This is not a tease for an upcoming fried rice video. As magnificent a meal as it was, this was simply the result of using up some leftover Thai takeout. However, this is a little tease for an upcoming crème fraiche video. A chef I used to work for would mix sour cream and herbs into leftover rice pilaf, and bake it in a casserole to create a new side dish. I believe that's what possessed me to add the dollop at the end. Enjoy and stay tuned!

Tasty! Diggin' the music, Chef! Thanks for sharing!
I love this game :)
haha I particularly loved the music! Very porno (ahem) not that I would know of course. Loved the idea of adding Creme Fraiche to the rice. Im going to try it.
I love your site by the way!
Kim - London, England
that looks so good, when are you gonna make a video teaching us this?
The clip was sexy fine but what did the crème fraiche add in terms of taste to the dish?
looks so good.
btw, have you ever made fried rice with a stainless fry pan? i have only sfp and everytime i make fried rice, the rice stuck on the pan. do you have to use a non stick pan?
Is anyone else worried that Chef John has begun filming every thing he cooks, and everything he's about to eat?
hum just checking but the porn part is the white cream at the end? :P you forgot the hummmmm enjoyED ;) after it
You know you are wrong for this one, right? The music, the food, the bit through the screen...just wrong! LMAO!
Hi Def!
Just think how much time it will take to make all the older videos look this crisp? Get cracking! er cooking.
Aarg! Can you and your fans stop using the term "porn" when talking about food. Children view your blogs. Your recipes and videos are fantastic and I've found many of them a terrific way to teach my children to cook. Unfortunately I've noticed lately that many of the comments to your video contain foul language. Please keep the video comments clean. :D
I'm offically a fan of you now :)
Reminds me of some spicy rice I used to get served near work, that they would top it with a dollop of creme fraiche. Also with things like beef stews. But i like better when you can mix it yourself, more fun.
A little richness and flavor
That's hot.
Chef John,
I've been a fan of yours for years, and have talked you up to my friends for great recipes, terrific sense of humor, and whatnot. However, this recent ad trend is downright annoying. I don't begrudge your making money, but it is getting out of hand. Never again will I sit through a 1:45 Invokana ad, in order to watch a 1:46 cooking spot. Not gonna happen. You might be driving people away.
Sorry, but publishers have no control over the ads that run. You either allow ads, or you don't, and if you don't, there would be no income or content. Simple.
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