This warm mozzarella and bread salad was no different. What was different was the bright idea I had when I went to serve the salad. I placed it on the table, and went to get the rest of the meal. As I looked across the kitchen, I saw the pesto glistening on the bright white cheese. It looked good. So, I decided to film the plate being placed in the sunny window as part of the recipe (which you'll see in the video).
The results were stunning. The sun warmed the cheese, woke the pesto, and turned a very good bread salad into a memorable one. Now, I'm not saying the sun's rays imparted some kind of mysterious, magical energy into it, but I have been humming John Denver tunes ever since. Enjoy!
stale Italian bread
8 oz mozzarella fresca (fresh mozzarella)
1/2 cup pesto
2 tbsp white wine vinegar
2 tbsp olive oil
salt and pepper
red pepper flakes

Soak into every nook and cranny of the bread...It's great, it's delicious, and it's a great thing for a picnic or for just something to eat at home...and I hope you enjoy that,
Are you, like, FOX News? "CUT HIS MIC!"
LOL. the sun thing is funny!
now this ,is the kind of salad I'll eat.
Nice recipe chef, and lol that was hilarious
great video! J. Denver rules!
Very funny...Notch-ada....sounds like my grandfather, who was from the other side...he called pancakes...
and cornflakes...corn-a-flack...God I miss him...
If, by chance, it is not so sunny out, could a microwave on lower power be an adequate substitute?
Silly question probably, but how do you serve it exactly? Seems a little messy for finger food...
MissTruly from YT.
never microwave bread! wait for the sun, or put in a warm oven for a couple minutes.
just serve on salad plates with a fork. You can also put it next to or on greens.
best ending music EVER :)
I saved that old "unsynced" video...gave me a laugh.
Hi Chef John, this recipe is a keeper! Excellent job
thanks! i actually thought of your site when i posted.
Looks great. Hey I like the video on vimeo. The picture is much better than Youtube.
good post
I love this, it seem so poetic :D
I think I just died because of the ending music. As always, you're a genius Chef John.
Looks really good but... how is this a salad?
The same way a tomato, basil, and mozzarella is called a Caprese Salad, or potatoes dressed with a vinaigrette is called a salad.
This may be a silly question, but how do you make and what are the ingredients for the pesto?
Thank you
Hey is pesto sauce necessary? Many thanks
Where's the video? Can you put it backup, can't find anywhere. Thanks.
While I do not doubt the deliciousness of this recipe, I do have a question regarding its health and nutrition (and your recipes in general). Here you use tons of oil (several tablespoons + pesto), cheese and bread. From a nutritional standpoint, this is basically just pure fat soaking a few (less-than-stellar depending on bread) carbs.
I noticed many of your recipes call for lots of oil/creme/cheese/etc. as well. I am thus curious - do you tend to cook these dishes regularly, or are they mostly a "guilty pleasure" once in a whole? Or am I just over-reacting about these ingredients? I used to be fairly overweight in the past and after getting in good shape, grown to be fairly health-conscious about my food, but I do sometimes take it to the extreme. I figured I'd just ask the master himself :)
Eitherway, I do love your video reviews (you have a great voice and sense of humor) and your recipes are indeed absolutely deliscious. One of the few blogs I follow these days!
- Jake
I eat healthy. Thanks!
Where can I find this "Suhn" ingredient you speak of in San Francisco?
Great salad Chef, thanks!
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