If you follow me on Twitter, it's fairly obvious who I'm voting for, so I'm not doing any kind of recommendation here, but simply wanted to encourage you to vote.
Whether you're voting for the President, or the talking haircut who agrees with 3% of the world's climate scientists, the important thing is to get out to the polls and make your voice heard. Enjoy!
I knew I liked you for more than your good cooking, clever humor, and photogenic hands! -Pyrofish the Independent
"Whether you're voting for the President, or the talking haircut who agrees with 3% of the world's climate scientists, the important thing is to get out to the polls and make your voice heard."
What about those of us who vote for neither of those sociopaths? Voting is pretty much a waste of time so I'm going to waste my vote on someone I agree with, Gary Johnson!
John, I had impressed up till know with what you've been doing but taking advantage of your site to promote Obama is sad. Nice to encourage people to vote, to bad to drop into typical liberal habit of saying nothing positive about your own guy. Other sights to see people cook, need to go see some.
John, I've enjoyed your site for quite some time now and have incorporated many of your recipes into our weekly menu planning. You are a marvelous chef! But, please leave the political commentary to those of us who choose to read past the headlines and can actually understand the science enough to know that global warming is bogus.
sad, to find out after all these years that you can actually vote for obama ugh! but i think it's more of a guilt vote than anything else (the guilty feeling about race issues that you had no part in..)
I'm making a meatloaf tonight and thinking of your recipes as I consider Thanksgiving.
I told BF I needed some blue ketchup, because, well, it doesn't seem an auspicious night to serve a beastloaf bathed in red. (Ugh, blue color-added food, though...)
He advised me I could produce a fair replica of the chinese flag by adding a little mustard (which of course I have) so it MAY be Commie Loaf for us tonight.
i figure the reason you're not publishing your comments Chef John, is that you don't want to alienate the people you rely on to make a living, so keep the politics out of your site, just cook food dude and post videos, we don't come here for social commentary. Great site by the way!
Hahahahaha. Chef John, these comments are funny to say the least. Yes to freedom of speech, except when it's filled with grammatical errors, spelling mistakes and rambling thoughts. Hahahaha. Nevermind, keep throwing out those ridiculous comments, I mean we all need some comedic relief once in a while.
Chef John, as a long time admirer of your site and staunch democrat, it makes me nervous to see all these right wing posts and view points on your food blog. I'm not sure I can affiliate myself to this site any longer, as you're keen on saying Chef, you are the Boss of your own right wing agenda!
Anyone who goes by "anonymous" should obviously not be taken seriously. There's nothing "sad" about a person expressing their opinion, but one's reaction to that opinion. If you don't like his politics, SO WHAT? Half of you have already said something along the lines of "that's not what we're here for." Precisely. So laugh it off, go cook yourself some dinner and chill out. Nobody is putting a gun to your head and forcing you to vote for someone you don't want to. Save it for later when you all realize Rombot 9000 and Boy Wonder are about to be nothing but a really hilarious memory.
Regardless of your politics, I enjoy your site imensely! My... Um significant other (i guess thats what he is for the sake of being kids friendly) and I are on different spectrums. If Mitt wins I'm doomed to make him dinner for the first time. If Barack wins I get a cheap hug...
Chef John, I can't believe I've been eating your liberal recipes! I'm going to make a list of all the ingredients you've used on your website and make sure to never eat any of them again.
I think it would be wise to stay off politics on a food blog. I think you're a wonderful chef John but posts like these on a public forum tend to foster a spirit of division and antipathy toward basically half of this wonderful country. This is evidenced by the comments that ensued, not mentioning the ones you didn't post. As a scientist, I can tell you that there is much more than 3% of the scientific community that take issue, not with global warming but with the human causation element. I love this blog and so this post will definitely not prevent me from coming back several times a week but I think it should be your goal to use food as a common denominator to break down barriers not put them up. That's just my two cents for what it's worth.
Coincidentally, Roger Ebert recently wrote about the subject of people trying to shame him into stifling his political opinions on his blog. I mentioned you in the comments (not by name) because I remember a similar reaction when you last mentioned a certain someone's hair.
Interesting to me how the very same people who often howl the loudest about their right to freedom of speech, are also the first to try to shut it down from others when they don't agree. I don't want to call them hypocrites, but...well, yes I do.
If you came for delicious recipes and pretty pictures and a calming voice telling you how to make your food, then you got it. If you didn't come for politics then ignore it. (It's what I have to do when I get on pinterest.)
I don't know how you people go about life so intolerant of other view points enough to neglect the purpose of your very own pursuits, which presumably, we're all here to get a clue about food.
Now then, I'm still making dinner even though I won the bet. That way, everyone wins. No sore loser in my house.
4 more years! Heard today at work, 20% cut across the board at work. Many remaining jobs will be under 30 hours, not enough to eat on. DOW dropped 300+ points today. Pannerra bread CEO says his company and many others will not be able to hire with new 15% added on tax, they'll just have to do with what they have and less employees. Oh, more taxesregulations, more spending, more obamacare taxes coming (my insurance premiums going way up). My daughter (histo-tech at cancer hospital) was told today, the slides you can't get done, just keep a day or two, don't send out because our payback just got decreased 60% and we can't afford it. When she said, that's dangerous for patient care, she was told yeah it is but what else can we do. My Constitutional rights being violated, forced to pay for abortions even though my relious beliefs are against unnecessary abortions. hmmmmm. Do you really think the country won today? Oh yeah, one more. Dems want to hurry up and legalize any illegal aliens so Texas will be Dem and ensure their base forever. DO U REALLY THINK THIS IS A WIN?
All of that happened in less than 24 hours after an election, huh? Amazing. But I thought American society was supposed to collapse four years ago when he got elected the first time?
You know, Fox News and your corporate overlords have been lying to you all this time about what the majority of Americans want, who was going to win the election, and pretty much everything they've ever said about Obama the man and his plans, but for some reason y'all just keep going back for more abuse.
I think there's a 12-step program for that - it's called Sore Losers Anonymous, and it's free courtesy of Obamacare. Not that I really want to pay for your rehab, but since you've given up your constitutional rights so I can get all of those unnecessary abortions I've been chomping at the bit for, I guess I can chip in.
Kali, how sad. It's not sore loser. It has been happening for a long time. One gov't worker in Raleigh NC with health insurance (paid for with tax dollars) managed to get 6 abortions paid for. How could anyone need 6 abortions, and more importantly, why should any taxpayer pay for them when she has a job? BTW, save the whales, save the polar bears and screw the fetus? I voted for Obama the first time. He lied, he did not cut the deficit, we can't keep our own doctors, abortion will be covered, our deadline for signing up for 2013 healthcare came last week (that's when it goes out) and our premiums are way up to help cover O care even after raiding Medicare, he said they'd be lower, he lied about Benghazi, his campaign claimed Romney murdered someone, never paid taxes, etc. Did you know Romney (who wouldn't have been my preferred choice, I liked Kane) gives 1/3 of his annual income to charities, hell of a lot more than Obama, and BTW, Obama has a bigger pension. Are you aware of the fiscal cliff, Obama wants Repub's not to agree and we go over the cliff because then gov. revenue goes way up and helps pay for Obamacare and solves a revenue problem for Obama. Did you know Candy knew about the CBS interview during the debate and was aware that Obama didn't call Benghazi terrorist attack, even tho he claimed during the debate that he did that morning in the Rose garden. I for one don't like being lied to by anyone although the lib response to that is "everyone lies". Who is drinking Kool-aid? Faux news is really no better than CNN (communist news network) or MSNBC (most socialist news bullcrap). I don't trust any media outlet, apparently you must be a MSNBC drinker. The joke is on us, the country has never been this divided; Obama pulled out class warfare, racial divide; a really dirty campaign that no one with any morals would be proud of. Yes, I'm embarrassed I helped vote him in the first time. Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me. Enough said, you're just another lamb (chop)like me, being lead to the slaughter.
John, what do you mean by climate change? It seems like you're talking about Sandy. If you are, you should know that as devastating as storms can be, they are a necessary element of our ecosystem. Although it pains me to see hundreds, sometimes thousands, of people suffer due to storms, it pains me even more, as a scientist to see people attributing storms to climate change. Without storms, the planet would enter a dry phase and forests would become deserts. Millions would die of starvation and exposure. I do not like to see storms destroying everything in their paths but I understand that they are necessary for our survival.
I love your recipes. I don't believe in anonymous science or scientists. I have friends who a real scientists and they all acknowledge the validity of climate change. (I went to college when I was 16, so most of my friends are geeky & smart.)
Don't be sad for me - I can discern truth from lies and form a coherent sentence.
"It's not sore loser."
All evidence points to the contrary.
"One gov't worker in Raleigh NC with health insurance (paid for with tax dollars) managed to get 6 abortions paid for."
And why would this person have discussed any of this with you or anyone like you? (That was what is known as a rhetorical question - look it up).
"I voted for Obama the first time."
Baloney with cheese on white bread.
Nice of you to prove my point though, by spouting thoroughly debunked talking points that no one but Fox zombies believe. Sane Americans voted against you yesterday, so I suggest you either get used to it or seek the aforementioned rehab you so desperately need. Or you can keep arguing with me and end up looking even sillier than you already do. (Just kidding, John. I'm done. I know it only encourages them to dig their ignorant little heels in deeper.)
Kali, you said "seek the aforementioned rehab you so desperately need. Or you can keep arguing with me and end up looking even sillier". Wow! I'm not arguing with you, you responded to my post. Everything I wrote is factual and can be checked. The News and Observer, check it out for the gov worker and abortions, she was proud of it.
Please, get over yourself.
Hopefully we'll solve a few problems in US soon. Obama won and he is our president, I for one wish him success but am seriously concerned with the unemployment, etc right now.
BTW, have a nice day, cook one of Chef John's delicious recipes.
There's clearly some anti-intellectualism going on against climate change, yes I am a phD student studying Earth Science, and 100% of faculties here agree that climate change is happening. To make this statement more persuasive, I'm from one of the Ivy League University and faculties here are somewhat "established". SO, YOU CAN FANTASTIC CHEF JOHN ! LIKE x 1million
Yes, I'm sorry, but any one who objectively looks at the data and still thinks its a hoax, is just plain stupid.
The worst thing is semi-intelligent people like Rush Limbaugh know that it's real (they've admitted as much in private), and yet still peddle the hoax nonsense to these dumb asses to keep their shows and blogs going.
I heard a professor who studies how people get information from news say that people who only watch FOX news score lower on test questions (like is Obama Christian or Muslim) and are less informed than people that watch NO news!
I knew I liked you for more than your good cooking, clever humor, and photogenic hands!
-Pyrofish the Independent
"Whether you're voting for the President, or the talking haircut who agrees with 3% of the world's climate scientists, the important thing is to get out to the polls and make your voice heard."
What about those of us who vote for neither of those sociopaths? Voting is pretty much a waste of time so I'm going to waste my vote on someone I agree with, Gary Johnson!
I had impressed up till know with what you've been doing but taking advantage of your site to promote Obama is sad. Nice to encourage people to vote, to bad to drop into typical liberal habit of saying nothing positive about your own guy.
Other sights to see people cook, need to go see some.
You are actually the coolest person ever.
Well said, chef John!
I've enjoyed your site for quite some time now and have incorporated many of your recipes into our weekly menu planning. You are a marvelous chef! But, please leave the political commentary to those of us who choose to read past the headlines and can actually understand the science enough to know that global warming is bogus.
sad, to find out after all these years that you can actually vote for obama ugh! but i think it's more of a guilt vote than anything else (the guilty feeling about race issues that you had no part in..)
I <3 you Chef John! I'd be worried about you if you had voted the other way with you living in Sf and all ;)
freedom of speech...freedom to surf online...
Chef John, please keep embracing your free spirit!
Talking Haircut, lol!
I'm making a meatloaf tonight and thinking of your recipes as I consider Thanksgiving.
I told BF I needed some blue ketchup, because, well, it doesn't seem an auspicious night to serve a beastloaf bathed in red. (Ugh, blue color-added food, though...)
He advised me I could produce a fair replica of the chinese flag by adding a little mustard (which of course I have) so it MAY be Commie Loaf for us tonight.
BTW, if you think some of these comments are crazy, you should see some of the ones I'm not publishing!
Thank God it's almost over.
That's all I'm sayin'.
Let's see those comments!
I want all the tapes :P
have fun guys over there voting!
Greetings from Europe
i figure the reason you're not publishing your comments Chef John, is that you don't want to alienate the people you rely on to make a living, so keep the politics out of your site, just cook food dude and post videos, we don't come here for social commentary.
Great site by the way!
Hahahahaha. Chef John, these comments are funny to say the least. Yes to freedom of speech, except when it's filled with grammatical errors, spelling mistakes and rambling thoughts. Hahahaha. Nevermind, keep throwing out those ridiculous comments, I mean we all need some comedic relief once in a while.
Land of the Freedom of Speech!
It's your Blog, you can say what you want to. Go Chef John!
Oh What nerds. I loved your comments, very witty. I agree with everything you said and i am cooking a very hot Thai Green Curry chicken!
Well, you can cook.
Chef John, as a long time admirer of your site and staunch democrat, it makes me nervous to see all these right wing posts and view points on your food blog. I'm not sure I can affiliate myself to this site any longer, as you're keen on saying Chef, you are the Boss of your own right wing agenda!
Every once in a while I like to remind people that this is my personal blog and that they are (welcomed) guests here!
Btw, did you people calling me right-wing actually read the post??
Oh, man! I find it interesting that these people are telling you to keep your political opinions to yourself on YOUR OWN WEBSITE.
Oh my goodness!
Regardless of your political views, your videos are always excellent, insightful, and helpful!
Yeah, keep your right wing agenda to yourself, you evil socialist. And don't you dare vote oven Mitt, or he will come to haunt you.
I'd vote Alexander if I wouldn't be surprised to see him break a million votes. Too bad socialism takes effort from everyone to work properly.
Anyone who goes by "anonymous" should obviously not be taken seriously. There's nothing "sad" about a person expressing their opinion, but one's reaction to that opinion. If you don't like his politics, SO WHAT? Half of you have already said something along the lines of "that's not what we're here for." Precisely. So laugh it off, go cook yourself some dinner and chill out. Nobody is putting a gun to your head and forcing you to vote for someone you don't want to. Save it for later when you all realize Rombot 9000 and Boy Wonder are about to be nothing but a really hilarious memory.
Regardless of your politics, I enjoy your site imensely! My... Um significant other (i guess thats what he is for the sake of being kids friendly) and I are on different spectrums. If Mitt wins I'm doomed to make him dinner for the first time. If Barack wins I get a cheap hug...
Doesn't much matter who wins. The results will be similar enough to be called the same.
Voting is a shuck. It only perpetuates the myth that a 3+ trillion dollar government is necesary.
I am Mark Anderson, Seattle Washington, and I approve this message.
I never said I wasn't the kind of person to say "I told you so."
Thank you and goodnight!
Whooo hoooo! Four more years!
I was wondering if you were posting all comments, and agree that some are fine comic relief.
I've been repeating your "Talking Haircut" one-liner all night. (With attribution, of course).
Yay, America!!!!
Yay, Obama!
Chef John, I can't believe I've been eating your liberal recipes! I'm going to make a list of all the ingredients you've used on your website and make sure to never eat any of them again.
Hello Chef John,
Thanks for voting Obama.
Yours sincerely,
a European foodwhishes-fan
Good to know people are still voted for based on looks and relatively unimportant viewpoints.
I look forward to your next favorite recipe which, judging from your political advice, will no doubt be Grape Kool Aid.
Right wing?! Left wing!? TURKEY WING!
Yes! It is time for the turkey wing party to take over!
I think it would be wise to stay off politics on a food blog. I think you're a wonderful chef John but posts like these on a public forum tend to foster a spirit of division and antipathy toward basically half of this wonderful country. This is evidenced by the comments that ensued, not mentioning the ones you didn't post. As a scientist, I can tell you that there is much more than 3% of the scientific community that take issue, not with global warming but with the human causation element. I love this blog and so this post will definitely not prevent me from coming back several times a week but I think it should be your goal to use food as a common denominator to break down barriers not put them up. That's just my two cents for what it's worth.
Global warming ended 16 years ago, Chef-o.
Lol. So, there's no problem with climate change? You people crack me up.
Coincidentally, Roger Ebert recently wrote about the subject of people trying to shame him into stifling his political opinions on his blog. I mentioned you in the comments (not by name) because I remember a similar reaction when you last mentioned a certain someone's hair.
Interesting to me how the very same people who often howl the loudest about their right to freedom of speech, are also the first to try to shut it down from others when they don't agree. I don't want to call them hypocrites, but...well, yes I do.
Well said, Kali.
If you came for delicious recipes and pretty pictures and a calming voice telling you how to make your food, then you got it. If you didn't come for politics then ignore it. (It's what I have to do when I get on pinterest.)
I don't know how you people go about life so intolerant of other view points enough to neglect the purpose of your very own pursuits, which presumably, we're all here to get a clue about food.
Now then, I'm still making dinner even though I won the bet. That way, everyone wins. No sore loser in my house.
You all have a good day.
4 more years! Heard today at work, 20% cut across the board at work. Many remaining jobs will be under 30 hours, not enough to eat on. DOW dropped 300+ points today. Pannerra bread CEO says his company and many others will not be able to hire with new 15% added on tax, they'll just have to do with what they have and less employees. Oh, more taxesregulations, more spending, more obamacare taxes coming (my insurance premiums going way up). My daughter (histo-tech at cancer hospital) was told today, the slides you can't get done, just keep a day or two, don't send out because our payback just got decreased 60% and we can't afford it. When she said, that's dangerous for patient care, she was told yeah it is but what else can we do. My Constitutional rights being violated, forced to pay for abortions even though my relious beliefs are against unnecessary abortions. hmmmmm. Do you really think the country won today? Oh yeah, one more. Dems want to hurry up and legalize any illegal aliens so Texas will be Dem and ensure their base forever.
You betcha.
All of that happened in less than 24 hours after an election, huh? Amazing. But I thought American society was supposed to collapse four years ago when he got elected the first time?
You know, Fox News and your corporate overlords have been lying to you all this time about what the majority of Americans want, who was going to win the election, and pretty much everything they've ever said about Obama the man and his plans, but for some reason y'all just keep going back for more abuse.
I think there's a 12-step program for that - it's called Sore Losers Anonymous, and it's free courtesy of Obamacare. Not that I really want to pay for your rehab, but since you've given up your constitutional rights so I can get all of those unnecessary abortions I've been chomping at the bit for, I guess I can chip in.
Kali, how sad. It's not sore loser. It has been happening for a long time. One gov't worker in Raleigh NC with health insurance (paid for with tax dollars) managed to get 6 abortions paid for. How could anyone need 6 abortions, and more importantly, why should any taxpayer pay for them when she has a job? BTW, save the whales, save the polar bears and screw the fetus? I voted for Obama the first time. He lied, he did not cut the deficit, we can't keep our own doctors, abortion will be covered, our deadline for signing up for 2013 healthcare came last week (that's when it goes out) and our premiums are way up to help cover O care even after raiding Medicare, he said they'd be lower, he lied about Benghazi, his campaign claimed Romney murdered someone, never paid taxes, etc. Did you know Romney (who wouldn't have been my preferred choice, I liked Kane) gives 1/3 of his annual income to charities, hell of a lot more than Obama, and BTW, Obama has a bigger pension. Are you aware of the fiscal cliff, Obama wants Repub's not to agree and we go over the cliff because then gov. revenue goes way up and helps pay for Obamacare and solves a revenue problem for Obama. Did you know Candy knew about the CBS interview during the debate and was aware that Obama didn't call Benghazi terrorist attack, even tho he claimed during the debate that he did that morning in the Rose garden. I for one don't like being lied to by anyone although the lib response to that is "everyone lies". Who is drinking Kool-aid? Faux news is really no better than CNN (communist news network) or MSNBC (most socialist news bullcrap). I don't trust any media outlet, apparently you must be a MSNBC drinker. The joke is on us, the country has never been this divided; Obama pulled out class warfare, racial divide; a really dirty campaign that no one with any morals would be proud of. Yes, I'm embarrassed I helped vote him in the first time. Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me. Enough said, you're just another lamb (chop)like me, being lead to the slaughter.
John, what do you mean by climate change? It seems like you're talking about Sandy. If you are, you should know that as devastating as storms can be, they are a necessary element of our ecosystem. Although it pains me to see hundreds, sometimes thousands, of people suffer due to storms, it pains me even more, as a scientist to see people attributing storms to climate change. Without storms, the planet would enter a dry phase and forests would become deserts. Millions would die of starvation and exposure. I do not like to see storms destroying everything in their paths but I understand that they are necessary for our survival.
Your blog + free speech = What is their problem?
I love your recipes. I don't believe in anonymous science or scientists. I have friends who a real scientists and they all acknowledge the validity of climate change. (I went to college when I was 16, so most of my friends are geeky & smart.)
Oh, & I live in NJ. Can any of you say Sandy?
"Kali, how sad."
Don't be sad for me - I can discern truth from lies and form a coherent sentence.
"It's not sore loser."
All evidence points to the contrary.
"One gov't worker in Raleigh NC with health insurance (paid for with tax dollars) managed to get 6 abortions paid for."
And why would this person have discussed any of this with you or anyone like you? (That was what is known as a rhetorical question - look it up).
"I voted for Obama the first time."
Baloney with cheese on white bread.
Nice of you to prove my point though, by spouting thoroughly debunked talking points that no one but Fox zombies believe. Sane Americans voted against you yesterday, so I suggest you either get used to it or seek the aforementioned rehab you so desperately need. Or you can keep arguing with me and end up looking even sillier than you already do. (Just kidding, John. I'm done. I know it only encourages them to dig their ignorant little heels in deeper.)
Hi Chef,
Thought you'd like to know the Huffington Post has your Turkey Gravy recipe on the site it's titled:
Gravy Recipes: Turkey, Mushroom, Miso And More Variations For Thanksgiving (PHOTOS)
Nice job!
Kali, you said "seek the aforementioned rehab you so desperately need. Or you can keep arguing with me and end up looking even sillier". Wow! I'm not arguing with you, you responded to my post. Everything I wrote is factual and can be checked. The News and Observer, check it out for the gov worker and abortions, she was proud of it.
Please, get over yourself.
Hopefully we'll solve a few problems in US soon. Obama won and he is our president, I for one wish him success but am seriously concerned with the unemployment, etc right now.
BTW, have a nice day, cook one of Chef John's delicious recipes.
"Please, get over yourself."
In my humble opinion, the only people who should get over themselves are those telling Chef what he should and should not write on his own blog.
You see what I did there?
I'm going to be such a hit with the lemon berry tartlet. Even the name is cute.
There's clearly some anti-intellectualism going on against climate change, yes I am a phD student studying Earth Science, and 100% of faculties here agree that climate change is happening. To make this statement more persuasive, I'm from one of the Ivy League University and faculties here are somewhat "established". SO, YOU CAN FANTASTIC CHEF JOHN ! LIKE x 1million
Yes, I'm sorry, but any one who objectively looks at the data and still thinks its a hoax, is just plain stupid.
The worst thing is semi-intelligent people like Rush Limbaugh know that it's real (they've admitted as much in private), and yet still peddle the hoax nonsense to these dumb asses to keep their shows and blogs going.
I heard a professor who studies how people get information from news say that people who only watch FOX news score lower on test questions (like is Obama Christian or Muslim) and are less informed than people that watch NO news!
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