A friend sent me a nice note recently that his wife had made these pumpkin pancakes for dinner, and that they were thoroughly enjoyed by all. I always appreciate those kinds of messages, especially since they often serve as a reminder for doing seasonally appropriate recipe re-posts.
This was the week pumpkin made its yearly appearance into my life. On restaurant menus, on television, in store windows, on neighbors’ steps, and all over our living room…and dining room…and kitchen…and, well, you get the idea. So, to celebrate the beloved American gourd, I decided to rerun this tasty winter treat. Enjoy!

The great pumpkin personality is upon us. Bright, beautiful, fun to fondle, can make silly faces, chunky or smooth, and delicious.
I made some butternut squash pancakes inspired by this recipe. They were great!
yay! for sifting flour... because i still do. something my mom taught me that got stuck after all these years.
something to look forward to make when we get home next weekend!
now that I have your attention:
these pancakes are the BOMB!:)
I love this recipe. Thanks Chef. When I was a kid my Mom always cleaned up the jack-o-lantern and baked it to make pumpkin pies for Thanksgiving. This is the season to buy cheap pumpkin and its easy to bake them, then mash and freeze in 1-cup baggies for pumpkin bread, pumpkin cheesecake, pie, and these fantastic pancakes.
Thought you'd find this interesting!!
Watch the steamy pasta video.
Made these this morning. They were delicious! Son likes cheaper pancake syrup, I like real deal maple. Made a 1/2 and 1/2 combo and microwaved it till just warm. Perfect breakfast! With bacon of course. (-:
How much more pumpkin puree can I add if I want more than a hint of pumpkin taste? I want to make these but I want to have pumpkin pumpkin pancakes without the texture being too compromised. Thank you for uploading so many great recipes. I won't ever forget the day I found you on YouTube. You inspire so many people to just cook with confidence and style!
Not sure, you'd have to experiment. You can't really change proportions very much.
Have never tried a pumpkin pancake. Looking forward to this one!
I live in the middle east so I have the advantage of 10 hours of time difference to try your delicious recipes before anyone else... I love your idea of pumpkin pancake. could I use beet root puree for the same recipe instead of pumpkin??? the pancake color will be amazing for Christmas morning breakfast or for valentine day ...
I saw the this video for the first time last summer. I liked the pancakes so much that I made a whole bunch and froze them! Thanks, Chef John!
"Round the outside, round the outside, round the outside."....thanks for the laugh.
I'm on this low sugar/low carb kick (yeah, it sucks I know) and I can totally make these using flax meal and coconut flour and subbing sugar free syrup for regular. I just got REALLY excited about Fall. Thanks for sharing (again) Chef! =D
These pancakes sound delicious and would be perfect for my breakfast this weekend. Great timing with Thanksgiving.
"Spice it Up"
Food Wish: Pumpkin Pie. I need to use up all that left over pumpkin from our jack-o-lanterns.
Okay it's pancake mix, throw in can of pumpkin pulp, add wet ingredients, toss in all spices for pumpkin pie. Voila!
Also many pancake recipes right here: it's favorite pie, minus crust + pancake mix. Find some wild sryup... Voila you're an overnight chef sensation!
How that work for cake + pancake mix; use frosting between cakes and special syrup.
Breakfast: eggs, huge thick boara boara tusk ham and pineapple pancakes with hawain fruit sauce with chestnuts. Mango coconut drink and Hot Lava Coffee all cooked over hot coals of flying freshly ejected volcano rocks.
wow. Let's go ....
Please THINK OUTSIDE the box, so we see a lovely pancake on the box? What form could it be potentialy? Waffle, Belguim waffle, waffle on stick, aminal shape waffle? You been taught breakfast, lunch & supper ... think beyond that ...!
I guess I am trying to say is RECOGNIZE THE PRINCIPLE. Ie. skyscrapers all look different, however; they all use the same steel gridder, nuts and bolts.
The best recipe is the one in your gut! I study tons off recipes, but the one I use is THE RECIPES THAT FLOES B OUT OF YOUR GUT.
How about some granche on those waffles or powered sugar or frosting colored by koolaide power: colors, flavors are unlimited choices!
Here's my recipe: aprox. measures
2 cup Aunt Jamina whole wheat pancake mix
1 cup Libby easy pumpkin pie mix
1 egg
1/3 cup milk
1/2 tbsp pumpkin pie spice
adjust to taste n eyeball.
cook about 3 panckes in pan with cooking spray
I used maple syrup and Welch's grape jelly on top.
Pancake flour fast carb, pumpkin slow carb & egg is the meat = balanced!
I made pumpkin bread. Used my amazing banana bread recipe and subbed the pumpkin puree.A generous handful (man hand) of walnuts made it splendid.
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