Like most of you, I've long wondered why no one has yet developed a squeezable bacon? I mean, we have the scientific know-how to fake a moon landing, for heaven's sake, why can't be put bacon in a squeeze bottle?
Well, happy days! I'm thrilled to introduce Squeez Bacon, the Swedish food sensation that will undoubtedly change the world's diet for good. Now, people in the most remote corners of the world can finally enjoy a delicious BTL.
I'm actually thinking of closing down the blog and becoming a Squeez Bacon salesman. Imagine the wealth and fame that will come from being in on the ground floor with this amazing new product. I sure hope this isn't some kind of internet hoax.
Photo (c) thinkgeek.com

It was one of their April fools products, lol. If you try and buy it you'll get the April fools messages. But I hadn't seen the ad for it until just now.
Has to be a joke. Looks like, well lets just say it looks gross.
Huh, it's only a joke?! But I want squeezable bacon! I'd put it on everything, even ice cream, it's my kind of cooking!
Almost there:
Most yes!
Definitely a joke. But, man, that'd be fantastic.
The perfect condiment for my canned hamburgers!
Vroom vroom! Most yes!
This has nothing to do with bacon.
I had to tell you that I served prime rib to guests tonight. I used your method exactly and it was SO perfect. What a discovery!!!
Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!
I have learned so much from this site. And I thought I was a pretty good cook before I found you.
Oh, and I also made the no knead bread--fantastic!!
that's great! thanks!
After reading your post I was convinced that it was real but the commercial set me straight. I found you through YouTube. Who knew food could be so much fun... Well actually I did but, anyway... Great blog!
how can this be? i feel like i've gond a little crazy!
What??? This isn’t real??? I will never get my breadmeat to shine now.
Ha! Joke or no, I dare not show this to my geek husband. Especially considering I'm a culinary school student!
Chef John,
I really like your way to convey your recipes and ideas. However, I find your recent comment a bit shocking.
This comment is
"I mean, we have the scientific know-how to fake a moon landing, [...]".
That really feeds the incorrect but popular delusions that there allegedly was no landing on the moon.
If you, too, think that the moon landing was a fake, have a look at the physical fact that a carefully planted mirror is frequently used by physicists (almost) worldwide. It is used to measure the distance Earth-to-Moon using a strong earth-borne laser.
If you do not consider the landing a fake, and only tried to make a joke about it: I'd really appreciate if you explained that in your next post :-)
a frequent foodwishes.com follower!
I really don't think I need to explain that the moon comment was a joke. Anyone that took me seriously, and also believes the moon landing was faked, has issues we can't begin to help with.
Great Idea. And great post-- I'm going to look for this!
Danny, of course Chef John's faked moon landing comment was a joke. Where do the naysayers think we got all this cheese?
CJ's sense of humor is one of the sidebars of this recipe site that we've all come to love, even anticipate, so negative feelings about his moon comment are definitely misplaced. If CJ has issues with conspiracies I'm sure he'd use a different forum to vent his personal opinion. Governments underpinnings are not his choice of a condiment to add to any of his dishes.
If this is true, what can this contain? mmmm
But I think, if not, soon it wil be. It's good idea for the NASA
damn I love thinkgeek :D
HAHAHA thats some awful swedish dialect!
Im a swede myself so id know :P
That looked like liquid dog turd >.<
hahaha!!! omg!
I was just about to write a post about the strange sentences the man says in this video (I am, like ceasar, a swede). I was typing down the whole text as I listened and guess what: it's a translation of the beginning to the lyrics from "never gonna give you up" by rick astley
..but said in a funny way. and, may I add, in a made up dialect. we DON'T sound like that!
very funny though! squeezeble fläsk sounds like a great idea! :)
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