Saturday, March 31, 2007
Better than Pancakes?
The weekend's here and you know what that means! Chef John takes a break, and posts fun, food related stuff he's found on the web. OK, I have to stop typing in the third person. I hope you enjoy this very creative clip I found on Youtube. Man they have cool looking toasters over there. Enjoy!

Weekend Filler
Friday, March 30, 2007
Mushroom Gravy – Quick, somebody find me a slice of meatloaf!

This is usually a 2 pan recipe; chefs normally brown the mushroom in a large sauté pan and then add them to a sauce pan to finish the sauce, but why wash another pan when you don’t have too? So, I’m showing you my patented single-pan method. It does take longer, but the final results will be the same. Be patient, wait until all the liquid is gone and the mushrooms are browning in the butter before you make the roux. Enjoy!
1 pound sliced mushrooms
1 quart beef stock or broth
1/2 stick butter
3 rounded tbl flour
salt and pepper to taste
fresh herb (this is optional, I used Thyme)

French Cuisine,
Thursday, March 29, 2007
Stuffed Cabbage Rolls a la Aunt Angela

One of my earliest, and fondest, culinary memories was sitting as a young child at my Aunt’s kitchen table, watching her roll these stuffed cabbage leaves. Along with my Mom, Grandmother and Grandfather, my Aunt Angela and Uncle Bill (who’s been mentioned on the site a few times) were huge influences on my early culinary development. She is probably more famous for her amazing pies, but for me, when I think of her cooking, I think cabbage rolls. The only problem is, no matter how closely I follow the recipe hers still will always taste better. That’s just how home cooking is; the only ingredient you can’t add to a recipe list is that childhood memory.
Make sure you have a large Dutch oven with a tight fitting to make these. They need lots of room to braise. As you’ll see in the clip, I was really pushing it with the size pot I used. Of course you can vary this recipe many ways, by using different types and combinations of ground meats. Her original recipe just used all beef, but I added part veal to mine. Enjoy!
Ingredients: Makes 10 large or 20 small rolls
1 large green cabbage
1 pound ground chuck
1/2 pound ground veal
3/4 cup raw white long grain rice
1 stick butter
1 bunch Italian parsley
1 yellow onion
1 egg
4 cloves garlic
2 tsp salt
1 tsp Worcestershire sauce
1 tsp black pepper
1/2 tsp cayenne pepper
1 quart beef broth (or water)
1 cup water
1 can crushed tomatoes (28oz)
*Should cook for 2 hours at 350 degrees F., but check after an hour and add more water if they seem to dry)

Italian Cuisine,
Wednesday, March 28, 2007
Smoked Salmon “Gravlox” Part 2 – It worked!

I really hope you give this a try. It may seem a bit scary curing your own fish, but it's been done for centuries and besides, like I said in Part 1, smoked salmon and Gravlox in the gourmet stores are really expensive. I didn’t give any serving suggestions. Did you need any? However you currently consume your smoked salmon will work for this house-made version. Ladies and Gentlemen, start your bagels. Enjoy!
Safety Note: Since this has been cured with salt, it will keep, tightly wrapped, for several days in the fridge. But, as the old joke goes, if you need to keep it longer than that, then it wasn’t that good. Believe me, this will disappear quickly.

Tuesday, March 27, 2007
Salmon, Spring Pea, and Ricotta Tortellini with Lemon – And why it’s too bad doors don’t have keyholes anymore!

“One legend says that this dish is born in Castelfranco Emilia (province of Modena). One night during a trip, Lucrezia Borgia checked into an inn in the small town. The host was captivated by her beauty and couldn't resist the urge to peek into her room through the keyhole. The light inside the bedroom was only made by a few candles and so he could only see her navel. This pure and innocent vision was enough to send him into an ecstasy that inspired him to create the tortellini that night.”
If you watched the Wonton clip, we are using the same fold here. So, after making these two dishes, you should really have that technique down. This is a very adaptable recipe as you can use almost any seafood in the stuffing. Even left-over cooked salmon would work. I went with a very light lemon cream sauce with just a touch of parmesan, but these tortellini are also very nice in a light broth, if you want to go low-cal. The combo of Salmon, Peas and Tarragon is a culinary classic, and works perfectly with the sauce here. Enjoy!
5 oz. salmon
1/2 cup ricotta
1/3 cup peas
1/3 cup parmesan
2 tbl fresh tarragon
square wonton skins
salt to taste
cayenne to taste
1 cup cream
1 lemon, zested and juiced
any combo of fresh, sweet herbs to finish sauce; Italian parsley, tarragon, basil, dill, etc.
*will probably make between 50-60 tortellini

Italian Cuisine,
Monday, March 26, 2007
Smoked Salmon “Gravlox” Part 1 – From Cradle to Grave

Now, what I’m trying to do in this demo is to use the classic Gravlox technique, but use a smoked salt in the curing mix to achieve something that will be very close to the store-bought, and VERY expensive, smoked salmon. Lots of people try to smoke salmon at home, but they are using a high-temp smoker which basically just produces cooked salmon with a smoked favor. Now there’s nothing wrong with “hot-smoked” salmon, but what I’m after is that soft, buttery texture of the “cold-smoked” salmon that is sold commercially. I think this just might work! Anyway, check out part 2 and in a few days I’ll show you the results. I will be selling my smoked paprika salt on the site soon, but until then you can use the ingredients I’ve listed below.
Safety Note: If you are worried about eating “raw” salmon, relax. This is technically raw, but “cooks” as it cures in the salt and sugar mixture. Also, you bought top-quality salmon, of course. To be really safe, you can buy frozen wild salmon and thaw that; the freezing process kills any chance of dangerous parasites, etc. By the way, that’s why many Sushi Bars actually use pre-frozen fish.
1 pound fresh salmon, skin on
3 tbl sugar
3 tbl kosher salt (yes, regular salt will work)
1 tbl smoked paprika (or if you like spicy try Chipotle)
1 tbl black pepper
cheese cloth

Sunday, March 25, 2007
Spaghetti with "White" Clam Sauce

A few VERY important points before we start. Have all your ingredients measured and ready to go. Do NOT drain the clams you’re using. When you separate your egg yolk make sure there is no white. And finally, when the cream mixture come to a simmer turn it off, and leave it off!
By the way, if you are about to post an “Italians NEVER put cheese in their seafood pasta dishes!” comment…save it. I’m half Italian and I love a nice grating of Parmigiano Reggiano on this dish. Remember, we make the rules! Except, of course, for Ranch dressing on Buffalo-style chicken wings instead of blue cheese dressing; then you’re just insane!
1 pound spaghetti, linguini, fettuccini
2 jars baby clams with juice (you’ll need about 2 cups total, juice and clams – this is probably 4 or 5 cans from the supermarket, if you can’t find the ones in the jar I’m using)
1 pint heavy cream
3 cloves garlic
1-2 anchovy fillet
1/2 tsp hot red pepper flakes
1 egg yolk
1/4 cup grated parmesan
basil to garnish
crushed croutons to garnish
salt to taste

Italian Cuisine,
Saturday, March 24, 2007
A Real "Slip of the Tongue!"
As I mentioned in a post a while back, I was going to be posting a new cooking clip every weekday, but on the weekends I would start posting humorous and/or interesting food items that I find during the week. Some of you may have seen this slightly naughty clip on my old blog.
This is actress Kate Wislet telling a VERY funny story on Letterman about her friend Cameron Diaz. Before watching this clip please be warned; dont blame us if your kids make you explain to them why this “slip of the tongue” (pun fully intended) is so funny! In fact this will be our first NC17 rated clip. Also, the clip ends with a bizarre tease for an upcoming Richard Simmons appearance - but he is in a giant bird suit, so I guess it’s sorta food related. Enjoy!
This is actress Kate Wislet telling a VERY funny story on Letterman about her friend Cameron Diaz. Before watching this clip please be warned; dont blame us if your kids make you explain to them why this “slip of the tongue” (pun fully intended) is so funny! In fact this will be our first NC17 rated clip. Also, the clip ends with a bizarre tease for an upcoming Richard Simmons appearance - but he is in a giant bird suit, so I guess it’s sorta food related. Enjoy!

Friday, March 23, 2007
Wonton Soup – When was the last time you got to “swallow clouds?”

The term "wonton" is mostly commonly translated as meaning "irregularly shaped pasta." But, the second translation I found is apparently from a popular Cantonese homonym that literally means "swallowing clouds." So, if given the choice between eating "irregularly shaped pasta," or "swallowing clouds," I’m going with the clouds every time!
When making wonton soup there are two basic approaches; make highly-seasoned, full-flavored wontons and cook them in a fairly plain broth, or make a more plain, subtlety flavored wonton and cook it in a highly-seasoned, full-flavored broth. You know we have to consider that old Yin Yang balance thing. My method, as seen in this clip, is closer to the first style. This is also a great soup to clean out the veggie drawers in the fridge, as almost any thinly sliced vegetables would work in this soup.
As you’ll see, the broth part of this dish is really simple, the pork filling is also extremely easy, but what scares the average cook away from trying this dish is the folding of the wontons. I have you covered! Not only do I show you how to do the basic fold in my clip, but below the ingredient list I’ve also added another clip, of another cook demonstrating three different wonton folds (and as much as I hate to admit it, he does a much better job!). So, after watching my clip, check out his clip also (he even uses a baseball analogy). Enjoy!
For the Wontons:
1 pound ground pork
3 minced green onions
3 cloves crushed garlic
1 1/2 tbl fresh grated ginger or puree
1 tbl soy sauce
1 tsp fish sauce
1 tbl dry sherry wine
1 tsp hot sauce
1/4 tsp sesame oil
square wonton wrappers
For the broth
1 1/2 quarts chicken stock or broth
4 oz sliced fresh shiitake mushrooms
sliced bok choy (or any other veggies!)
green onion tops to garnish
Note: according to your taste, you can add more ginger, onion, soy, hot pepper, cilantro, lime, lemongrass, etc. to customize this broth. I went with a very basic broth for the purposes of this demo.
Extra Special Bonus Wonton Folding Demo (thanks to Chris aka cmtoy on YT)

Asian Cuisine,
Thursday, March 22, 2007
Tarragon Aioli – Keeping it real!

The reason I say that you may not have ever had “real” aioli is because 95% of what is served as aioli in American restaurant is nothing more than garlic mayonnaise. What’s the difference? Let me explain. Most cooks simply chop, or mince, or blend garlic with mayo, add other flavors, and call it aioli (some freaks of nature even use roasted garlic!!). Now, I don’t want to sound like some kind of food fascist. I have no problem with roasting garlic and stirring it into mayo, but call it a “roasted garlic mayo.” The only real way aioli is made is by using a mortal and pestle. When you crush the garlic in this ancient culinary tool, you are completely pulverizing the cells of the garlic clove which sets off crucial chemical reactions that you don’t get by simply chopping or blending. There are compounds formed during this crushing that produces something called “allicin,” which gives real aioli its amazingly sharp and intense flavor. The follow excerpt is from www.herbalchem.net:

The beauty of aioli made in the traditional method, with a mortar and pestle, is that a small amount of garlic can flavor a large amount of mayo. Also, this real aioli is so strong and powerful that you don’t need half a cup of mayo on your grilled fish. Just a teaspoon of my version is so intense; it will fully flavor a whole piece of meat or pile of veggies. Also, the legendary health benefits of eating raw garlic are largely derived from this allicin production. Fair warning: if you don’t like garlic, don’t even attempt this recipe. It could kill you. But, if you do love garlic this demo may change your life. And by all means, get a mortar and pestle! I use it for other things besides aioli, like crushing whole spices for dry rubs, etc. Once you have your plain aioli recipe down you can start to experience with various fresh herbs, like the tarragon I used here. I served this under my Salmon Cakes recipe, and it was really good.
2 garlic cloves
pinch of salt
tbl of fresh tarragon
2 tsp fresh lemon juice
1/2 cup mayo
dash of cayenne

French Cuisine,
Wednesday, March 21, 2007
Wild Salmon Cakes – Canned Fish and Saltine Crackers?…Now that’s Gourmet!

I’m using canned salmon for this delicious recipe. Why? Well, first of all, every grocery store carries it. Secondly, caned salmon is almost always wild salmon. And lastly, it’s cheap! I’m not going to go into the wild vs. farmed salmon debate here (you can Google it), but wild is not only more eco-friendly, but it tastes better, and is more nutritious. You could use fresh cooked salmon for this recipe if you have leftovers, but since we are mixing this up with eggs and cracker crumbs, fresh salmon just is'nt necessary, so why spend the extra cash? (you could save it and buy a t-shirt on my site! In fact, I’m thinking of a new t-shirt slogan “I like my salmon, like I like my women…wild! OK, maybe not)
The recipe ingredients you see below are VERY basic. There are lots of ways to customize these cakes; you can add fresh herbs, garlic, green onions, hot peppers, etc., so feel free to experiment. I tend to like my salmon cakes on the “bready” side, but you could add only one egg and fewer crackers if you want cakes that are more “salmony.” The tarragon aioli I served under these luscious cakes will be demo’d next, so stay tuned for that. Finally, as you hear me warn in the demo, canned salmon is NOT completely boneless, so PLEASE spend a few minutes carefully flaking the meat as you prep it to remove all the bones. Other than that small chore, this is a very simple recipe that comes out perfectly every time. Enjoy!
14 oz. can of wild red salmon (or pink)
2 eggs
12 saltine crackers
1 tbl olive oil
1 tbl butter
1/2 tsp salt
1/2 tsp black pepper
1/2 tsp cayenne pepper
1 tbl chopped capers
1/2 lemon

Tuesday, March 20, 2007
Spring Greens in a Cucumber Vase (pronounced “vaahhzzzz”) - When a plain old salad bowl just won’t do!

If you have room in your fridge, you can form the “vases” ahead of time and keep them cold until you are ready to serve. By the way, as I mention in the clip, the Salmon Cakes and Tarragon Aioli that I show at the end of the video are a little tease for a couple of demo’s coming up this week. So stay tuned for those. Enjoy!

Monday, March 19, 2007
Orzo “Risotto” with Chicken, Sausage and Peppers

This dish is really all over the place; most of the ingredients are kind of Spanish/Portuguese, there are techniques from India and Italy involved, and just to make things even stranger, I use a chili pepper usually found only in Mexican cuisine. But, none of that matters, this dish tastes great and is really not hard to make. The other good thing is, whoever you serve this to probably hasn’t had it before, so no matter how it comes out you can always say, “yeah, that’s how it’s suppose to be!”
I’ve had many requests for a risotto demo. The reason I haven’t done one is because who wants to watch someone stand at a stove and stir a pot of rice? Well, I tried to edit this to make it somewhat bearable, but the basic technique is the same; slowly adding stock and stirring until its almost absorbed and then adding more. This is a dish that will be great the first time you make it, and REALLY great the second time you make it, as you get the timing down. My orzo took about 15-20 minutes to absorb enough stock to become tender – but that’s just a very rough guide for you since there are so many factors; the heat, size of your orzo, shape of pot, etc. Be brave and enjoy yourself…you're cooking!
By the way, I didn’t mention it in the clip, but I removed the skin and bones from the chicken thighs once they were cool enough to handle, before I added them back into the final dish. Also, this is one of the VERY rare dishes I didn’t add garlic to. The sausage I used had a lot of garlic in it so I didn’t think it was needed. Enjoy.
1/2 pound orzo pasta
6 chicken thighs (seasoned with 1 tsp salt and 1 tsp black pepper)
1 lb. Linguisa sausage (or any spicy sausage)
1 quart chicken stock
1 red bell pepper
1 green Pasilla or bell pepper
1/2 yellow onion
1 tbl paprika
1 tbl cumin
1 tbl Herb de Provence
1 tsp salt
1 bay leaf
fresh parsley

Mediterranean Cuisine,
Spanish Cuisine,
Sunday, March 18, 2007
Fast Food Freestyle - Because that's how I roll

Saturday, March 17, 2007
Spaghetti Squash 101

This is such a great vegetable for many reasons. It has a nice, subtle sweet flavor. It is almost foolproof to cook. And, it looks like spaghetti! You may have seen this under some fish cheeks in another clip, as it is a fantastic base for so many things. This clip just shows the basic steps to preparing the squash, but my hope is that you watch this demo and invent some wonderful combinations, and then report back to me!

Friday, March 16, 2007
Butter Bean Prawn “Scampi” – Culinary confusion at its best!

The funny thing about “Shrimp Scampi” is that the term “Scampi” was used to describe a style of dish; one where the shrimp are cooked in a garlic and butter sauce. But, “Scampi” is actually the plural Italian name for a shrimp-like creature that is really a small Norwegian lobster (Nephrops Norvegicus). Confused yet? Just have a glass of wine and enjoy the clip.
My one twist on this classic recipe is the addition of Butter Beans. I love the contrast in textures between the tender prawns and the creamy beans. I used lemon juice here as the acid, but a nice dry white wine also produces a great version. I didn’t add it in the clip but a big pinch of hot pepper flakes is highly recommended, and while the parsley is traditional, basil or dill will also work great as the fresh herb addition. The original dish I enjoyed as a child was always served over pasta, but here I used my carbo allowance on a couple of toast points to soak up the amazing sauce. Enjoy!
1 pound peeled and de-veined prawns (16/20 per pound size)
12 oz jar butter beans, drained
2 cloves garlic minced
1/2 bunch fresh parsley
2 tbl butter
2 tbl olive oil
2 tbl fresh lemon juice
2 tbl water
1/2 tsp salt (to taste)
1/2 tsp Spanish paprika
hot pepper flakes (optional)

Italian Cuisine,
Thursday, March 15, 2007
“Faux-Smoked” Wild Red Rock Cod – More delicious culinary cheating!

One problem with cooking thinner, flakier types of fish is that you are basically limited to sautéing, poaching, or baking. It is almost impossible to grill these thin fillets over coals since they tend to fall apart quickly. I guess you could try one of those cage-type fish holders, but I’ve never had too much luck with those.
So I came up with this idea. I used the same “Dore” technique you saw in our Sole Dore clip, but I added some Spanish smoked paprika which gave the fish a wonderful, yet subtle, char-grilled smoked accent.
Many people don’t realize how many types of paprika are available. I always stock four types in my pantry; Hot Paprika, Bittersweet Paprika, Sweet Paprika, and Smoked Paprika. You’ll find these at you local gourmet store, as the supermarket will probably only have the regular Sweet Paprika. You can also check online of course.
As I usually say, any white flaky fresh fish fillets will work. By the way, what is sold as “Red Snapper” in most stores is actually Rock Cod. True Red Snapper is not as common. I topped the fish with a nice, homemade Remoulade sauce (AKA tartar sauce) which I’ll demo also.
4 fillet of rock cod (red snapper or similar fish)
spice mix (1 tbl black pepper, 1 tbl salt, 2 tbl smoked paprika)
2 tbl olive oil
2 tbl butter
3 eggs
ap flour, as needed

Tuesday, March 13, 2007
On the Road to Las Vegas – What happens there definitely won’t stay there

I’m headed to Las Vegas for an overnight stay, and then back to San Francisco on Wednesday. I hope to post Wednesday evening and then get back on the “new post every day” schedule you’ve hopefully grown accustom. Again, I thank you for your patience and I can’t wait to get back to the City and start cooking for you all. I have lots of requests to do and during these long drives I’ve been brainstorming some crazy new ideas. Well, we must be getting close; I just saw an “All You Can Eat” billboard…wish me luck!

Friday, March 9, 2007
Cactus League Here I Come!

Every spring, for about 20 years, I’ve tried to figure out a way to get down to the San Francisco Giant’s Cactus league spring training. Until this year I was 0 for 20. The streak is over! Thanks to a confluence of good luck, good timing, and great in-laws, I’m headed down there for a few days of sun and fun.
Now, since the Giants haven’t won the World Series since I’ve been in San Francisco, and since I’ve never been to Spring Training, I can’t help but think there may be some connection. The way I figure, since I’m going to be down there this year, helping them get ready, they should win it all (beating the Yankees in 7). You heard it here first.
By the way, I’ll try to post a few items from the road. There must be some desert Internet cafés somewhere. Stay tuned and…Go Giants!

Chicken Marsala a la Ryan’s Cafe

Marsala wine originates from the Italian city of Marsala, which is in Sicily. It is similar to the more commonly know Spanish Sherry, and like Sherry is a wonderful wine to cook with. It has a complex, slightly sweet flavor that makes it the perfect choice for this great chicken and mushroom dish I’m demonstrating today. Be careful when buying your bottle of Marsala. You don’t need anything too expensive, but make sure it’s just regular Marsala wine, and not “Sweet Marsala” which is a desert wine and too sweet for this dish. This same recipe can also be made the with Sherry or Madeira wine with very nice results.
2 boneless chicken breasts, skin on
1 shallot minced
2 tbl fresh parsley
3 tbl butter
2 tbl olive oil
1 tbl flour
5 white mushrooms, sliced
2 cups chicken stock
1 cup Marsala wine
1 tsp salt (to taste)
1/2 tsp pepper

Italian Cuisine,
Thursday, March 8, 2007
Braised Lamb and Eggplant Cous Cous – Easy, exotic, and a great case for gender bias!

Cous Cous is a tiny, granular type of pasta that is as delicious, as it is simple to prepare. Usually considered Moroccan, this is also a staple in Algeria, Tunisia and Libya. The amazing thing about couscous is how fast it “cooks,” and how versatile it is. As long as you have some type of flavorful stock to prepare the Cous Cous, the meats and vegetables can be varied in countless ways.
Regarding the gender bias reference in headline; it has been claimed that female eggplants have more seeds than male eggplants. Those tiny white/grey seeds are what give eggplant it’s slightly bitter flavor, so Chefs are said to favor the male eggplants. Anyway, I show you how to “sex” an eggplant, and we also test the male vs. female theory. Wow, I feel like that “Myth Buster” guy. Enjoy the clip!
4 cups couscous
1 quart chicken stock
2 pounds lamb shoulder chops
2 eggplants
1/2 onion
1/2 cup diced tomato or sauce
3 cloves garlic
1 tsp black pepper
2 tsp salt
1/2 tsp red pepper flakes
1 tsp cinnamon
1 tsp cumin
1 tsp dried Herb de Provence (or Italian herb mix)
1/4 cup olive oil
4 oz feta cheese (optional)
fresh herbs to garnish (mint, parsley, etc.)
* Season lamb with half the salt and pepper, brown well on both sides in a bit of olive oil in Dutch oven, remove and set aside.
* Add onion, rest of salt and pepper, sauté for 5 minutes.
* Add eggplant and sauté for 5 minutes.
* Add tomato, garlic, red pepper flakes, cinnamon, cumin, Herb de Provence, sauté for 5 minutes.
* Add stock and lamb, bring to a simmer and cover. Simmer for 2 hours.
* Remove lamb.
* Strain braising liquid from eggplant and reserve (you should have about 4 1/2 cups).
* Remove meat from bones and add to eggplant mixture, keep warm.
* Bring reserved stock to boil and pour over “oiled” Cous Cous (see clip)
* Cover tightly for 5 minutes, fluff and serve as shown in clip.

Mediterranean Cuisine,
Wednesday, March 7, 2007
Chocolate Lava Cake – Is this the World’s most delicious mistake?

Welcome new visitors! Click here for the home page and over 200 more video recipes.
2 extra large eggs
1 extra large egg yolk
5 tbl butter
3 tbl sugar
3.5 oz. dark chocolate (this is one standard chocolate bar)
3 tbl flour
2 tsp cocoa powder
*Bake at 425 F, in water bath for 15 mins.

Tuesday, March 6, 2007
Eggs Benedicts – The last 2 episodes to make this brunch classic!

Now that we have our eggs ready we can plate this beauty up. Now, as you’ll hear me say in the clip, I didn’t waste time filming how to toast an English muffin and fry up a couple pieces of Canadian bacon. If you need help with those techniques you can email me and I’ll make fun of you in private. VERY IMPORTANT: make sure you are using a warm plate! Since the sauce is just warm, not piping hot, and the eggs are also just warm, it is CRUCIAL that the plate is warm, as well as making sure the English muffin and Canadian bacon are hot. If you need some potatoes to serve with this dish, please check out our Homefries demo. Enjoy!

Monday, March 5, 2007
Hollandaise 101 – Can a sauce really sense fear?

I’m going to show you a new and terrifying method for making this classic Sauce. I don’t use a double-boiler, but rather cook the egg yolks directly over a low flame. I find it faster, easier, and with less chance of under-cooking the yolks. (Warning, you may scramble a few before you get it, but once you get the feel you’ll never do them over water again!) Please note, it’s hard to see on the video, the bowl is never actually touching the flame, but a few inches above.

1 1/2 stick of unsalted butter
2 egg yolks
1/2 lemon
salt to taste
cayenne or tabasco sauce to taste

French Cuisine,
Sunday, March 4, 2007
Perfect Mashed Potatoes – Breaking the Cycle of Generational Potato Dysfunction

It’s not hard, but it does require breaking some bad, old habits you may have. Making mashed potatoes is one of those comfort foods that you probably learned from your mother. If she used waxy red potatoes, then that’s what you use. If she mixed them for 20 minutes and ended up with something resembling wallpaper paste, then that’s what you do. Well, it’s time to face a harsh reality…your mom may not have known what the hell she was doing. There, I said it. Now, if you mom’s mashers came out great and she taught you well, fantastic! But if you do suffer from this generational potato dysfunction, then watch and learn. As they say, it’s never too late to have a happy childhood (mashed potato-wise at least).
I suggest NOT using a non-stick pot for these, as I will be using a metal wire-style potato masher.
Serves 4
3 large Russet potatoes
1/2 stick butter
1/2 cup milk
salt and pepper to taste

Friday, March 2, 2007
Classic “All American” Meatloaf

I believe this is the first demo I make you dust off your food processor for. I know they are a pain to drag out and clean, but they are crucial to this recipe! The real secret to this method is the veggie puree we add to the meat and bread crumbs. Not only do these aromatic vegetables add tons of flavor, more importantly they add moisture to the mix. Most “bad” meatloaves are nothing more than giant baked hamburgers.
Another important tip is to use a digital meat thermometer to check for an internal temp of 155° F. This will produce the best final product. The times I give can be very tricky since all ovens are different and you may not have shaped yours exactly the same as mine. When you go by internal temps you take the guess work out of it.
Stay tuned, as I will show you my mushroom sauce recipe that I garnished this beautiful loaf of meat with. In fact, it just stopped raining here in Northern California, so there should be a nice selection of wild mushrooms to use. Enjoy!
2 1/2 pounds ground chuck (80% lean)
1 carrot
1 rib celery
1/2 onion
1/2 red bell pepper
4 white mushrooms
3 cloves garlic
1 cup plain bread crumbs
1 egg
1 tbl Worcestershire sauce
1 tsp dried Italian herbs
2 tbl olive oil
2 tsp salt
1 tsp black pepper
1/2 tsp cayenne pepper
1 tsp olive oil
2 tbl brown sugar
2 tbl ketchup
2 tbl Dijon mustard
hot sauce to taste

Thursday, March 1, 2007
“See-through” Herb and Potato Crisps – Worst Demo Ever?

If done properly (which will probably take you 4 or 5 times) this does make for a very cool garnish. And, for the select few that actually make and serve these, you may get one of your guests to ask, “Oh my God! How did you get the herbs inside that potato chip?!? This is the culinary equivalent of the old ship in the bottle mystery. Enjoy!
fresh herb leaves (Italian parsley, oregano, tarragon, etc)
1 large russet potato
2 tbl olive oil
salt to taste (after cooked)

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