Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Just Call Me King Wing – My "How to Eat Chicken Wings" Video Goes Viral!

You just never know. What was intended to be a short goof of a demo, has turned into a bona fide internet sensation! My little "How to Eat a Chicken Wing" video has just gone over 120,000 views on YouTube, as well as been featured on such high profile websites as lifehacker.com, seriouseats.com, buzzfeed.com, yelp.com, and consumerist.com, among others.

Thanks to everyone who had a part in spreading the word! By the way, the pastrami-rubbed chicken wings recipe from which this sensation was born is ready to post tomorrow. Stay tuned!

Hey Ladies, Show Me Your Wings!

I just received this video from my good friends Jude (left) and Juliana from Brand New Entertainment, showing off their new-found chicken wing skills. Hey, if a couple television producers from L.A. can do it, so can you! ;-)


Richard said...

Well done!

You have revolutionised the way I each chicken wings!

Cooking Ventures said...

Tonight, I had some chicken wings at a Chinese restaurant. At least I THINK it was chicken. Could have been a pigeon -- who knows. Anyway, I tried your deboning technique on the first wing. Didn't work. Tried it on the second. Didn't work. I had to eat 57 of the suckers before it finally worked. I'm blaming my elephant thighs on your chicken wings. :-)

Chase Saunders said...

Woot! Saw you on Lifehacker this morning too.

Anonymous said...

congrats chef john!

milkshake said...

Ventures: Some Chinese restaurants would under-cook stuff - then of course the meat does not come off the bone.

rosemary said...

I was going to read all the youtube comments but I got exhausted and gave up. Here in Africa every part of the chicken is eaten, veins, bones and all. Except feathers and the hen poop in gizzards and intestines.

Shagun Khare said...

congrats chef!
btw that vid made me hungry right before my first yoga class!! hehehe.
youre the coolest.

Snack-Girl said...

Fantastic - truly inspiring - and the video is awesome - who knew?

Itsmee said...

Chef John,

Posted this on my facebook page. Welcome to viral city baby!

Anonymous said...

it was also on buzzfeed

The Luch said...

I learned how to do this a about 6 years ago when I moved to Louisiana. One of my salesguys taught me the technique and I've been thankful ever since.

Scott - Boston said...

Oh man! Sorry Chef, that was just me. I keep forgetting what to do after pulling out the first bone. You'd think that after the first 100,000 times I'd get it... see, I already forgot. Time to watch it again.

Honestly, I actually did show this video around up here a bunch. I'd never heard of deboning the flat. And apparently neither did anyone else!


Scott - Boston

Anonymous said...

You sir are now on the Yahoo! homepage!!!

Travis said...

ha, you made it to the holy grail! The Yahoo! homepage! Congrats!

arose4lee said...


Anonymous said...

Ummmmm easier way. Kinda like eatin' crawfish. Put the end in your mouth, pull out as you drag your teeth on the bones. Takes about 2 seconds, not 30 or more like in the video.

Anonymous said...

way to go viral man. congrats

missfoxxxxxxx said...

You're on the ATT Yahoo! homepage!!! This video on YouTube is now up to almost 250,000 views! It's good to be the King! Congratulations!!!

Anonymous said...

Saw it on reddit.com too

Anonymous said...

What's the music playing at the end of this video?

スタービーチ said...


高級セレブ said...


メル友 said...

変な性癖があるのはどう思いますか?私、獣姦とか好きなんです…いきなりこんな話驚きますよね…引きましたか?Σ(゜□゜(゜□゜*)野外とかにも興味があります!変態チックなのもたまにはいいですよ\(^-^ )こんな私にメールしてくれるとうれしいです。メールから色んな話しましょ(^_^)年上の人がいいです、私は27歳ですよ!それでは、メール待ってますね sasisuseso309@docomo.ne.jp

ツイッター said...
