It's my birthday on July 11th, and my Wife and In-laws surprised me with a much needed digital camera! So, I thought I would do a little experimenting. This was the first food shot ever; some fresh strawberries in all their summer glory. Thank you Michele, Peggy and Al! Hopefully future blog posts will display photos that are of a much higher quality. Don't worry, I have no plans to replace the video clips with photo essays, I just want to improve the overall visual appeal of the site. By the way, if you're thinking that another reason for this post was to inform all you regular viewers that my birthday was coming up in a shameless ploy to solicit a few donantions to the site...well, I can not confirm or deny any such attemp. Enjoy!
mmmmm, beeeeuuuutiiiiful! Nice shot.
In the realm of the Zodiac, "Cancer" is a sign of good things, like a Chef John!
Your talents never cease to amaze us!
BTW - Even with a good camera, the 'shooter' must have the proper "frame" of mind to capture the essence of a subject. You are right on target!
Click away, and have a Happy Birthday.
PS - Will there be some chocolate with those strawberries? Yummmmmm!
Happy Almost Birthday :)
What kind of camera did you get?
Thanks! A Sony CyberShot
MMMmmmmmmmmmmmm...I would like a nice strawberry right now! Too bad the fruit tart in my fridge went bad. :( Well... happy almost birthday.!
Hey Chef John, you've just been tagged, go to my blog "Noshtalgia" to find out more.
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