When people ask me if I fear eventually running out of
things to video, I say no, and then joke that even if I did, I’d just
start filming them all over again to keep that sweet ad revenue flowing in.
While that wasn’t the reason, I did think about that while
filming this new and possibly improved creamed spinach recipe. As I’ve admitted
before, every once in a while I’ll film something because I feel like eating
it, and not because it’s a food wish. This lovely side dish is one such recipe.
I was driving over the Bay Bridge a few weeks ago, and
C.R.E.A.M. by the Wu-Tang Clan was on the stereo. As Raekwon the Chef and Method
Man serenaded me over the foggy span, I started to crave a steak and side of
creamed spinach. This happens more than I care to admit, where a song triggers
a yearning for some sort of tasty bite. Please tell me this happens to you too.
This more contemporary creamed spinach recipe is very
similar flavor-wise to our previously posted “Steakhouse Creamed Spinach,” but
since it doesn’t use a béchamel, it’s a bit lighter in texture. You'll need to
use a nice heavy cream, since it thickens beautifully as it reduces, leaving
you with a simple, but still luxurious sauce.
The only way to ruin this dish is to not squeeze all the
water out of the cooked spinach. If that’s covered, the rest is pretty simple.
Keep in mind that even perfect squeezed spinach will still thin out the sauce a
bit; so don’t be afraid to reduce the cream until quite thick. You can always
add another drizzle of cream if you go too far.
Anyway, as the WTC would say, I hope you’re trying to hear
what I'm kickin' in your ear. This would make a great side dish for your next
steak dinner, and you should give it a try soon. Enjoy!
Ingredients for 4 portions:
2 pounds cleaned spinach
2 tsp olive oil
For the cream sauce:
1 tbsp butter
2 tbsp minced shallots
pinch of salt, cayenne, freshly ground black pepper to taste
pinch of fresh grated nutmeg
1 tsp freshly grated lemon zest
3/4 cup cream
2 tbsp finely grated Parmigiano-Reggiano cheese

Can this be made with swiss chard? I have so much in the garden and my spinach has already passed until fall.
You tease us with that beautiful pink skirt steak and then give us creamed spinach? Cruel, chef.....cruel.
Chef, are you using a 10" or 12" skillet?
I love it i'm definitely going to try this next time I get a chance! Especially enjoyed the wu-tang reference that was hilarious get the money, dolla dolla bills yall!
Love the Wu-Tang reference! You're the best Chef John. :)
I never plan to make this dish but it doesn't matter what your videos are about, I can't get enough them! You are awesome Chef John! Do you write your own scripts or do you have a team of top notch writers?
I used parmesan cheese but it didnt go too well,so I replaced it with some mozzerella , and it worked much better.Any other suggestions,Chef?
Please reply :)
I am trying to hear what you are kicking in my ear because you are the best ever.
thanks all! yes, i write my own material. ;)
Haven't had Stuffed Shrimp in a while. Please show us your take:)
can this dish be frozen?
would not recommend freezing!
Yo brothas respect mine, or anger the tech nine.
did this with frozen spinach and it worked perfectly. just made sure it was well drained/pressed and rest exactly as video. wife was impressed.... AND was easier than the original post.
thanks! greets from Austria
I love you Chef John.
Do you actually LIKE spinach,chef John?
reply or live in a pigsty:)
Gotta appreciate a good WU-Tang ref!!TY for the site you have helped me when Im stuck many a x...
You're funny and you make great creamed spinach too. Great video! For all of you non-spinach eaters out there, you have to try it this way first! YUMMO
my mouth is watery while watching your but sir chef john what kind of cream or brand of the cream. can i but it it walmart? thanks & God bless.
do you use heavy cream or half & half?
heavy cream!
CJ -
Don't mean to gush, but I do enjoy your videos.
Quick ?; any reason I shouldn't use creme fraiche? You got me hooked, man.
creme fraiche would be great! thanks!
You are loved! Thx ...been looking for a creamed spinach recipe.
Added rotissarie chicken, toasted pine nuts, cooked pasta and a little chopped bacon. Yummo! Thanks, Chef John!
BTW 1/2 and 1/2 works great!
Hey chef John! I wonder why your grated nutmeg is white? isn't it supposed to be a bit darker like in this pic? http://blogs.babble.com/family-kitchen/files/2010/12/nutmeg-high11.jpg
That's because I'm grating it! If you grind it looks darker.
Love this recipe...easy and tastes delish!! Thank you!!
Hello, Chef John
I am having friends over for dinner tomorrow It will be 6 of us. We are having filet mignon with mashed of course then my husband said make cream of spinach I was going to buy Boston Market brand cream of spinach like one lady commented I said oh no I am going right to Chef John site glad I did I just finished making your creamed spinach easy delicious and I love your videos. By the way I am still making your delicious chocolate chip cookies along with many other of your recipes.
Thank you,
Laurna Cakabrese’Coluni��
I first tasted creamed spinach probably twenty years in a Budget Gourmet TV dinner. Now my wife and I are eating "homemade" for the first time tonight. Thank You, Chef John !!
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