Saturday, June 30, 2007
I've Never "Bean" That Scared Before!
This funny clip is a great reminder why you should never buy those letter refrigerator magnets. Why take a chance? As far as the beans, well, those are a nutritious kitchen staple that we must have around, so make sure you get them from a reliable source. Enjoy!

Weekend Filler
Friday, June 29, 2007
Wasabi Dipping Sauce – How much can you take?

This sauce can be varied in many wonderful ways by adding lemon, lime, cilantro, garlic, green onions, ginger, etc; well, you get the idea. Happy dipping, and enjoy!
1 to 3 tsp Wasabi powder
1/2 cup seasoned rice vinegar
1 tsp Shiracha hot sauce
1 1/2 tsp soy sauce
Bonus Wasabi Video Clips: Damn you Budweiser!
In the clip I joked about people that still do the “Waaassssaaaabiiii” greeting from the Budweiser commercial that ran ages ago. Like I said, it was funny for about 2 days. Then it was just annoying. Now it’s actually painful to hear. Please, I beg you, stop doing it! Believe me, your friends (if you have any left) will really, really appreciate it. Here’s the original commercial that started the insanity.
And here is a clip of someone still actually using it! I sent her a message on YouTube asking her to please stop. She was a good sport about it but replied “never!” She said her friends “loved it.” Sure they do.

Asian Cuisine,
Thursday, June 28, 2007
California Spring Rolls – I used imitation crab, for real!

Regarding the imitation crab I used for this recipe clip. If you’ve never thought about using it, it’s time to give it a try. Imitation crab has come a long way since it hit the market many years ago. It used to be fairly low quality; a little bit of Pollock, a lot of vegetable starch and other fillers, and probably a dose of good old Red Dye #2. Well, these days there are some very good quality varieties to choose from. READ THE LABELS! As I show in the clip, while still made mainly from Pollack many are also flavored with many different “real” fish and shellfish extracts including scallops, lobster, salmon, etc. It’s also a fat free food!
You may be surprised to know that many Sushi Bars actually use this higher quality imitation crab in their California Rolls, as the real crab would be cost prohibitive. Trust me, if you’re paying $2.75 for that California Roll, you’re not getting fresh Dungeness crab! Can you tell the difference? I hope so. There is nothing like fresh, sweet crab. But that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t also use the imitation crab for recipes like this. It’s inexpensive, delicious, and if you read the label, pretty nutritious. By the way, stay tuned for the very simple Wasabi dipping sauce I used along side these. Enjoy!
spring roll wrappers (aka rice paper rolls)
imitation crab (flake style)
ripe avocado
shredded cabbage
red leaf lettuce

Asian Cuisine,
Tuesday, June 26, 2007
Braised Chicken and Artichoke Hearts with Lemon, Cherry Peppers and Thyme

A couple of things I mention in the video recipe that I wanted to expand on here. I like to buy the whole canned artichoke hearts verses the quartered pieces. I find them to have a better texture and sometimes the quartered hearts are over-marinated in the brine they are packed in. Also, spend the extra dollar and get the better imported brand, it will be worth it. I’ve used the Peppadew cherry peppers in a similar dish, my Spicy Mediterranean Chicken with Sausage Stuffed Cherry Peppers, so if you want more info you can check out that post and clip. If you can’t find that exact pepper don’t worry, any jarred or fresh cherry pepper will work. You can even use sweet red bell peppers if you prefer.
Even though I didn’t serve it that way in this clip, this recipe is amazing on top of some pasta or rice. But, my favorite accompaniment would be a slice of crusty Italian bread to dip into the fragrant broth. No matter how you decide to serve it you are in for a treat. Enjoy!
4 Chicken Leg Sections (thigh and drumstick, bone in)
10 canned whole artichoke hearts, cut in half
2 cups cherry peppers
1 or 2 lemons, juiced (about 1/3 to 1/2 cup juice)
1 yellow onion
4 cloves garlic
8 sprigs of thyme
1 tsp salt
1 tsp pepper
1/2 tsp hot pepper flakes
1 tbl olive oil
1 quart chicken stock or broth
* Braise for 1 hour at 375 F
* Adjust for salt and pepper before serving

Mediterranean Cuisine,
Monday, June 25, 2007
A Viewer Submission Regarding a Chef's Admission

Blog News
Smoked Chicken Apple Sausage with Cider-braised Cabbage and New Potatoes – A delicious reminder that it’s not winter…yet.

As you’ll hear me say in the clip, this really is a great cold weather meal. But, instead of waiting 6 months to post it, I thought I would put in on the blog now for several good reasons. First of all, while it is a classic winter dish, it’s delicious anytime of the year, and the ingredients are easy to find no matter what the season. Secondly, summer cooking is all about quick and easy, and this one-dish recipe definitely qualifies. Remember “braised” doesn’t always mean slow-cooked. Lastly, what a great reminder to enjoy every wonderfully warm second of this summer, because before you realize it you’ll be raking leaves in a sweater.
One quick note regarding shopping for chicken apple sausage. Due to the recent increase in popularity of these chicken and turkey based sausages; many larger grocery stores may stock as many as 4 or 5 different brands and varieties. But, be sure to check the labels! Some brands (usually the less expensive ones) will have just as much fat as the classic pork-based sausages they’re suppose to be a healthier alternative too.
4 smoked chicken apple sausage (1 pound)
1 1/2 tsp butter
1 tsp olive oil
3 cloves garlic
1 pound new potatoes (I like Yukon gold or red)
1 yellow onion
3 cups apple cider or juice
1 green cabbage, shredded (about 1 1/2 pounds)
salt and pepper to salt
Dijon mustard and fresh parsley to garnish

Sunday, June 24, 2007
Was it the Last Supper?

Weekend Filler
Thursday, June 21, 2007
Spicy Orange Chicken – So not authentic!

If you’ve tried our Caramel Chicken recipe, this clip has a very similar procedure. As we did in that recipe, we also use a bit of Fish Sauce, which is well worth finding. Once an exotic “secret ingredient” only found in Asian kitchens, Fish Sauce is now found in all the higher-end grocery chains’ Asian food sections right next to the soy sauce. And, of course any Asian market will have several varieties that are probably far superior to the one I showed in the demo. If you can’t find it, this will still work, but since Fish Sauce has a unique salty flavor you may have to adjust with a bit more soy, or regular salt.
Now, as you’ll soon see I cooked this dish right in a regular old sauté pan. I don’t own a wok, and to be honest have never been a big fan. I know, I know, they are great for these stir-fries and you can put the food on the sides and the bottom stays hot, and blah, blah, blah, BUT for the average cook there are two main problems with the wok. One, to be used effectively you need a really hot flame. My “Sears special” gas stove just doesn’t crank out enough heat to really take advantage of the wok’s design. And, if you have an electric stove forget about it. If you ever saw the flame under a real wok in an Asian restaurant you would be amazed how insanely hot they are. The other problem is that 90% of the woks sold in American stores are cheap, poorly made, and almost impossible to “season” properly. By season I mean getting the wok’s cooking surface to the point where the food doesn’t easily stick, similar to seasoning a new cast iron pan.
The other reason I don’t have one is for the amount of times I would use it (assuming I had a nice gas stove and bought a well-made and properly seasoned wok), doesn’t justify the space that the thing takes up. Next time you are snooping around someone’s kitchen or pantry, notice which pan is always on the bottom of the stack, holding all the other pans… yep, that old dusty and probably rusty wok. But, for those of you that love woks, and use them regularly, God bless you (or Buddha). I’m happy you enjoy your wok, and by all means keep on woking! Enjoy the clip.
8-10 chicken thighs (about 2 pounds)
1 cup orange juice
1/3 cup brown sugar
1/3 cup rice vinegar
1/8 cup fish sauce
1 tbl soy sauce
1 tbl grated ginger
1 bunch green onions
1 jalapeno pepper
1 bell pepper
4 oz sugar snap peas, or snow peas (a handful)
4 cloves garlic
1 tsp hot chili flakes
2 tbl orange zest
cilantro to garnish
*I served on some brown rice, which was a very nice combo with the orange flavors, since the brown rice has that slight nuttiness to it.

Asian Cuisine,
Tuesday, June 19, 2007
Cracking Eggs…with one hand tied behind our backs!

Even though I did several loops of the key moments in the procedure, as well as some slow-mo, this is a clip you will probably have to watch a few times to get down. As you’ll soon see, the golf ball trick should save you a few dozen eggs as you get the hand movements down. A very light grip is the most important key, with just a slight pressure on the middle finger, as I will explain. Of course, all this will make a lot more sense as you watch the clip.
Another thing I mentioned yesterday that is very true, it only takes one successful one-handed crack and you’ll be able to do it forever. For the home cook this is just a way to show-off at the next brunch party, but for the professional cook this is a huge time saving technique that will literally halve the time it takes you to crack a case of eggs, as you’ll be using both hands and doing 2 eggs at a time! Trust me, your Chef will be impressed, especially of he or she can’t do this!)
Once you move on from golf balls to real eggs, you still may crush a few (you will be holding them too firmly). Don’t worry, just strain the cracked eggs through a sieve and make some perfect scrambled eggs. I put a direct link to that recipe video in case you haven’t seen it yet. Good luck. Enjoy!

Monday, June 18, 2007
Making Culinary History

I’ve been getting lots of emails asking about the online cooking classes, and if you can really learn specific skills without “hands-on” training. I think so. That’s why I chose the one-handed egg cracking challenge. It’s something that is not shown in many cooking schools, as it is not as easy thing to show, even in person. It is normally a skill a cook picks up cracking cases of eggs for a large brunch, and learned by trying over and over until they finally “get it.” By the way, once you do “get it’ you never lose it. So, if I can teach you to crack eggs with one hand, I can teach you anything! Tune in tomorrow and let’s make history together.
Additional Site Update: If you’re bored, please read this!
I just deleted a comment on the Happy Birthday post I did for my mother (literally, a post only a mother could love). The comment said that the site was “becoming a bore.” The nerve! But, to be honest I have to agree with the ungrateful jerk that wrote it. As I explained in previous posts, while I experiment with the new equipment, and spend more time on the promotion of the site, I will not have new clips to post everyday. Believe me, I can’t wait until I get to a point where all I have to worry about is what to film and edit for your viewing pleasure.
Please remember, as much as I try to make it seem like one, this blog is not a public service, or a hobby. It will either serve as my full time job, or it will cease to exist. I must develop the site to a point that I can at least generate enough traffic and revenue to sustain myself. This is not the type of site (meaning daily video recipe clips) that can be done in someone’s spare time. I think most of you understand this, as the positive emails and comments out number the negative ones by 100 to 1. The response to this site, and what I’m trying to do, has been overwhelming and incredibly inspiring.
So, please bear with me as I attempt to improve the site’s video quality, significantly increase traffic, and most importantly, finish the online culinary classes. And, if you can’t, and do get bored with the site, you can always stop visiting for a few weeks and catch up on your Emril reruns. Bam!

Happy Birthday Mom!

Anyway, enjoy the musical tribute; it took me a lot of effort to find! I'll see you in a few weeks.

Blog News
Sunday, June 17, 2007
Happy Father’s Day!
Open-Face New York Steak Sandwich with Garlic Balsamic Glaze and a side of Childhood Memories
This clip was done quite a while ago using the older, "primative" equipment, and was previously posted on my old blog, but it’s now making it Food Wishes debut. So, while this will be a re-run for some of you, most of you probably have not seen it. And, as you’ll soon read below, this clip, out of all the ones I've recorded is the recipe that most reminds me of my father, John. This one's for you Dad.
Growing up, this open-faced sandwich was probably my favorite restaurant lunch item. I used to tag along with my father out on the golf course, and after the round he would take me to the clubhouse for lunch. I always ordered the same thing; the open-face New York steak sandwich. My favorite part was the way the toast would soak up all the wonderful juices, and hey, for a kid to eat a sandwich with a fork and a knife…that was quite a grown-up experience. Sitting there with my Dad, eating with the men, while they talked and laughed and argued about the round they had just shot, is one of my earliest, and fondest culinary memories. I would even get a glass of Coke with a cherry in it so I could share in the cocktails that were an important part of this post game ritual.
Speaking of golf, I want to wish a very happy Fathers Day to my father-in-law Al! Al has generously treated me to countless rounds of golf all over Northern California. In addition to being a great golfer, he is an even better person and father. He is away on vacation to Clear Lake for the weekend, and I can only hope he is left in peace to watch the final round of the US Open. What more could a father want on this day? Thanks Al and we hope you enjoy your day!
I’ve tweaked the original a bit with the garlic balsamic glaze. The original was usually just served with garlic butter. I hope you enjoy this classic as much as I do! I recommend using NY strip steak, or Top Sirloin for this, as I find rib eye too fatty, and tenderloin too lean. Another key is a good quality, heavy-duty sauté pan, preferably the stainless steel/copper bottom style. You can use a standard non-stick if you must, but the steak juices won’t caramelize as well, which is the key to this amazing sauce.
8 oz New York strip steak
salt, black pepper, and paprika to taste
2 cloves garlic
2 tbl balsamic vinegar
1 tsp Dijon mustard
1 tsp ketchup
1 tsp Worcestershire sauce
1/3 cup water
1 tsp butter
2 slice Italian bread

Growing up, this open-faced sandwich was probably my favorite restaurant lunch item. I used to tag along with my father out on the golf course, and after the round he would take me to the clubhouse for lunch. I always ordered the same thing; the open-face New York steak sandwich. My favorite part was the way the toast would soak up all the wonderful juices, and hey, for a kid to eat a sandwich with a fork and a knife…that was quite a grown-up experience. Sitting there with my Dad, eating with the men, while they talked and laughed and argued about the round they had just shot, is one of my earliest, and fondest culinary memories. I would even get a glass of Coke with a cherry in it so I could share in the cocktails that were an important part of this post game ritual.
Speaking of golf, I want to wish a very happy Fathers Day to my father-in-law Al! Al has generously treated me to countless rounds of golf all over Northern California. In addition to being a great golfer, he is an even better person and father. He is away on vacation to Clear Lake for the weekend, and I can only hope he is left in peace to watch the final round of the US Open. What more could a father want on this day? Thanks Al and we hope you enjoy your day!
I’ve tweaked the original a bit with the garlic balsamic glaze. The original was usually just served with garlic butter. I hope you enjoy this classic as much as I do! I recommend using NY strip steak, or Top Sirloin for this, as I find rib eye too fatty, and tenderloin too lean. Another key is a good quality, heavy-duty sauté pan, preferably the stainless steel/copper bottom style. You can use a standard non-stick if you must, but the steak juices won’t caramelize as well, which is the key to this amazing sauce.
8 oz New York strip steak
salt, black pepper, and paprika to taste
2 cloves garlic
2 tbl balsamic vinegar
1 tsp Dijon mustard
1 tsp ketchup
1 tsp Worcestershire sauce
1/3 cup water
1 tsp butter
2 slice Italian bread

Friday, June 15, 2007
Three Corn Polenta – An old Italian classic gets “freshened-up”

When I first began my career as a cook in San Francisco, polenta wasn’t a common starch in non-Italian restaurants, as it is today. I remember talking with a Chef about an upcoming menu on which he was thinking of using polenta as the side dish. I asked him what exactly polenta was and he told me an Italian ground corn meal. I asked him if he was talking about “Polanda.” He said no, and that he had never heard of polanda. I told him it was also an Italian ground corn meal that I had eaten many times growing up. I remember calling my Mom and telling her we were going to serve something called polenta at the restaurant. I asked her if she had ever heard of this similar sounding dish. She laughed and said that they were the same things! She explained that “pol-an-da” was just our family’s mispronunciation of the actual name polenta. I was pretty embarrassed to say the least. Come to find out, my family had mispronounced and/or Americanized many Italian terms (mostly curse words), which I won’t go into now, but needless to say, from that point on, I’ve always checked! Enjoy!
1/2 cup polenta
2 1/2 cups water
salt and pepper to taste
2 tsp butter
1 tsp olive oil
3 ears fresh corn (about 1 1/2 cups)

Italian Cuisine,
Side Dish,
Thursday, June 14, 2007
I'm Flipping the Banana

Besides, YouTube has been acting finicky all week and even if I had a clip ready, you may not have seen it for a while. So, hopefully I’ll be back tomorrow with an exciting new video recipe clip. In the meantime, instead of getting mad I’m going to, as Ned Flanders would say, “turn that frown upside-down,” or as we say in the food business “flip the banana!” The photo was sent to me by regular viewer who found it on www.wearewhatwedo.org. Enjoy!

Blog News
Wednesday, June 13, 2007
Simple Sherry Vinaigrette – Shake it baby!

The squeeze bottle method I show is such an easy way to emulsify a dressing and eliminates the need for the old “stand there and slowly drizzle in the oil in a fine stream” method. Lots of professional cooks will of course use a blender, which works great, but for the home cook making smaller amounts, I think my squeeze bottle is the way to go. By the way, as you’ll hear me attempt to explain during the video recipe clip, the small amount of mustard is a key ingredient, and if you leave it out, the oil and vinegar will not stay bound together. Needless to say, this is my base recipe and can be varied in countless ways by adding herbs, garlic, shallots, etc. Enjoy!
1/3 cup sherry vinegar
1 cup olive oil
1 tsp Dijon mustard
salt and pepper to taste

Spanish Cuisine
Tuesday, June 12, 2007
The Nasturtium Salad - Pretty Delicious

By the way, since we are talking salads in today’s post, in my next recipe clip I’m going to show you what I consider to be the best “all purpose” oil and vinegar-style salad dressing. It’s a simple Sherry vinaigrette I leaned ages ago, and it’s my all-time favorite, and soon, maybe yours. Stay tuned. Anyway, take a walk around the backyard, or the neighbor’s garden, and find some Nasturtium (it shouldn’t be too hard) and make that plain old mixed green salad explode with color and flavor. Enjoy!

Monday, June 11, 2007
A Couple of Kitchen Calculators - Go Figure
I get the occasional email requesting a recipe be converted into metric units, or tempertures in Celsius. Well, now you can do it yourself. These two calculators are from labpixies.com. The first is a simple, yet very complete, units of measure calculator. It will convert any units of weight, volume or length. Now you can convert my quarts into your liters, and my ounces of weight into grams and visa versa. Just make sure you have the right setting regarding weight and volume; remember 8 ounces is cup by volume, but can also be half a pound. It will also convert my Fahrenheit temps to Celsius.
This second calulator can help you add up your daily calorie intake. If you click on the settings on the top you can also enter your age, weight, etc. and it will give you a daily guideline for total calories. As you click on the differnet courses, the options will change in the pull down menu.It doesn't have everything, but it's pretty good. Just make sure you check the right number of portions. I certainly don't count calories on a regular basis, but it's kind of interesting to add up an average day once and a while to see what's going on. It can be reset any time to start over.
This second calulator can help you add up your daily calorie intake. If you click on the settings on the top you can also enter your age, weight, etc. and it will give you a daily guideline for total calories. As you click on the differnet courses, the options will change in the pull down menu.It doesn't have everything, but it's pretty good. Just make sure you check the right number of portions. I certainly don't count calories on a regular basis, but it's kind of interesting to add up an average day once and a while to see what's going on. It can be reset any time to start over.

Saturday, June 9, 2007
I’ve been “Widget-tized!” Look out sidebars, here I come!

Blog News
Friday, June 8, 2007
Chicken Parmesan – All you baby cows can relax!

The main problem I have with the version served in most restaurants is that they drown the chicken in so much sauce and cheese, that it ends up being a big soggy chicken/cheese clump. I don’t put any sauce under the chicken cutlets, just a little bit on top, so the breading stays relatively crisp. If you like a lot of sauce, fine, serve it along side when the dish is served. I also actually use some Parmesan cheese! Most versions of this only use mozzarella; I’m going with a delicious mixture of fresh Mozzarella, tangy Provolone and “real” Parmesan. The other little trick you see in the video recipe is how I add some of the grated Parmesan to the breadcrumbs, which adds another layer of flavor. Be sure your oven is well preheated to 450F, we want the cheese to slightly brown and the breading to crisp up before the chicken gets over-cooked, and a nice hot oven is the way to go. The rest of the demo is pretty straight forward, so let’s get to it. Enjoy!
4 boneless, skinless chicken breasts
4 cups “Panko” Japanese style bread crumbs
3/4 cup grated parmesan
1/2 cup grated provolone
4 oz fresh mozzarella
salt and pepper to taste
red pepper flakes to taste
olive oil for frying
1/2 cup prepared tomato sauce (high-quality!)
1/4 cup fresh shredded basil, or pesto, or dried Italian herbs of your choice, or omit
*Baked for approximately 15-20 minutes at 450F

Italian Cuisine,
Reader Poll
Thursday, June 7, 2007
And the winner is…Chicken Parmesan!

Blog News,
Italian Cuisine,
Reader Poll
Wednesday, June 6, 2007
Shepherd’s Pie “Moussaka” – A Culinary “Mash-up” of two Old World Classics

A few suggestions before you watch the clip. The potato topping I do is relatively bland since I was topping a very highly seasoned meat base. You should use my spice amounts below as a rough guide, and add the cumin, cinnamon and hot pepper in increments until you have something that tastes right to you. The lamb and eggplant mixture is NOT subtlety spiced in this dish, and the ingredient amounts reflect that fact. This dish should explode with exotic and aromatic flavor. To me that’s what makes the “crispy and browned on the top, but moist and tender underneath” potato topping such a great contrast. And don’t forget the fresh mint. As you hear me say in the clip, I used chocolate mint, which you can find at the better garden centers (or order the seeds online – it’s an amazing herb), but plain supper market mint will work beautifully. Enjoy!
2 lbs ground lamb
2 eggplant
1/3 cup tomato paste
1/2 onion
4 cloves garlic
3 russet potatoes
1/2 cup milk
1/2 grated parmesan cheese
1/2 stick butter
salt to taste
1 egg
fresh mint
2 tbl olive oil
Spice Mix:
2 bay leaves
3 tbl ground cumin
1 tbl cinnamon
1 tsp cayenne
1 tbl black pepper
1 tbl salt (at least, taste and adjust)
2 tbl herb de provance (or Italian or Greek dried herb mix)
1 tbl paprika
1 tsp red pepper flakes
*Baked at 400F for 20-25 minutes until golden brown

Mediterranean Cuisine,
Monday, June 4, 2007
Stuffed Summer Squash with Goat Cheese and Romesco – Our least terrible test yet!

This has always been one of my favorite summer side-veggie dishes. Any summer squash you can cut in half will work. Anyone that has, or knows someone that has, a vegetable garden really needs to try this dish! I mean, what the hell are you going to do with all those squash? The completely irregular green starburst squash you see in this video were not the best choice to do a demo with since they are hard to slice in half evenly, but hey, if it works with these, it will work with any squash as I said.
The deep, rich flavor of the romesco mingling with the sweet blandness of the squash combined with the creamy tang of the warm goat cheese makes this dish a summer classic. Don’t serve too hot! This dish shines best served warm or at room temp. If you’ve never tried romesco, this is the dish to taste it in. It’s a medium-spicy, “pesto-like” sauce made from roasted red peppers, garlic, almonds, anchovy and other spices. We use it a lot in summer, as it is the perfect instant sauce for any grilled meat, fish or vegetables. One of these days I’ll show you how to make your own romesco, but for now you should be able find it at most high-end grocery stores. If you can’t find or make it, any flavorful sauce will work; salsa, roasted red pepper relish, olive tapenade, etc. Enjoy!
3 small summer squash
6 tbl goat cheese
3 tbl romesco sauce
3 tbl olive oil
2 tbl plain bread crumbs
salt and pepper to taste

Blog News,
Mediterranean Cuisine,
Side Dish,
Sunday, June 3, 2007
I Can't Decide. What Do You Think?

Blog News,
Reader Poll,
Weekend Filler
Saturday, June 2, 2007
A Scene from the Best Food Movie Ever!

This is a great movie, even if you are not a "foodie," as its very funny, sweet, sad, and has an amazing sound track of music from that period. Also, any movie with Isabella Rossellini is worth seeing, and try and see if you can identify the buss boy who later (in real life) goes on to have quite a successful music career. Anyone thinking of going to culinary school and/or starting a restaurant, should be made to watch this movie first. It gives such a perfect study of the agony and ecstasy of the restaurant experience. Find and rent this movie!!! Enjoy.
If you can't find this older movie I've added a link here to Amazon. This is a "must have" for any real foodie.

Blog News,
Italian Cuisine,
Weekend Filler
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