You know how once in a while you run across a slice of pizza where some of the cheese has dripped over the edge and caramelized onto the bottom of the crust? You know how when you bite into that delicious deformity you think to yourself, "why can't the whole thing be like this?" It can.
Make sure you follow some basic rules for this to work properly. Only use airy, nutritionally insignificant white bread. Use a nice sharp cheddar, and be sure to use a quality non-stick pan over medium to medium-low heat.
Well, it's almost 4:20, and I have to run to an appointment, but I really hope you give…. shoot, I just lost my train of thought. Dude, where are my keys? Anyway, enjoy!

My wife has an unholy love of burnt cheese. I'm making this for her asap.
Put a few kosher dill's (full sour!) on the side, and she'll be in heaven.
oh yummy YUMMY! I just had my dinner and now I want to get my hands on those! Maybe I should just sleep and have it for breakfast tomorrow.
Coincidentally, my mum was blogging about a cheese sandwich recipe she found at Saveur. Do check it out ;) it's
ps: I LOVE your blog! I'm gonna make that Yan Yan pasta you posted a while ago this weekend!
Don't bogart the tomato soup, brah.
Love the 'inspired' cuisine!(Great sound effect, btw.)
My eternal wisdom for grilled cheese.
This is one of those recipes that you think "why didn't I think of that?" WHY didn't I think of that?? Man that looks good!
That looks great. Needs bacon. :)
Funny blog, We used to see who could make the best grilled cheese sandwich on a flat top in the wee hours of the morning. I think we were striving for that kind of perfection.
Not sure if I'm breaking a cardinal rule of grilled cheese, but what other cheeses could one use to get similar crustification on the outside? Something that won't burn or just stay goopy.
any similar style of cheese works, gruyere, gouda, jack, etc., parmesan also works, but can be too intense.
Don't forget to use salted butter in the pan...adds so much more flavor! I also usually cover the pan a little to melt the cheese a little faster.
actually i say unsalted for this is better (and for everything else for that matter)
The cheese is salty enough, and frying it makes it even more so.
I agree, it would be great to use unsalted butter... Anyway, i love this recipe coz i love cheese!
Hey isn't there some new law that California chefs supposed to start including Nutritional Info on all your dishes?
You really think the pot legalization will go through, eh? I hope so, but not because I smoke pot or anything...
Excuse me, I need to go make myself a grilled cheese.
It's instructional videos like this one that make Food Wishes among the best offerings in cyberspace. Time for a midnight snack!
Will try this tonight using Alton Brown's double-skillet method :-)
Well, Chef John, now you've really stepped in it.
You my good sir may have stirred the giant. The giant lurker that has slept soundly next to me in my bed for all of these years. That watches every one of your videos. A giant lurker that, until now, hung on your every pronunciation of the word "distribute". But, oh no, I'm afraid you've really gone and done it. You've woken the dragon that many in my house, mostly under the age of 6, call affectionately "Mommy."
I'd like to now reproduce the speech that Colonel Sam Trautman gave when he warned the lowly undermanned sheriff's dept. in a little movie called Rambo... but I forget what he said. Anyway...
Begad, you've thrown down the gauntlet. And sure she'll test your insolent attempt at what appears to be -how did you put it?- a "grilled cheese sandwich,"... but I can tell you Mommy won't be happy. Oh no.
Pistols at dawn! And may god have mercy on your soul...
Scott - Boston
wow, my first duel challenge! cool!
Circa 420: In order to make an apple pie from scratch, you must first create the universe. - Carl Sagan
Hey, what about slices of a juicy tomato inserted into the sandwich after cooking? Dipped in tomato soup ... a great snack or lunch!
YUMMMMMM... My hubby was BORN on 4/20 -- They have parties all over California in his honor on his birthday!;-) We are having this for Dinner tonight! My Grilled cheese have always been good but I know this will be better. We put butter on the inside too -- just to add a few extra calories & FAT! Thanks for this one!!!! Lindy
It never dawned on me to cheese the outside. That is so going to happen when I get home from work tomorrow! Like gardnerG, I love a thick sliced tomato on my grilled cheese! I have one question for him/her... AFTER you make it? Kinda hard to pry it apart at that point, don't you think?
Chef, how do you think this recipe would work with the homemade cheese from your previous video?
P.S. Just throwing my vote in for the unsalted butter. Butter is the secret to life.
that cheese isn't a melting cheese, so I say not a good idea, but who knows, some may like it!
I would love to try this with the horseradish cheddar I picked up not to long ago. Mmmm.
I am now converted. Thank you, Chef John, for opening my eyes to the joys of crispy on the outside, melty on the inside, double cheese grilled sandwich.
I applaud you sir, for pointing out another stepping stone in the path to Nirvana. My son will be thanking you all the moreso, when I get to make this for him.
I just tried it. Best thing grilled cheese I've ever had in my life. With this simply simple idea you have sparked a college freshmen's interest in the culinary arts!
Hi chef John,
That does look delicious, however I think you made one slight error in the process though. The bread should be cut diagonally for the perfect sandwich. Other than that, nomnomonom!
I think I'll vote this video and the accompanying blog post the best foodwishes video EVER!
Thanks Chef
You, Sir caused me to climb OUT of bed at 10:30 pm last night to go make this grilled cheese sandwich. Except I reached the kitchen to see I was out of bread. So at 10:32 last night I baked a loaf of bread using my favorite 1 hour recipe (that proofs the dough in the microwave amazingly!) By midnight I was back in bed having snacked on a PB&J, as the bread was still too hot to slice properly for grilled cheese.
This morning using thin slices of my chewy home made bread I made this sandwich for breakfast, and despite the temperature hovering dangerously close to 100 degrees here in California, decided I needed Tomato Soup to go with it.
A bowl of tomato soup topped with a drizzle of balsamic and some fried garlic accompanied by this stunning sandwich may not be a typical summer breakfast, but oh my word it was amazing. The crispy crunchiness of the outside pairs perfectly with the tomato soup, letting it soak it up without getting soggy. A winner in my book!
I want to party with you. :-)
Name the time and the place! If you're going to cook, I'll be there! LOL! I'll even bring some of my strawberry ginger jam (that went in the PB&J) to share. For now though, I came back to share a pic of the yummy meal your video inspired.
Look so delicious your cheese sandwich! Thinking of making it tomorrow to my son and my son. Thank you for your video, Chef John! Take care and have a wonderful day....
*Btw Chef, when will your cookbooks on sale? I can't wait to buy it because I loves your food recipes.
This is the best grilled cheese I have ever had. I put a some ham or pepperoni in to give it a little extra. Makes for a great quick dinner.
I tried this last night. It was so crispy-cheesy-delicious! My husband inhaled his and then tried to fight me for mine. Lol.
yes, 3:40 in the morning and im eating this right now, thank you for helping me curb my craving for the amazing cheesyness that im devouring, i think ill try the onion rings next as ive been craving them for 3 days now lol.
Thanks again,
I made it. Flippin' delicious! Unfortunately, my 6'4" 19-year-old son poked his head out and said, "what are you making?" There went half of my sandwich. I went to make it again the next day but I only had black wax cheddar and it was sliced a bit too thick - too greasy. And then, by a stroke of luck, I found shredded sharp cheddar cheese in the crisper!
Chef John, you are honestly a true genius when it comes to food. I tried this recipe and it was love at first bite!Although, I did use crispy bacon into the recipe which made it phenomenal. Thank you so much for this awesome recipe! Now lets try out that Thomas Jefferson mac and cheese recipe.......mmmmm.....
This is how I make my grilled cheese sandwiches. I will no longer feel guilty about the pleasure it brings since it has your stamp of approval.
Maybe that guy from America's Next Great Restaurant should give you a call. show him how grilled cheese is done.
I live in New Zealand and We only have Sourdough There.Is it ok to use Sourdough?
#1 Grilled Cheese Rule : Always toast the "inside" of the bread first. More butter, more crunchy, more everything. Made this for breakfast today. So good!
wow looks yummy
So I've made and enjoyed different variations of this since I've watched this video a good while back and my current favorite is:
Heaping pile of Gruyere + Sharp cheddar with dijon mustard slathered on one slice - Ive noticed gruyere secretes a lot of oil when heated, which makes biting into this a little euphoric <3
Potato bread is also a lovely variation to white bread, though it tends to brown faster..
OH- and I've also made grilled cheese with Italian Truffle Cheese and OMG I thought I had died and gone to heaven.
(And like another commenter said, I have to cover my pan which puts a light pressure on the (bread covered) pile of cheese inside and once leveled, helps my cheapo pan and my very old and temperamental stove melt the cheese better, as I have to use the lowest flame setting lest my bread burn - Man, the more I cook, the more antsier I get about getting my cast iron skillet T_T)
I made this and it's incredible!! it's SO GOOD hahaha!!! But I am sorry chef.. I used wheat bread coz I normally just eat wheat bread.. IT TURNS OUT AMAZING as well.. white bread may tastes even better but I am satisfied already lol:P
I split the difference and used white bread made with white whole wheat flour......1 gram of fiber per slice. What a delicious twist to my all time favorite sandwich.
Thanks Chef!
P.S. Check the King Arthur Flour website for white whole wheat flour.
Oh, Chef John!!! I spent this evening prepping the butternut squash mixture for your gnocchi recipe for tomorrow night; now, and although my belly is full from the leek/potato soup that I made for dinner, I am finding myself on super improvise as I only have NAAN, but MUSt try this technique. Like as in, NOW!
PS- I was checking out your 'drinks,' page, and I have a super yummy, and amazing cocktail that I serve at the restaurant that I manage -- let me know and I can send you the recipe, in humble homage to the amazing works that you have done with this blog!
cool, i like a good drink! thanks!
It's almost midnight after a long day, I just made 2 of these..... comfort food to the nth degree.....thanks again, chef
Chef John you guessed my favorite time of the day! Now I have a new favorite 5:00 when I eat this sandwich. That is if I can remember where the kitchen is...
For the meat eaters, a grilled cheese achieves perfection with the application of bacon. Fair enough.
For the vegetarian, a grilled Anaheim chile does it, especially with a combo of sharp cheddar and jack cheese.
I've looked on the internet a few times, but have never found a good answer:
Why are people so stubborn that American cheese is not cheese? It is solidified milk fat, what makes it different from other cheeses? Wikipedia says it is no longer a combination of other "real" cheeses, and says it's "processed", but there is no explanation of why or how this is. People seem to just accept it, or worse demand it is so. Is there a legitimate reason why it is snubbed by the food world, or is it just snobbery, plain and simple?
I tried this with a cast iron skillet. Bad idea. I realized my mistake when I went to flip the first cheese-down side over. Barely got it off the pan. Otherwise, it's delicious.
Looks like a job for BACON JAM!!!
What kind of cheese do you use?
this was the best grilled cheese sandwich i have ever made thank you for a great techniqe perfect great talent can come from buffalo your other recipes have been great
great grill cheese sandwich food wishes is a great site with a great chef
Only I could mess up a grilled cheese sandwich. :( While I was in the kitchen, fighting to scrape the cheese from the pan and not destroy my bread--MANY bad words were said. I'm guessing (from reading the comments) that my grilled cheese sin was forgoing a non-stick pan. We haven't had one for yrs after reading scary articles about the chemicals in those. But we bought some ceramic ones recently (that are supposed to be non-stick) that I may try tomorrow. Both my girls said they thought the sandwiches were delicious, "...except for maybe the burnt cheese." Those sad sandwiches were in desperate need of some Viagra (SO floppy!) and I have about an eighth of an inch of charred cheddar cheese to remove from my pan. I am feeling very sad--but tomorrow is another day. Sigh...
Hi Chef John. I would so much appreciate it if you could tell me which would be a good place to "celebrate" Grilled Cheese Sandwich Day in NYC this incoming 12th.
Thanks so much for your reply and also thanks for all the good blog job!
Greetings from North Argentina.
This is damn delicious. But I have no idea how you manage to flip it without cheese falling everywhere. I managed to just scrape the escaped melting bits of cheese up and scrape them off back onto the sandwich so all was good.
Yes, I used multi-grain bread *gasp* and a combination of Tasty (which I believe is just an Australian name for Cheddar) and Parmesan cheese, because that's what I had on hand. It was still super awesome.
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