A month ago I got a free trail for software that quickly and easily converts the files from the camera to a format that iMovie can edit. I had 30 days to try it and see if it was something I wanted to buy. I've tested a lot of these free trails over the years, and without exception, wh

In this case, much to my horror, the program didn’t just stop working; it placed a huge scarlet stamp over the frame of every clip I downloaded! Since I had seen the previews, and they looked fine, I had cleared the camera as usual. So, now my wonderful footage is forever desecrated with these scarlet letters. I will further my public humiliation by posting some of the film tomorrow anyway, if only to spite my digital oppressors.

Chef John, There are free programs available on the net to recover deleted pictures from your memory card. It works well if the part of the card that the pictures were on, wasn't overwritten by pictures you took later. Check it out. You may get some or all of your pictures back. Good luck. Jim
Chef John..Here is a site you might try for recovering your images.
Thanks, but the video wasn't on a card, but stored in the camera's memory. I think it's gone.
Card or memory, it's the same thing. When you erase files, your camera is really just removing the name so you can't see the data. The files are still there, just unnamed. The programs jim mentions should recover them.
The camera doesn't need to take the time or expend the energy to actually delete files when it's just as easy to overwrite them when new info gets recorded. Give it a try if you really want those pics. It'll work.
i don't see a mac version.
Ahh, I don't know how many free Appz there are for Mac's. I see plenty of programs you can buy to do it, the cheapest being $32. You don't know someone with a Windows computer that could help? Loads of free software that can do the job for Windows. Come on Chef, it's easy, do we need to make you a video with hard drives hanging on the wall? ;-)
Thanks for your help, but it's not a big deal. It only affects the spycam stuff which I dont use often. I can use the program that came with it to convert. The free program was just faster. I really dont need to recover these video files. It's just a short film.
Oh bummer about the deletes..still jealous of your time in Gilroy.
I use Visual Hub to transfer my files to a working DV version for iMovie...
Hope this helps. I have been using it for well over a year and it is spot on every time...
I'd send a link to the company and let them know what bad press they are getting. Maybe they'd help you out on this and extend their "trial period" so you can recoup them in full view for the blog.
Chef Jon,
This is Meeta... I hope you remember me.. I must have been one of your rare Indian students. I have been wanting to get in touch with you for a long time but was not sure how. I left for India in a hurry and could not get your info or as a matter of fact anybody else's which I shall always regret.
So I am on the verge of opening a restaurant here and had to let you know.
Of course I remember you! But, why did you have to open in India? How am I going to get my free meal?? Congratulations, I wish you all the success in the world. I know you will do a great job! Please send me some photos of the food when you get a chance. Thanks!
P.S. Squash Bird
Squash Bird?
This is even better, you get to come to India, stay with us and get free meals. nothing like visiting a new country and trying out new food.
Please ell me whats going on with you other than this website, though I am sure this keeps you busy.
My email address is meeta.makhecha@gmail.com
Thanks, sounds great! Check out this link to a Bird reminder... http://bp0.blogger.com/_TtjHZtf6vtA/RifBpk8d_BI/AAAAAAAAAWo/MW3n9lXYIJY/s1600-h/sbthumb.jpg
If there's some footage that you absolutely MUST have, there's software to remove these! I would probably go on a rampage and shoot everyone responsible, but I respect your sensibility :-P
Anyway, there's software that can create a "difference mask" from a frame shot against a white or black background and will apply it with some tweaking to the rest of the video. As you can see, the watermark isn't completely opaque and thus can be removed to some extent....
Love the site!
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