Friday, October 31, 2008

Flank Steak with Cabrales Cheese and Warm Garlic, Orange, Sherry Vinaigrette

This video recipe for Flank Steak with Cabrales Cheese, reminds me of my theory that American's fondness for blue cheese as a garnish for burgers, steak, and other foods, can be traced all the way back to the Buffalo chicken wing.

Now, I've done no research, nor will I, as I find it easier to simply guess about these kind of things, but think about it - who was crumbling blue cheese on their hamburgers before the chicken wing made it socially acceptable to eat our traditional meats and poultry with this funky addition?

This delicious incarnation features juicy flank steak topped with Spain's famous Cabrales blue cheese. This flank steak recipe is simple to make, and even if your grilling days are over this season, you can pan sear or use a grill pan inside to make this dish. Enjoy!

Click here for ingredients and transcript


Anonymous said...

bee uuu teee ful!

Anonymous said...

I second that!

Anonymous said...

...another angle, but I still found the bunny!

Chef John said...

yes, you did!

Anonymous said...

Looks very good, will be on my to do list rabbit on the menu next week?

Chef John said...

I only cook rabbit for Easter.

Angie ^i^ said...

I sounds YUMMY, but, I have kind of a stupid question. It won't be very hot when served right? It may even be down right cool?

Chef John said...

the beauty of this kind of food is it's great hot, warm, room temp, and cold.

Angie ^i^ said...

Thank you, that's what I needed to know! =)
BTW, I didn't mean to say that I sounded yummy!! hahaha
"IT sounds YUMMY"!! I'll be giving it a try!

Anonymous said...

Hmmm. It's hard to find sherry vinegar where I live. Will balsamic vinegar change the taste too drastically? Suggestions for vinegars i could use to substitute?

Chef John said...

use rice vinegar, or half balsamic half white wine vinegar

Anonymous said...

Whoo! You reply FAST! Ok. Will do. Thanks.

Victor said...

i knew this would turn out good

San-Man said...

Looks great but wouldn't this be even better served over a bed of romaine, mesclun, arugula or spinach?

Chef John said...

how do you know it wasn't? ;)

Anonymous said...

Hi, i love ur website and was wondering if u are able to make yam fries. I have tried and juss doesnt work out for me.

thank you!

Ramona W. said...

Hi Chef John! So... Sunday night, 4/11/10, I made this dish for a dinner date with that special someone and I have to say this put some MAJOR POINTS in my bag! He never had my cooking before and it blew him out of the pond. It was delicious and oh so easy!!! and I didn't alter one thing (something I am known to do). I can't wait to cook another dish of yours for our 10 date and counting :) Keep cooking! Ramona. BTW I made your french toast recipe months back... its my new secret, hahaha

Chef John said...

so glad! Thanks!!

Hawkdoc said...

Wow! What a great dish! I made this tonight -- couldn't find Cabrales cheese, so I just used a generic blue cheese that I found at the supermarket. Absolutely incredible, and a beautiful evening to grill. The left-over meat and dressing will go great on a salad. Thanks!

Stephen said...

The link for this video is broken. Is there any chance you could repost this?