I decided to do this video for buckwheat pancakes for a few reasons: I get lots of requests for anything breakfast; I’m trying to cook with more whole grains (see age reference above); and I heard someone say it’s almost impossible to make a great pancake using 100% buckwheat flour.
Conventional pancake wisdom says you need to cut this nutty,
earthy flour with regular flour to lighten the texture and taste, but I’m happy to
report that’s not true. It took a few
days of experimenting, but I was really pleased with how these came out.
As I mentioned in the video, you can probably make this using
regular milk, but I highly recommend using the buttermilk. Not only does its
natural acidity add a nice tanginess to the flavor, it also reacts with the
soda to create bubbles, which really helps the texture.
Sure these are gluten-free, high-fiber, and just generally
more nutritious than something made with white flour, but that’s not why you
should make them. You should try these because they're just really good pancakes. I hope you give them a try soon. Enjoy!
Ingredient for 8-10 small buckwheat pancakes:
1 cup buckwheat flour
1 1/2 teaspoons sugar
1/4 teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon baking powder
1/4 teaspoon baking soda
1 1/4 cups buttermilk (always shake the container first)
1 large egg
1/4 teaspoon vanilla extract
unsalted butter to grease pan, and top pancakes

Chef John - I had no idea that you were in a gang!
I am so glad that finally someone acknowledges chocolate chip pancakes are an abomination! Bless you, sir!
Chef Jon, my pancakes always look perfectly colored on one side (first side) but looks unevenly colored on the other side (side that is facing up and then flipped), any tips?
that's how every pancake ever made is. The first side gets more fat and more even browning.
I didn't watch the video, but I hope you mentioned that it's National Pancake Day.
Do you think this will work with using the type of buttermilk where you add some vinegar to milk and let it sit for 10 minutes?
The milk with vinegar trick should work here, but I have not tried it personally.
No, I have no idea today was national pancake Day. I can't believe it was not on my calendar! ;)
How about buckwheat pizza dough?
Hope you don't mind... I nominated you for Saveur's Blog Awards for Most Delicious Food category. As it is, you may get a little peeved about the nomination because there are only so many trophies one can put on one's fireplace mantle before you have to get a bigger house with a bigger fireplace...
I wish you would simply explain whether you get extra ka-ching for multiple visits each day or only one ka-ching regardless of how many visits. I drop by at least once a day and when deciding what to make and reviewing videos I'll make several visits...
I have no idea whether that helps make you (deservedly) rich or whether you prefer fame (through award nominations) despite the mantle problems trophies can cause.
Unfortunately, whenever I hear "buckwheats" all I can think of is the method of gangland execution expoused in "Things to do in Denver when you're dead."
Chef John, I was waiting for the cayenne pepper infused maple syrup... Lol
Dingy gray brown food is bad ???
Oh, I don't feel so good now... I thought it was a tomato !!
Nice, very nice... That was a good cook.
i love buckwheat porridge,but never saw a buckwheat flour to buy.What if i blend my buckwheat grain with blender?That would turn in to flour,no?
These weren't bad, but I'm not sure if I'd say they were good/great? I think them being healthier had something to do with this!
But seriously they weren't bad! They had a bit of a grainy texture, not sure if that is just a side effect of the buckwheat. The nutty/earthy-ness is very obvious and they definitely make you think of whole wheat bread.
I think if I try them again I'll cut them with some flour and maybe add a little acid since I had to use almond milk for my girlfriend. I'm sure with buttermilk there would have been a fuller flavor.
Being a northeast/north central Pennsylvania boy, with some roots in the Pennsylvania Dutch communities, I grew up eating buckwheat cakes and smoked sausage dinners. They're still somewhat popular at volunteer fire company fundraiser breakfasts. It's been tough finding self-rising buckwheat flour as my mother used since moving from PA, but when you can, it's well worth it. My great-grandfather, whom I never met, used to roll these up with homemade jam inside into really light rolls, almost like crepes, and cover with powdered sugar! Yum!
Thanks for the taste of home!
Why are chocolate chip pancakes an abomination?
There must be something off with the recipe amounts on this one.
I made this pancake batter using the precise measurements in the recipe on the blog, and my batter was way to watery to cook. I had to add 3 heaping tablespoons more of buckwheat flour to get to a proper pancake batter. Chef John, what's up with that?
On the plus side, they turned out awesome with added blueberries and goji berries. This is my favorite new pancake for sure, plus no wheat!
You better check you measuring cups! Or maybe you have a different grind on the buckwheat, because I've made these a dozen times and always get a nice batter (as shown in vid) with these measurements. Doesn't actually matter since you just add more until it's perfect!
Chef , could you tell me a milk substitute for this buckwheat pan cake receipt. What other acid can I use to react with the baking powder to get the bubbles or can I by pass milk
Hey CJ,
Can these Buckwheat awesomethings' batter be mixed up the night before and stored in the fridge?
..like hypothetically (of course) for an early morning "hey we need pancakes ready w/in five mins from when Mommy chooses to get outta bed" situation?"
Thanks, as always!
And we definitely enjoy!
I harvested and processed wild California buckwheat into a flour and will try this recipe, thanks for sharing it!
This is my favourite pancake recipe, and I make these every time I want pancakes or need a use for buttermilk. I've substituted kefir for the buttermilk and it works great. Banana slices in the pancakes are also a great combo with the buckwheats flavor. I just wanted to send some love for this culinary genius as I don't like (but also can't eat) regular white pancakes. Thank you chef John :)
Chef John You're the greatest...sometimes i just play your videos just to hear you say: E>>N>>J>>O>>Y....SO...Can i double the recipe for these buckwheat pancakes without negative effects?? and can i make the batter a day in advance? Thanks bud!!!
These turned out great! I'm celiac so I actually have to modify all the Food Wishes recipes to use GF flour. I know, it's kind of abomination -- please forgive my necessary desecration!
The buckwheat pancakes were delightfully denser than some other GF varieties I've tried. Filling and nutritious!
Thanks a lot Chef John!
OMG! Tried these yesterday for breakfast. My hubby and I have been looking for an authentic buckwheat pancake recipe from scratch and this is wonderful! Plus, knowing now that they're not a carb and don't have gluten, they're a guilt-free way to start the day! Thanks!
I tried these this morning using freshly ground buckwheat flour from my mockmill, which produced a very pale brown flour, much like wheat flour. Excellent! Even my picky-eater hubby ate every crumb. Fluffy, nice nutty flavor.
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