I’m not sure exactly when it’ll happen, but at some point
this spring or summer, you’re going to start hating every one of your go-to
grilled chicken recipes. Those recipes are delicious, but after decades of the
same old, same old, you just get fatigued. Hopefully when that happens, you’ll
remember this spicy, tarragon yogurt chicken recipe.
And you don’t even need to remember the specific
ingredients. Except for the plain yogurt, the other components are completely
adaptable. The endless varieties of vinegar/citrus options, fresh herbs, and
hot sauces, means there’s an endless number of ways to personalize this recipe.
Imagine writing all your favorite herbs down on cards, and
throwing them in a hat. Then, doing the same thing with your favorite vinegars
and citrus juices, as well as hot sauces and salsas. When ready, close your
eyes, and randomly picks cards to see what tasty version awaits you. It’s like
a Mad Lib, only useful, and not stupid.
Here, let me try...[picks cards from old beaver skin
hat]…okay, next time, along with the yogurt I’ll be using…[drum roll]…Sambal,
lime juice, and basil…hey, that sounds awesome! See, it totally works.
As usual, I insist on you sharing any particularly amazing
combinations you stumble upon. Anyway, I hope you give this super-easy, always
juicy, and infinitely adjustable, grilled chicken recipe a try soon. Enjoy!
Marinade ingredients, enough for 4 large breasts:
1 bunch picked tarragon, leaves only
1/2 cup plain Greek yogurt
1/4 hot sauce or salsa (amounts will depend on spiciness, of
1 tbsp cumin
2 tsp kosher salt
2 peeled garlic cloves
2 tbsp vinegar or citrus juice

Mmmm...great idea for this weekend! I look forward to the braised lentil demo; they look wonderful!
I love puy lentils, I cook 'em maybe twice a week..... I'd LOVE to try your recipe for them. Please, Please PLEASE demo the lentils!!!
Culinary school five minutes a day. I am amazed. My family loves you for these videos. Every time I cook something they want to know if it is from Chef John. Thanks for all the good stuff you share with us. I will be using this one.
Latin style: cilantro, lime juice, a splash of pineapple juice, ground coriander & allspice, and habanero for the "unf" factor.
And for the record, I don't think I'll ever get tired of Cornell chicken.
Hi chef John, how are you? I'm on a diet, so chicken is a must have on my every day menu, but I don't know what I'm doing wrong, every time I try to cook/grill/roast the entire chicken breast, it gets so dry and, I don't know how to say..in a lack of better word: rubbery =/ Any tips? Love your recipes :)
Yes, do a video demo of your braised lentils. Looks delicious! Thanks for making all your food videos!
Looks fabulous, chef! Another vote for the braised lentils vid! Those look really really good.
Um hii ^^ great and yummy looking ^^ , um i was wondering if u could make an invention with Popcorn and meat and maybe cheese i dont think I've seen anyone do something like that. it maybe a good idea... but i dont know anything your the master.
I disagree with you about refraining from overnight marinating in buttermilk. The fried chicken recipe I have been making for years calls for letting the chicken sit overnight in a seasoned buttermilk. It has never done anything negative to the texture of the chicken. I can't speak to the yogurt because my recipe for Greek chicken only calls for the boneless skinless to sit in the seasoned yogurt for an hour.
Maybe it's a yogurt thing! :)
Camila, just get a meat thermometer and check it until it hits 165. you'll have perfectly moist chicken every time. (chef john, why don't you answer comments like that which would literally take 5 seconds. love u man, but c'mon. poor girl just wants good moist healthy chicken)
I generally do, but I get hundreds and sometimes miss them. Btw, I think 155-160 is better. Thanks!
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You and I might not think it's a big deal, but I bet your lawyer would disagree.
Please please please post your braised lentils recipe! always looking for scrumptious lentil recipes!
You're the best Chef John! I make one of your recipes at least once a week :)
Sir, you are a god among men! :)
Would sriracha sauce be a good substitute for the hot sauce?
Chef John!
You are truly the Don King/Johnny Carson of great tasty fun always new cooking ideas.....
Delicious, used Nandos extra hot sauce, juice and zest of half a Lime and lots of Coriander. Had the grilled chicken with salad, lip tingling Mmm.
can i substitute tarragon with parsley?
Chef John,
Made this this weekend. Really good - and distinct from other BBQ flavors. Used sriracha, marinated 2 hours, had "buxom" breasts - but trimmed them into half strips for marinade and cooking/service, and used my gas grill.
Served with a "seasonal veggie couscous" per your recipe, plus hummus on the side.
All very good. Thanks for the recipes.
This looks awesome! But if you don't like the taste of tarragon (like me) you can substitute it with several other spice options like these: https://11mulberry.com/2018/04/26/tarragon-substitute/
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