Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Behind the Scenes with the Real Chef John

Here is an outtake from my recent video shoot down in LA with BNE.

From watching my videos, most of you probably thin
k I'm a nice guy who would be a fun and gracious co-worker, but nothing could be further from the truth.

Call me a total diva, but if I have to
perform to such an incredibly high level of excellence -- basically being awesome all the time -- then everyone around me needs to raise their game up to the same level -- from the Executive Producer all the way down to the lowly sweat patter.

CONGRATULATIONS to BNE Executive Producer, Jude, and her husband Greg, who had a beautiful new baby girl this morning! Harper arrived at 3:55 AM, and weighed in at a healthy 7 lb 13oz.


Anonymous said...


you rock

Anonymous said...

Oh my god, this clip was hilarious!

Kyle Young said...

Green m&ms. A homerun every time.

Damiano Zerneri said...

Great! But not only a diva... you also look like a linebacker of a NFL team during the timeout

Anonymous said...

I always knew you were evil!

Guat said...

hum chef john homer simpson? :P

Anonymous said...

You are the funniest Diva I've ever seen - now, when you get one, post of a picture of that newborn. On Twitter you called it a new baby! When has anyone ever given birth to an old baby?

Unknown said...

Hallo Chef john, Im a girl from Denmark and I loooove your food XD but here in Denmark, we dont have the messerment 1 cup... So i was thinking, if you could tell me, how many tablespoons is there in 1 cup??

It would just make it sooo much easier to make your lovely food. XD

Thanks sharing your food with us best regards Dina from Denmart

Chef John said...

i'll do the jokes

Shelly- Mom Files said...

haha you are so cute Chef John!!

Chef John said...

There are 16 tablespoon in a cup. BTW, if you google "measurement conversions" you will get tons of easy calculators

Connie T. said...


Amelie said...

Hihihihi!!! You're so funny! (=^O^=)d

Anonymous said...

ha! love the new welcome message!

Unknown said...

Really, thanks!, and I have tried google it, but there is so many different answers, so I wasn't sure on what was right :P

Anonymous said...

What a doll! Congratulations family, and thanks for sharing a picture of your precious baby Harper.

Giovanna said...

And what temperature would you like your bottled water to be???

Chef John said...

42 degrees F.

Food and Me said...

Chef John is eye catching, ear grabbing and head turning! i stumbled accidentally upon one of your clips while searching for new ideas for my coffee shop in Taipei and i just couldn't get enough of you!! I think we'll need to petition to Travel and Living Taiwan to have a Chef John show~~

DaveB said...

Just read the Code of Ethics. Fantabulous! #4 pretty much says it all...

Craig said...

If you were a real diva you would have thrown your little wooden spoon...

Anonymous said...


catinthegarden said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
catinthegarden said...

I found your no knead bread and became a fanatic fan of your blog.

I love the way you explain things so clearly with humors.

You are an awesome chef.

from Boston

You do have a deep soothing (= sexy) voice without having a cold.

Anonymous said...

This site is addicting and awesome!

Anonymous said...

can you show me how to make white icing