While checking messages on YouTube, I got a tip about some cooking videos done by Robert Rodriguez, who directed such films and Spy Kids, and Sin City. I usually jump at the chance to post celebrity video recipes, like I did for Paul McCartney, and Christopher Walken. They are fun to watch, easy to ridicule, and usually generate some interesting conversation. But, much to my surprise (and slight disappointment) this Rodriguez guy can cook! He not only makes a great looking breakfast taco, but he makes his own tortillas. That's some serious cooking chops. Check it out.
I spent most of my adult life in the southwest and my first wife was Mexican. I'm telling you, this man has it right on! Those are great! (with or without chunky salsa and choriso.) And his technique is da bomb too.
I think any Texan worth his or her salt should be able to cook well. Robert Rodriguez makes me proud! There are few pleasures greater than a fresh handmade tortilla; I could go for some right about now.
what difference does it have on the taste if i used common table salt instead of kosher/sea salt? I asked one chef this question before and he was clueless...
the salts taste just about the same, but kosher and sea salt have large crystals which are a prettier and give a little crunch. Also easier for chefs to use in hot kitchens since it does stick to the fingers like table salt.
This guy rocks! I saw him on youtube and he is an amazing cook. I forget what it was called, but he was making some kind of pork in cooked in banana leaves. I was pretty impressed with his skillz.
Well I had no idea his cooking skills were as good as the movies he's had a hand in, lol. Bravo on his use of homemade tortillas....I think I'm going to give his recipe a try. He looks so natural in the kitchen. Oh and I did go back and watch Walken..LOL...I'm sorry but I sat there laughing like mad. He really is just an adorable little old man to the core of his being, isn't he?
"Not knowing how to cook is like not knowing how to f"... although, if you really know how to f, you can probably get away with not knowing how to cook.
I spent most of my adult life in the southwest and my first wife was Mexican. I'm telling you, this man has it right on! Those are great! (with or without chunky salsa and choriso.) And his technique is da bomb too.
John T. Rhoe
I think any Texan worth his or her salt should be able to cook well. Robert Rodriguez makes me proud! There are few pleasures greater than a fresh handmade tortilla; I could go for some right about now.
Hi John! I'm so happy to find out that you have a blog. I watch the about.food.com video - yours is always the best!
This guy is great! You're right. The very first celebrity who can, actually, cook. Anyway, keep up this awesome blog!
And of course you saw...
on Rodriquez making Puerco Pibil
Luisa Vacaville
what is the difference does it make if you use table salt instead kosher/sea salt on food? I asked one chef before and he just pretty much clueless!
what difference does it have on the taste if i used common table salt instead of kosher/sea salt? I asked one chef this question before and he was clueless...
Nice vid, I really like Robert's movies, he and tarantio is a perfect duo and looking forward to his new movies.
Anyway, this recipe was nice.. he sure knows how to cook and he makes his own tortilas.. awsome, must try this sometime.
the salts taste just about the same, but kosher and sea salt have large crystals which are a prettier and give a little crunch. Also easier for chefs to use in hot kitchens since it does stick to the fingers like table salt.
That is a high fat meal! They must have eaten those early in the morning to fall asleep.
John - You should try Rodriquez's puerco pibil - it's amazing!
This guy rocks! I saw him on youtube and he is an amazing cook. I forget what it was called, but he was making some kind of pork in cooked in banana leaves. I was pretty impressed with his skillz.
Well I had no idea his cooking skills were as good as the movies he's had a hand in, lol. Bravo on his use of homemade tortillas....I think I'm going to give his recipe a try.
He looks so natural in the kitchen. Oh and I did go back and watch Walken..LOL...I'm sorry but I sat there laughing like mad. He really is just an adorable little old man to the core of his being, isn't he?
"Not knowing how to cook is like not knowing how to f"... although, if you really know how to f, you can probably get away with not knowing how to cook.
when i see videos like this i get hungry:-(
Made tortillias last night and breakfast tacos this morning !!
EHhhh, just kidding. Use butter.
I'm surprised. I can't believe it. Is he Robert? hahaha What a technique to make tortillas!!! Though a bit rough he is very good.
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