It's my birthday tomorrow, so I may take the next few days off to rest and celebrate, but mostly rest. I just can't believe I'm going to be 46 – I'm still so immature!
Please don't worry about trying to figure out how to send me a gift. I really don’t want anything except your continued support for what I'm trying to do on this blog. The fact that so many of you get enjoyment from these videos is the greatest gift of all.
Of course, if you insist, a donation to the site would be nice. Enjoy!

ooo happy birthday! I check your blog everyday, and it is always a joy. Thank you! :D
Happy 25th anniversary of your 21st birthday! It has really been that long - a quarter Century ago! (just kidding)
Reading Food Wishes is like having a Top Chef as a friendly neighbor.
Happy birthday, Chef John! Do you get special treatment, like breakfast in bed?
happy birthday chef john, you are the greatest!
Happy Birthday chef John!!!
love your blog!
OLD??? Not at all!! HA HA! Happy Birthday and here's to many more :)
No way. Forty-six is not old.
On the other hand, don't trust anybody over 90.
I hope all your birthday wishes come true, and I thank you for all the wonderful food wishes you make come true with your terrific videos and easy to follow instructions.
happy happy birthday
from Waddinxveen ZH the netherlands
Ooo. 46? U don't look it.
Keep up the deliciousness. ^___^
And Happy Bday.
It´s your birthday today (the 11th of July), isn´t it? So happy, happy birthday. Actually, it´s my birthday today. I must say, I really love your blog. I already tried some of your recipes and all of them were delicious! I´m looking forward for the chicken!
Greetings from Germany!
Happy Birthday, Chef John and many more. Love your recipes, keep 'em coming :)
I don't mean to steal the sunshine from your birthday but that southern fried chicken looks amazing. I can almost feel the crisp texture breaking apart in my mouth.
Happy Birthday Chef John!!! You do a great job and we all enjoy your work, your cooking and your personality.
Happy Birthday Chef !!
Happy Birthday Chef. So many of your creations make it to the table in this house. You make me better at something I love to do and for that, I am eternally grateful! Have a great day and don't worry about your maturity level, I'm a 43 year old kid myself...
Happy Birthday, Chef John! I hope you're having a large slice of moist delicious cake as I type this (which would mean a late, and yummy, breakfast). All the best.
Thanks to everyone for the birthday wishes! For those who asked, it is today the 11th. Cheers!
God gave a gift to the world when you were born—
a person who loves, who cares,
who sees a person’s need and fills it,
who encourages and lifts people up,
who spends energy on others
rather than himself,
someone who touches each life he enters,
and makes a difference in the world,
because ripples of kindness flow outward
as each person you have touched, touches others.
Your birthday deserves to be a national holiday,
because you are a special treasure
for all that you’ve done.
May the love you have shown to others
return to you, multiplied.
I wish you the happiest of birthdays,
and many, many more,
so that others have time to appreciate you
as much as I do.
(Not written by me....but i totally agree!!)
Happy B'day chef!!
And Thank You for all the good work!!
re: what anugrah15 said...
Maybe those words apply to many, or maybe not, but they are certainly fitting to describe my dear, sweet, son-in-law, Chef John. We are so lucky that he is a part of our family. He is so much fun, has a great sense of humor, is uplifting to be around, he's both wise & smart (there is a difference), magical (he has dozens of magic tricks up his sleeves), full of common sense, thoughtful, and so very nurturing to everyone that he meets, whether in person, or here on his blog. We love him, and absolutely NO ONE has a better son-in-law than I DO! Whenever we are together it becomes a holiday. Lucky, lucky me!
Happy birthday !
Thank you so much for your wonderful work, I visit your site everyday and enjoy and learn so much from it.
I wish you a very happy birthday and a year full of joy and love.
Happy Birthday John an thx for your great videos,I have learned so much from you I feel guilty an think I should be paying tuition lol.I got to your site from Rulburgs? not sure if thats spelled right an between him getting me thinking of ratios an your vids my cooking has bumped up about a hundred notchs,thxs again,Pat
On that same note if it wasnt for you I wouldnt be creative at all last night I slathered some farmers market bread with hummis an topped it with a pre-washed spring salad mix that I had already mixed with that mighty ceaser salad dressing and put some beefsteak tomato slices an parma shavings on to finish with alittle pepper it was awesome an like you say its so easy to make good food at home!!! thx Pat
Happy Birthday, Chef John!! And thanks so much for your SUPER blog. It always starts my day.
BTW, you are 3 years younger than my oldest child so you do NOT know old---I know old.
Thanks again.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY Chef John!!!!!!! wooooo! I hope you have lots of fun, and may the hard licor fairy visit you tonight! ;)
Happy Birthday!
God bless you. I wish you the bests on your birthday and the rest of your life.
I just came across your blog today. I looked around a few recipes in your blog. I have to tell you that you are just awesome.
From now on, you will have one more reader and supporter ;-)
That chicken looks so good. It drives me nuts that no one here in Indianapolis (that I know of) makes great fried chicken.
Guess I gotta move south, eh?
Or, watch the video and make a batch yourself!
Happy Birthday Chef John!
My other hobby (other than cooking), is making cards. I'd love to make you a birthday card and send it to you. If you don't think I'm just another crazy fan, email me your snail mail addy and I'll send you one!
What's your email?
Happy Birthday Chef John! Thanks for all the great recipes, the laughs and the awesome fun that you provide all the time on this blog! You deserve a great celebration for your generosity. =)
Happy belated birthday, Chef John. Man, that chicken looks good!
Happy belated birthday. You deserve the best. You are so kind. I have joy in my heart when a meal I prepare is enjoyed. Be blessed for making so many people shine!
A little late, but HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! And thanks for your fantastic and inspiring blog, may you blog forever :)
Greetings, Chris
Wow. I haven't been to your site in a few weeks but I was going to ask you to do a Fried Chicken recipe as a tribute to Michael Jackson. He loved Kentucky Fried Chicken. Looks like you beat me to it. (just beat it..) ok enough I know..
Magic Johnson Remembers Michael Jackson: Kentucky Fried Chicken
Happy birthday Chef, keep on making us happy for at least another 46 years
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