Monday, November 3, 2008

Sneak Preview: Bacon 333


Anonymous said...


Pocheco said...

I don't know what's coming next, only that I'll want to eat it.

Der richtige Junge said...

I´m sure... this is not vegan !

Anonymous said...

I just want to say that this is one of my "go to" sites . Every morning I come here to get my fixs for the day . I cook everyday for my wife and and truly enjoy your videos. I have sent them to my friends in the wine and resturant bussiness. They like how informal all your presentations are but still very professional. All I can say is I'll keep watching.

Anonymous said...

i'm feelin hungry already...
need to make this one n try.

Anonymous said...

C'mon Chef John, help bring home the bacon...

How about a little election day fun?

Add a poll to your site today for your foodwishes bloggers to track a vote count, and see how close, percentage wise, your fans line up with the actual results.

Chef John said...

thanks anon!

I gets lots of international visitors, so a poll would surely be one-sided. But, no matter who wins, you are still free eat BTL's, whenever and whereever you want. God Bless America.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Distinguish your voter poll:
Registered voter
Non-registered voter
That should take care of it.

Anonymous said...

hey, it just struck me: why are there no american restaurants outside the US? I live in Europe and there are tons of restaurants of all sorts of nationalities: indian, chinese, french, swedish, turkish, vietnamese, russian, you name it...

but an american restaurant? it doesn't even sound familiar.

Does anyone have an explanation for this?

Anonymous said...

McDonalds is one of corporate Americana's best examples of an American restaurant, worldwide.

Chef John said...


Anonymous said...

and what a fine restaurant it is, you have every right to be proud. I was actually referring to real restaurants.

Anonymous said...

You see, that's the problem because in the US people think McD's is a real restaurant. OKAY, I get it, you're talking about a non-chain type of eatery, someplace that serves only typical American fare. Gosh, we're such a mess of ethnic backgrounds, we don't have any "Only American Foods" served restaurants in America, at least none that I've seen. Anyone know where no spaghetti, tacos, or other than only American foods is served. Maybe a small diner somewhere in Kansas, Dorothy's Place?

Anonymous said...

Stellar post, great music, and best of all, you made me smile :)

Chef John said...

why, thank you.