Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Almost Wordless Wednesday

This is a cheese plate featuring some amazing homemade fromage blanc, with a little olive oil, black pepper and chive. I will be doing a demo of this easy recipe soon - consider yourselves teased.


A.C. said...

Can't wait for that video, I've been dying to make my own cheese.

Anonymous said...

I can't be teased as I still have some Key Lime Pie in the fridge. I made 4 of them from your recipe the other day, sent 3 off as gifts and garnered a whole lotta praise.

Chef John said...

thanks, but it's actually my Mom Pauline's recipe. I'm sure she'll be proud.

Anonymous said...

I love it. Can't wait to see it!

PrimeBrit said...

You ROCK Chef and you are mentioned in this house, always, as someone praises me for my culinary greatness. When does school start??

Anonymous said...

would it work without adding the butter milk?

Anonymous said...

HI! i just watched the video and you said to check out the website for the recipe ....the proportion of the ingredients being very important. So where is the recipe? Thanks.

Chef John said...

check the making cheese post. It's in the archive for May.