I’m currently in Western New York visiting my family, so I thought I’d repost this video I shot way back in 2007, featuring my attempt to eat this region's most infamous culinary creation, the Garbage Plate.
The original Garbage Plate was created at Nick Tahou’s in Rochester, but this version was shot at my favorite local lunch spot, Charlie Riedel’s, in Canadaigua, NY. I highly encourage you to read the original post here for more information, as well as some very entertaining reader comments. Enjoy!

Initially reading 'Garbage Plate' I thought I was going to see something gross. Recently saw this 'fake' cat litter cake (ewww!), so probably thought on the same lines. But this Trash Plate looks normal, haha.
Chef Joh, you know how much I adore and love you. But I have to admit, this video always makes me scared for your stomach. Will you do me a favor and post what happens to you AFTER you do such crazy stunt eating? Down a bottle of antacid? Let America know what is REALLY up! Your fan, Lynn Rigberg
But Chef John... If we eat this, then how can we "mate"??
I never eat like that, so don't worry! It was 4 years ago, but I remember being just fine.
i thought you did a good job for eating just about all of the food. i would've cried uncle after a couple of bites. also, you survived! which is reeeeally good. kudos!
"Home of the Charlie Burger."
Man, it's been forever.
I wish I could find some white hots around here. Damn those were good!
LOLzzzzz :))))I love the end ...
I have tried several of your recipes and all become fast favorites. Making french onion soup tonight. But I knew there was something special about you! As a fellow western new Yorker and a true Rochesterian, I love that you posted a garbage plate!! Can't wait to go home for the holidays!
The Garbage Plate is best attempted at Nick Tahou's at 3:00 am with a coterie of working girls on the corner outside. Don't ask! ;)
Looks sooo good! But good enough to give up mating for?
Chef John..I have been read your blog for a couple of years now. Finally I decided to post something. I just wanted to let you know that you ARE MY HERO. All the recipes here are interesting yet easy to make. This blog has definitely become my cooking bible( and I have to tell you... I have seen/read many cooking books/blogs). Thanks soooo much for all your hard work and taking the time to share!! I am sure there are many like me reading these blogs feel the same. Thanks Chef John! love &hugs from Canada,
Chef John,
I love that you say pa-tay-tah instead of poe-tay-toe. It warms my heart that you speak like a prairie farm boy...even though you're not.
Cheers from your Saskatchewan Prairie Girl Fan,
In Europe, we believe that this is a typical american lunch :-)
This takes me back, Chef. When I lived in Syracuse I dated a girl in Rochester (go RIT Tigers!). She told me about the "garbage plate," and I think I said something about her being a "classy lady." It was imperative that she bring me to Nick's. I was in heaven. I'm almost tearing up now...
Thanks for the nostalgia, Chef!
Love your site! I'm from the Rochester area and have often seen, but never attempted the garbage plate. Too fun! Made your minestrone (just ate a bowl for lunch) and froze half for the holiday guests, so delicious! Thanks for your entertaining work.
Next time you're upstate you should let me know. Rochester has a great emerging restaurant scene. I'd love to take you out to dinner, my treat!
lol! Just found your site and had to laugh at the garbage plate.....wouldn't be able to even swallow it! I'm from Montreal and will stick to my poutines...french fries, gravy, cheese curds - mmmmmmmmmmmm! and they wonder why people are obese!!! Love your blogs and recipes!!
Chef John,
Kudos to you for diving head first into Garbage Plate topic! With your first v-blog, you risked drawing the ire of, well, almost everyone:
- The uninitiated balk at the word Garbage or Trash or Rubbish or or or. Why? Because we Americans have no idea how to use or know when someone else is using sarcasm.
- And they can't get passed the Plate's perceived lack of aesthetics. They quickly notice that the food is touching on the plate, which is often followed by "Eeeeeek," "Ewww," "Gross," or "Yucky." We can drown a plate of pasta in marinara or bolognese sauce, but shift the tomato-to-meat ratio toward more meat and suddenly we turn into a picky 14 year old girls.
- The health-conscious cry calamity, then they cry some more. Don't hate them -- they are just hungry. But beware radicalized health-conscious political extremists. Y'know, the "politically correct" ones because they think that their political views are always correct. You said, "Complete culinary freedom for all" ...and I'm with you 100%.
- And the cult-like fans of the [insert refuse-sounding name here] Plate attack anyone with (obviously misguided) loyalties to a plate-serving establishment other than their own.
Then you added two more related posts and gotten almost five years of views and comments. So, bravo to you! The only possible take-away from the success of this regional-going-national phenomenon and your related v-blogs is that everyone needs to relax and enjoy their Plate!
Heavy Sauce!!!
Jim Vlahos
Owner, Hot Top Foods
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