To help me prove this, here is a great collection put
together by my friend, Carl Hanson, from Follow this link for “How The World Does Beans and Rice…in 24 Recipes,” and you could theoretically
make a new version every day for two-weeks. Enjoy!
What's my favorite rice and beans dish?
It changes with my mood, but this Brazilian Feijoada is hard to beat. Enjoy the video, and click here if you'd like to read the full blog post.
There is such a thing when you're on a low-carb diet :) All of this is heresy!
Dear chef John,
I am a great fan of yours for so long and should have already written you my thanks for so many wonderful dishes you taught me.
As a brazilian I can't tell you haw happy I was to see that you also like feijoada and your recipe is very good.
I didn't realize you don't have the cassava (we call it mandioca) in america. It is like a ticker flour and it is delicious. We use to toast it on butter with garlic and call it farofa. In many places (and it is my preference) we do not serve feijoada with white rice, only with farofa. You should try it. Cassava is a root and on feijoada we use it's flour, called "farinha de mandioca" (cassava flour).
Well, thanks again for all the GREAT recipes and sorry for my english, it's been a while I don't practice it.
From a great fan,
Paulo Arantes
Isn´t low carb diet a heresy itself?!
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