Monday, March 7, 2011

Heading Home from Kingsford University

Michele and I will be heading back to San Francisco tomorrow morning after a very educational few days at Kingsford University, in Las Vegas. I'll have a full recap of all the interesting new grilling trends we learned from Chris Lilly, as well as some great new video recipes (including an incredible technique for pickling grilled vegetables). Stay tuned!


Anonymous said...

Yay, pickling grilled vegetables sounds awesome! I've played with fridge pickling, but I've got my pressure canner, and regular canning equipment now. Can't wait to see what you've got for all of us!


philogaia said...

Pickled grilled vegetables. NOW you have my attention. Two of my favorite ways to do veges. I'll be looking forward to this though my mind is already working on it.

Chef John said...

Sorry anon, I accidentally deleted your comment! Thanks for the manicure compliment ;-)

Anonymous said...

Very excited about this next recipe.

Anonymous said...

still waiting for this one chef :)

Chef John said...

You'll have to wait until we get some decent grilling weather here! Been rainy and cold.