I can't give any detailed information about the shows we are working on, but believe me, you will be the first to hear when we have something to announce. I want to thank you all for your support, which no doubt helped make this possible. Stay tuned!
BNE Reel from Brand New Entertainment on Vimeo.

You're a secret Vampire dominatrix chef who plans to cook for virgins. Sounds wild. Good luck chef John! You deserve all the good things that could come to you, or at least you seem to deserve them. If you're really a secret Crip... then maybe not :-)
no, but that's much better than anything I've come up with. thanks!
Awesome news for you, and for all your fans. We are so happy for you! The BNE has made a wise choice, and it will be a great investment for them, too, if it all works out because from this clip it looks like the Chef John Show will greatly add to the variety of their repertoire, and we all know it will be a hit!
I'm a big fan whose been visiting and learning from Chef John since his Lrn2Cook days!
Congratulations! Have been reading your blog for several years now and I am very grateful for all the little tips and tricks I have learned!
I am a student at Nottingham University (UK) and can proudly say that I have ver successfully avoided all the junk food people eat here and you have been a great help in doing so!
Thanks Chef John and good luck! Keep up the great work!
This is good news! Look forward to hearing of the show's development. I hope the show is about how you go to the homes of fans who comment on your website, and cook them dinner for free.
The reel started with Bloc Party and closed with Billy Idol, so I can give you my blessings. Someday, I may ask a favor of you - like seats in the audience if I ever get out there!
Wu Ha Chef John,I sincerely hope it works out for you,its kinda like Forest Gump an a box of chocolates you never know what lifes got in store.But do your best,expect the worst,and endeavor to persevere,an I'm sure you will.Wu Ha For You.
congrats chef!
I WANT TO SEE YOUR VERY OWN TV COOKING SHOW!!! (I'm keeping my fingers crossed for you)
Cheers for Chef John! BNE doesn't know how lucky they are.
Sure hope your show is something I'll be able to view here in Michigan.
And to play off what Basia posted, I'm grateful to have had instant culinary karma bestowed for my $upport/donation, perhaps I'll someday be lucky enough to get a studio seat for one of your live shows, too!
Best of luck, John! I hate to be a dark cloud here, BUT...do you have 8 kids? Are you planning on getting a full body tattoo soon?
Just kidding! Love your site and I'd definitely watch your show!
Greaaaaat!!! Congratulations! You diserve it! And even more!
Felicitation, Monsieur John le super Chef! (=^O^=)/
Amelie, that you have been inspiring for a long time. Merciiii!!!
Congratulations Chef John!!! I am truly very happy for you! You deserve this.
We all love you! Congrats again!
Hey Chef John, I'm 13 years old and I'm going to make a cooking series, and will probably be called Teen Chef, Thanks for the inspiration! I'll bring gourmet food to the world!
Congratulations John! No one deserves it as much as you (at least that I care about complimenting right now). Seriously though, I really admire your dedication to this site, producing videos and giving them away with no promise of a steady income or an opportunity like this coming along. I know you like to stick to voice over, but I think you'd be a natural on camera. You do a great job of putting amateur cooks at ease, making good food accessible to ordinary people in a way that's never condescending or dumbed down. Whether it works out or not, good luck. You deserve it!
I sometimes miss the startling pink and bluish hues your hands had in your early videos.
photoshoped picture does resemble you...
congrats on the brake! keep us informed!
Congratulations, Chef John! Isn't it nice to know that people in the "industry" are catching on to what your fanbase has known for years? Best of luck to you!
One day, when you're a household name and using bags of money as furniture, try to remember that it's us "little guys" that made you famous. :)
Idea for your show:
You're an ex-con who's gone straight - sorta. You break into restaurants late at night and cook fantastic meals for the morning staff. By the time they arrive, you're gone, but the food's still hot!
A good time is had by all.
THANKS everyone!!! (btw, ghanima, I believe they prefer to be called "little people") :-)
congrats chef john..do keep us informed about any new developments....FINGERS CROSSSSSED!!!
Congrats Chef John ... don't forget us little people when you become famous and all! We are :) for you!
Congratulation, Chef John! We love your work, you so deserve this!
Whoa! You mean, I don't donate money to your site on your birthday, and then you score a show? Nice! I think we've hit upon a winning combination here!
The BBQ Pit Boys must be pissed.
Incidentally, I'd start off by interviewing the guy that developed Brown Sugar Pop Tarts. I mean... what a genius! Sugar flavored Pop Tarts! A true mastermind.
From one fledgling artist to another not so fledgling artist anymore: Congratulations.
Scott - Boston
Congratulations! I do hope for you that big things come from all of your hard work.
scott, if I get stuck for ideas I'll totally pitch the Pop Tart concept. I'm thinking the inventor of the Brown Sugar Pop Tart may have been a musician, you know, hungry late at night, you know, like with the munchies...
Congratulations on the show, its about time!
Congratulations on the show!
I've been enjoying your witty cooking videos for years. You definitely deserve this!
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