no peppers and orange zest. Can I add some orange/lemon zest to the tray bake? please reply asap.
Roasted Italian Amazeball Chicken >>> looks wonderful. I watch you like an unbalanced kitchen stalker .... you are that good. Never a bad recipe and love your sense of humor!
Love you John!! big fan in Tucson Az, hugs and wishing you more freakishly small wooden spoon, Terri R.
By the way can u marinate these overnight then the next day pop into oven? And can i grate some lemon orange zest over the tray bake?
Ive been making this same dish for years and it really cant be beat. The only thing with me is that I have to top it with grated cheese once I throw it on my plate. Truly one of my favorite things to eat.
How about POPS Bake.(Pepper,Onion,Poultry,Sausage)?
I'm partial to:
Casseruola Pauline
I like the sound of Oven-Roasted Vittles.
At home we call it 'Chicken in a Pot'... almost identical ingredients except for the last 20 mins of cooking throw in some sliced lemon which caramelises and some capers right at the end with the parsley..
Just popped my chicsage peptoes in the oven!!!
Chef John, I've been watching and enjoying your videos for a couple years now and noticed you've made references to Method Man, The Roots, Jay Z and others. Are you a hip hop head?
- a (fellow) hip hop head.
Roast 'Ums?
O M G This will definitely be tried when the weather is a bit colder here... I bet it makes the house smell fantastic. Cannot wait.
Thanks again Chef!!
This is very similar to Chicken Murphy, an old school dish in Italian-American restaurants that's served with pasta. That version is more of a saute than oven roasted. I'm going to try this version soon - sounds great!
This was the bomb.
We made this recipe yesterday. It was great! I loved the sausage and potatoes roasted this way. The chicken skin was crispy and the meat was tender and juicy. The pan sauce was heaven. Thanks for another great recipe. Easy recipes are sometimes the most delicious. I wouldn't change a thing!
I tried this today.
It gets my vaunted, you can't stop eating it, rating.
I love how simple it is, and quick to put together! Just made it tonight and it was delicious! Will definitely make again. Thanks for the recipe! :)
This looks amazing. Another Chef John dish I'm definitely going to have to try. Any chance you could give me some details about that roasting pan you use? Size/brand/etc. Thanks!
No one here calls it Frisco.
Chicken Mitz?
American Happy Family? (a play on American chop-suey)
Rotì de Michele? (There's always room for another dish named after the wife lol)
PSP Chicken that is pepper, sasauge potatoes chicken. So easy, so good really delicious. My kind of dish.Like the idea of adding shrimp in the end.
What extraordinary luck! I saw your video and immediately thought "Hey, I just bought all of the ingredients yesterday". There was a Grand Opening of a "... Fresh Market" near me yesterday and I picked up chicken legs for $0.39/lb. (Why are all new stores in my neck of the woods called Fresh Market?) Anyway, I made it that night (with an optional carrot thrown in for good measure) and it was fabulous! Thanks again for a great recipe.
Really yum, almost better the day after for leftovers, but maybe I should've let it cool down a bit before eating the first time.
Anyways a suggestion for a name could be Chilli Sizzle Bake
I cooked this for dinner last night, it was excellent! Today I diced up the leftovers and added them to some chicken stock, it made a very tasty soup/stew.
The chicken was really moist and tender and we loved the gravy. Couldn't find spicy/hot Italian sausages do just went with sweet & mild Italian sausages but threw in some red pepper flakes. Also I added 6 cloves of garlic as my entire family are garlic lovers and placed the dish under the broiler in the last 10 minutes to help crisp up the chicken skin and potatoes. What a great idea to use the leftovers for a soup/stew I think I shall try that.
Just made a batch of this last night. OUTSTANDING! Going in the keeper file! I dub it the "Chicken One-Pan Wonder".
Seems a close relative of chicken scarpariello.
We tried this tonight and will be doubling the recipe to take to a charity dinner on Sunday. Such good comfort food for families of children in the ICU. Thanks for another great idea. For the vegetarians or non pork eaters, we are making your sweet potato blackbean bean chili with Martha Stuart's Zucchini cornbread muffins. Thanks again for all the inspiration, Chef John. You are making for good nutrition for families in crisis.
Made this last night. What a wonderful hodgepodge of ingredients that fit so well together. Perfect comfort food for a rainy autumn day.
This looks new to me but judging by its looks, I know for sure it tastes good and seems healthy too.
Chef John - during the roasting, have you thought of or tried adding some fresh squeezed lemon juice?
Dear Chef John,
I am in a critical condition, medically, and I have to thank you for all the fun and sensual joy that watching hours and hours of your cooking videos has brought to me. I was once a good, creative cook, enjoying nurturing and nourishing others through sharing meals. I am unable to move, now, without assistance, but can I travel the world of flavors, memories and sensations, through your work. My husband, in turn, is learning from your instruction, and is improving his kitchen skills, thanks to you.
Your videos are positive comfort food, in a world that can seem so loud. I savor each one.
With love and thanks,
Carolyn Hall Young
EL Rancho, New Mexico USA
Made this a few days ago. It was AH-Mazing and the aroma devine. This is a keeper for sure. All of your recipes are keepers. of the top of my head... A few that I make frequently Stuffed peppers, cabbage rolls, chicken lettuce wraps. I'm sure there are more...TY
Made this a few days ago and it was AH-Mazing and the aroma devine. Another keeper for sure!
Amazing! This is going in our rotation for sure. Thank you Chef John!!
Just made this... Unbelievable flavour and the best chicken skin I've had in ages...
Another bullseye Chef John
This was great. Flavor improves overnight. Excellent leftovers for lunch. 100% will make again. Definitely in the rotation!
I made this tonight. One of my new favorite dishes! Thank you Chef John!!!
This was fab! I used a spicy Lamb Merguez sausage and threw in a few jalapenoes. I will definitely make it again. I'll double the peppers and onions (bigger chunks too) and potatoes, next time. A yummy, absorbant bread would be good, as well, to soak up all those juices. I also want to try this with root veggies. Thanks!
Chicken SPP ("yeah, you know me!")
Interesting idea, but the sausage cooked to quickly. I would start the chicken and potatoes by 15-20 minutes then add the peppers and sausage
So the day I saw this video I knew I had to try this. I had to buy a roasting pan, first off, then gather all the ingredients, and have time to do it on a weekend...
I say all that to say this--that was SO WORTH all the hoops I jumped to make it! OMG! DELICIOUS! AMAZING! WONDERFUL! Thanks for sharing Chef! Really a deceptively simple looking recipe but the flavor is out of this world. You were right--the melding makes this WAY better than the sum of it's parts. I just ate so much that I am about to explode, and I want more ;) lol I will be doing this one OFTEN.
Seriously--you should just call it AMAZEBALLS Chicken and Sausage. I think ;)
Made this 11/14 and have been eating leftovers since. It is amazing the flavor that comes out of this. Being from the Midwest we don't care for excessive spiciness so I used Sweet Italian Sausage and red/green peppers. Amazing.
I made this yesterday and stuck very close to the recipe. Next time I may do just sausage, maybe a mix of sweet and hot italian. I also think the idea of using shrimp sounds good. Like so many Chef John recipes this one provides good, basic technique and invites you to vary it to suit your tastes. When I am looking for ideas on how to cook just about anything this blog is a first stop.
I've long made a variation of this dish by just tossing sausage, potatoes, peppers, and oo/sp together, all raw, into the roasting pan. Everything comes out lovely with no extra precooking. It's surprising that you would advocate using three different pans to make a simple one dish meal, especially since everything is going to roast for an hour at such a high heat. I cheated by tossing chicken and veg with oo/sp/herbs, then poking the raw sausage and resting them on top of everything. I only turned the whole sausages once around the 45 minute mark and it came out perfect.
Hi Chef John
I made this last weekend and it was a big hit. The aroma of the sausage while the dish was in the over drive everyone CRAZY! I used a mix of hot and swe Italian sausage but next time I'll going to use only the hot sausage. And I might throw in some curry powder as well for added kick. Thanks again for yet another permanent addition in my list of Chef John inspired recipes.
Did you name this dish? How about baked COPS? Or maybe just Baked Deliciousness...
Me: Hey honey, what's for supper?
Honey: Baked Deliciousness.
Me: Great, I love Chicken, Sausage, Onions, and Peppers. I'll take the leftover Deliciosness to work with me so make sure to hold some back so the gremlins to devour it all.
Honey: Sure, will. They do love it and it's so easy for me to make. Baked Deliciousness is the best recipe ever. That Chef John sure knows his stuff.
How about Chicken Riviera? Since it has herbs d'provence and italian sausage and both rivieras are neighbors???:)
Best of all, it doesn't google, so it's all yours.
Best of all, it doesn't google, so it's all yours.
Best chicken recipe ever! (Although the Greek lemon chicken is awesome too!) I never eat chicken skin...until I made this.
Best recipe website ever too!
Thanks Chef John.
Thank you for posting this recipe. I'm not really sure how I found the youtube video and this site, but I'm so happy I did. I'll just say it was a "Christmas Miracle" as I'm going to be making this with some degree of regularity (well, that could mean just once, but believe me, it's going to be many many times that).
FYI - the pan drippings (nectar from the gods?) encouraged me to eat half a baguette. Diet starts tomorrow.
A beautiful, shallow, All Clad roasting pan is not in my inventory so I used the bottom section of a broiling pan (came with the oven). Perfect!
Similar to my Sicilian grandma's but better. Wouldn't change a thing. I'm now a grandpa myself and made this for my daughter's young family. They loved it. Thanks Chef John for another winner!
I have chosen to call this dish Ragoût de Femme Immorale for two reasons. Anything this delicious cannot be good for you and anything said in French, well, you know how it is with us Wicked Women.
Thank you Chef for this recepie . I made this tonight and my husband loved it . I am definitely a fan . Thank you 🙌🏽
My husband and I love this dish and have coined it Irish Sausage and Peppers!
My husband and I love this dish and we've coined it Irish Sausage and Peppers!
I made this tonight I added Brussels Sprouts which are awesome roasted BTW. It was very tasty and made tons. It was yummy. Really enjoy the Chef John's videos. Thanks!!
I made this exactly as directed, only browning the sausage slightly prior to cooking. But my sausages ended up black by the time the dish was done despite turning occasionally. I concur with the post that said put the sausage and peppers in later. Although this won't be as convenient I won't have dry black sausages? Anyone else have this problem?
Wine pairing with this glorious dish?
I made this dish 3 times this year! It is amazing, the flavors! I have a person in my family who doesn't eat chicken, but he eats this chicken. If I have left over peppers and onions I warm them up and toss them in my morning eggs! Delicious!
Roasting has always been a time-consuming failure for me, leading to many dollars spent at late-night fast food restaurants, but was hopeful about this dish.
I had to cut the recipe in 1/3 because that's a ridiculous amount of food and it's just the two of us here. Used a couple of quartered shallots instead of onion, only one sausage and two chicken thighs, otherwise followed the recipe as described. The kitchen smelled amazing and I could hear sizzling from the hot oven.
Sadly, tonight was not the night I finally made a successful roasted dish. The chicken skin was surprisingly crunchy but the meat was quite good. Half the potatoes were soft on the inside and crunchy on the outside, like really big french fries, the other half were totally charred. The peppers and shallots were completely black and I couldn't really tell which was which. The sausage pieces were solid dry pucks and completely inedible. I'm going to have some fun tomorrow scraping all of these burnt things off my pan.
I think next time (I will be trying this again), I'm going to cut the cooking time by 15-20 minutes, and maybe start with only the chicken and potatoes and add the rest later on during cooking.
This already has a name in Italian. It is called Giambotta.
I made this, it was delicious and simple !
I just call it Roasted Dinner..and make it once or twice a month, I love it so much. It also separates beautifully into individual serving dishes to take to work with me ♥
Looks great! If you're using boneless and skinless thighs, how long should you cook for and at what temperature? Do you still want to do 450 degrees for 60 minutes?
The condition you suffer from is called lackafataphobia.
From reading some of the comments here about the dish being overcooked with burnt sausage, it comes to my mind that some folks might need a good oven thermometer. The oven dial compared to the actual temperature of the oven can vary up to 50 F degrees! That is more than enough to cause this problem. 25 degrees would probably cause it. Before I reduced the time, I would lower the temperature.
I just made this... put in oven at 445 and took off for an hour. It looks burnt... think an hour at that high of a temp is too much.
Stunningly delicious. I added 1 lb of button mushrooms and a couple of ounces of shitake mushrooms and the dish was outstanding. Cut the remaining pieces of chicken into pieces, mixed them all into the potato-pepper mixture and it will make great leftovers. Thanks Chef John for constantly providing great recipes!
Hi cousin John - the Italians call this Chicken Giambotta. Your recipe sounds delicious.
I have it in the oven right now. I also cut up two ears of yellow corn in two inch pieces and added it. Thanks for the recipe Chef John! I call it "Chicken Garden Bake."
Steve Kenedy suggested shrimp - this will be second time making this dish (we are living in arctic-like conditions and there's nothing better for the body or soul than this dish - with just 2 of us lots of left-overs and it tastes even better the 2nd day!). I'm probably going to go ahead with the shrimp b4 u have time to respond but if you have any tips on adding shrimp I welcome your response.
Carolyn Hall Young - if you're reading this comment I just wanted to say it was very nice reading your post. We don't personally know CJ, but his personality and kindness come through in every video. Sometimes he is even funny....but always kind. I hope you are able to enjoy many more videos.
Cheers everybody,
Can this be made ahead. Like the night before. I need to make 3 batches for a mparty
Can you please tell me where to buy that roasting pan you used I this demonstration.
Thank you.
Janie: Beautiful pan, isn't it? All-clad, $249 - $179 at Williams Sonoma. I'm asking Santa for one!! In the meantime, I've used the broiler pan that came with my oven. Not as pretty but it works. Good luck.
Made this tonight. It was absolutely phenomenal. I do want the darn pan you used though. I used a pampered chef stone 11X13. It worked well enough, but yours was just beautiful.
You are after all, the the Boss of your Barbary Coast Holy Ghost Roast.
chef, this worked better for me at 425 degrees F
The real name is Chicken Scarpiello - it’s an Italian dish. This is a fantastic version!
We used Calabrian (Calabrese) sausage - very hot with no garlic or fennel - and just a splash of white wine. Very old school! Thanks for the awesome recipe!
How long have you been cooking ?
Pasto Arrosto would be my name of choice
That's not All-clad, it's the cheaper Cusinart Multiclad. I always get a kick out of seeing "my" pots and pans in his videos. I did not have the roaster though, but it's now on my wish list:
Hi Jackie, if you stop the video when the handles are visible and enlarge the picture, you'll read the All-Clad name on the handle.
I have always called this and similar recipes "Chicken Scarpiello" (Shoemaker). The American restaurants dropped the name because no one in the US wants 'shoe' in any way related to a meat dish :-)
This is wonderful, can't wait to try this recipe.
I’m late to this party.
Wow this recipe has just passed the family of six test.
Every one at the table loved it. And there are some seriously finicky
Types here.
Everyone truly “Enjoy”ed
Please never stop sharing all your great recipes.
I’m late to this party.
Wow this recipe has just passed the family of six test.
Every one at the table loved it. And there are some seriously finicky
Types here.
Everyone truly “Enjoy”ed
Please never stop sharing all your great recipes.
This came out VERY good!! Someone commented that they made soup with the rest so I tried it too except I pureed mine. Heavenly. Thank you Chef John and thank you Unknown.
Maybe we have a name? I submitted this suggestion on Twitter
"There's something similar in Chicago called "Chicken Vesuvio," main difference being that's it's braised, not roasted and there's white wine in it.
So, how about "Teetotaler's Vesuvio?"
and it got a like from Chef John. Not quite an official name change, but the next best thing. :)
The name of this dish is secondary to its incredible flavor! Made it for the first time over the weekend and fell head over heels. We're now planning a dinner party around this hearty, flavorful meal. Thank you, Chef John!!
chicken scarpariello, just ask Kenji
I've made this twice and this time, I stuck to the recipe except I used four skinless chicken breasts, each cut in half and wrapped in bacon X fashion and a dusting of cayenne in the mix. It turned out delightful and leftovers the next day were even tastier.
I also gave the Chef's cornbread recipe a shot and... WOW
I'm okay with a smoker and a grill and even a little baking but otherwise a failure in the kitchen. This was my first successful dish. Thank you Chef!
I always have these ingredients at the ready. So yummy.
Anna Cresswell said . . .
I made this "Chicken, sausages, peppers and potatoes" dish yesterday, and everything was delicious except for the peppers. I used bell peppers, as Chef John suggested could be used in the recipe. After baking the peppers for one hour, I found that they looked slimy and were slimy in the mouth. Chef John, did I cut the peppers too small? The recipe did not mention cutting them into a particular size. I did strips of about a half inch, and ended up picking out the peppers because they looked so unappealing. I loved the rest of everything else in the pan. Thanks for another great recipe.
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