I was running in and out of the kitchen, trying to work on other things - I was hitting 'record' too late, or 'stop record' too soon - so, I just missed too many shots to have the recipe make sense.
Undaunted, I decided to edit what I had, to tease you until I film one myself. As I say in the clip, making sausage at home is really not that hard, and I may even do a version that doesn't need a Kitchen Aid grinder. Stay tuned!

[Those casings, if I saw right, are the kind made from geletin, aren't they? Last I worked with them, they worked well, but didn't have quite the give that intestines have, and were somewhat prone to cracking open if you overstuffed them.]
These were the real deal - from a pig
[Yummy.] ^^
Yea! I'm glad you posted this vid-even though it was not very scintillating :P. It's so cool to tell people you made the sausage yourself. It gives you instant cooking status and along with making ricotta and pasta it may just make you the gourmet envy of all your fiends.
The meat grinder for the KA is the kitchen gadget that gets the most work in my house. Once your off the store ground stuff there's no going back.
More self made sausages!
I have a meat grinder attachment for my Kenwood, but I just don't use it...
I made once, shrimp sausage with a sniff of ginger, some soy sauce, sniff of garlic, salt, and like 10% pork fat...
hey, you gotta have some fat in sausages! you don't want bricks
Now this is something my Kitchen Aide and I can get into. I am so happy I retired so I can really get into the cooking that I love to do. I anxiously await your video. I'm sure you will tell us what type of pork to buy, the boneless butt would be my choice but maybe not enough fat? I'm waiting!!!
Stop teasing me with your meat.
You know, I think the world of your site. And the responses and questions to this particular recipe are honest, considerate, and contextual, as always. But... "Teasing You With My Cousin Tony's Sausage"!?!?! And only one commenter refers to the title!?!
I dip in and out of asking you legitimate questions and just making a joke. And I always edit myself because it's clear most of your readership are interested in thoughtful culinary questions. But this... this... this title... may be the greatest title you've every come up with.
Now to the, ahem, meat of my comment :
Well, it's pretty apparent why your cousin wears that "loin cloth", Chef John. I mean, based on the picture you've provided for the post, your cousin shouldn't be handling food he should be joining the circus. And as far as "teasing" anyone with it, I'm sure just coming in near proximity to your cousin's sausage violates several key articles of the Geneva Convention.
Again, sorry for the lack of anything culinary in this comment.
And as for your cousin, tell him, um, well, congratulations.
Scott - Boston
Scott fom Boston, your sense of humor is better than all the casing filling out there! Thanks for all you add to a great food blog!
I concur! Scott's amazing sense of humor is only outdone by his Freudian sausage fixations.
I can't believe that anyone would insinuate my title was some sort of double entendre!
That's hard, very hard, to grasp.
...but no one,I reaPEAT, no ONE outdoes the Chef J!
I thought the cheering children was a nice touch.
Sooooo... Where's your version?
I have the Kenwood, the meat, the spices the casing but...no video!! HELP!
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